<br /> 7
<br /> i �
<br /> • HALL 8�4 E PH�ENIX AVE
<br /> Theproperty is �acated in .......................... . ........................... at .......................................
<br /> (�ounry}
<br /> �RAN�ISLAND Nebraska ...�$��1..
<br /> ......•..•...�..��.........•��.......�•.........•.�•� ......•..�... •••••. •••...•••••••.} .•■■. •••• .•..••r
<br /> (Address} tCity} (ZIP Code}
<br /> Tagether with a�� r�gh�s, eas�ments, appurtenances, rnyalties, minera� righCs, nil and gas rights, all water and
<br /> rxparian rights, dxtches, and water stack and all exxsting and future impra�ements, structures, fixtures, and
<br /> replacemen�5 that may now, �r a�any time in the future, be part of the real estate described abv�e �all referred
<br /> ta as "Praperty„}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMUM �BLIGATI�N LIMIT. The total principa� amount se�ured by this Security Instrument at any
<br /> � 24 84fi.�S • • � '
<br /> one tun� shall n�t exceed $ ....:........................................ . Th�s lunitatian of amount does not �n�lude
<br /> interest and �ther f��s and charge� �a��d�y made pursuant to this Security �nstrument. Als�, this limitation
<br /> does not apply to ad�ances made under the terms of this Securi�y Instrument to pratect Beneficiary's security
<br /> and to perform any af the cavenants conta�ned in this Security Instrument.
<br /> 4. SE�URED DEBT AND FUTI]RE ADVAN�ES. Th�term "Secured D��t" is defined as fol�ows:
<br /> A.Debt incurred under t.he terms �f all promxssory nate�s}, �vntract�s}, guaranty�ies} or other e�idence �f
<br /> debt des�ribed below and all the�r extensions, renewals, modifications ar subs�itutions. �When
<br /> referencing the dehts berow it is suggested that you inctud� items such as horrowers' names, rtate
<br /> amounts, irtterest rates, maturity dates, etc.}
<br /> N�TE DATED ��1�712014 MATURING 12115J2�20
<br /> B. All future ad�an�es from Beneficiary ta Trustor or other future obligatians af Trustor to Beneficiary
<br /> under any promissory nate, contract, guaranty, or other e�idence vf debt executed by Trust�r i.n fa�or
<br /> of Benefic�ary after this Security Instrument whether or nat this Security Instrument is speci�ically
<br /> referenced. If more than on� persnn 5igns this Se�urity Instrumen�, eaCh Trustar agrees that this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument wil� secure all future ad�ances and future �bligatior� that are gi�en ta or i.n�urred
<br /> by any one or mvre Trustar, or any ane or m�re Trustor and others. Al� future ad�ances and other
<br /> fu�ur� abligat�ons are se�ured b� this Security Instrument e�en thaugh all or part may not yet be
<br /> ad�anced. All future ad�ances and ath�r future obiigations are secured as if made an the date af this
<br /> Security Instrum�nt. Nathing �n this Security Instrument sha�l constitute a comm�tment ta make
<br /> additional ❑r future loans or ad�ances in any amount. Any such cammitment mu5t be agreed ta in a
<br /> separate writing.
<br /> �.A1� �bligat�ons Trus�or owes to Ben�ficiary, which may later ar�se, tv t.h.e extent nat prohibited �y law,
<br /> inc�uding, but not limited t�, IiaUi�ities for overdrafts relati�n.g t� any deposxt account agreement
<br /> between Trustar and Beneficiary.
<br /> D.Al� additional sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by B�neficiary far insuring, preserving or
<br /> oth�rwise protecting the Property and its �aiue and any other sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by
<br /> Benef�ciary under the terms of this Security Ins�rument.
<br /> This S�curity Instrument will not secure any other d�bt if Beneficiary fails ta gi�e any required nvt�ce of the
<br /> righ�of res�ission.
<br /> 5. PAYMENTS. Trustor agrees that a11 payments under the Secured Debt wi11 be paid when due and �n
<br /> accardance with the terms of the Se�ured Debt and this 5ecurity In�trument.
<br /> G. WARRANTY �F TITLE. Trustor warrants that TruStor is or wi11 �e lawfully seiz�d af th� estate con�eyed
<br /> by this Security Instrum�nt and has the right to irre�ocably grant, con�ey, and se11 the Property to Trust�e, in
<br /> trust, wi�h pawer ❑f 5a1�. Trust�r als� warrants that the Property �s unencumbered, except for encumbrances
<br /> af recard.
<br /> 7. PRIUR SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard t� any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or
<br /> other lien dacument that created a prior security int�rest or encumbranc�on the Praperty,Trustor agrees:
<br /> A.To mak�all paym�nts when due and t�perform�r comply with all co�enants.
<br /> B. To prompt�y deli�er ta B�nef�ciary any nati�es that Trustor recei�es frvm the holder.
<br /> C.Nat to allow any modifxcation or extension of, nor to reque5t any future ad�an�es under any not� ar
<br /> agreem�nt secured�y the lien dacument without Benef�ciary's prxar writ�en cot�sent.
<br /> S. �LAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Trustor will pay a1i �axes, as�essments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments,
<br /> gr�und rents, u�ilities, and other �harges relating to the Property when due. Benef�ciary may require Trustar
<br /> ta pro�xde �o Beneficiary copies of all notices that such amount5 are due and the r�ceipts e�idenculg Trustor's
<br /> payment. Trustor will defend title ta the Property against any claims that would impair the Iien of this
<br /> 5e�urity Instrument. Trustor agrees to a5sign to Benefi�iary, as requested by Beneficiary, any rights, claims
<br /> or defense5 Trustor may have against parties who supp�y labvr ar materials �o maintain �r impro�e the
<br /> Property.
<br /> Security Instrument-Cansumer-NE RE-DT-ME 21�l2�13
<br /> VMPC�]Bankers SystemsTM VMP-C]fi5tNEj �13n2y.0�
<br /> Walt�rs Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices 01994,201 i Page 2 of B
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