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� <br /> ' 2000006 � � <br /> Ninety One (591.0) feet; thence northerly, parallel to the east <br /> line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4), a distance of <br /> approximately One Thousand 'I�vo Hundred Twenty Nine <br /> (1,229.0) feet to the place of beginning, and containing Sixteen <br /> and Sixty Seven Hundredths (16.67) acres more or less. <br /> That portion of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4) <br /> of Section Six (6), Township Twelve (12), North, Range 'I�velve <br /> (12), West of the 6th P.M., lying Southerly from the Meander <br /> Line of the South Loup River, 38.5 Acres more or less, in Hall <br /> County, Nebraska. <br /> All of that part of the south half of the southeast quarter <br /> (S1/2SE1/4) lying south and west of the Chicago, Burlington and <br /> Quincy Railroad Company right of way, in Section thirteen (13), <br /> Township twelve (12), North, range twelve (12), West of the Sixth <br /> P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, and containing 1.8 acres, more <br /> or less, subject to roads and highways and the rights of the <br /> public therein, whether established by grant in fee, or by grant <br /> by way of easement, or by use; and subject to all easements and <br /> rights of way of any nature. <br /> All of Lot Three (3), except the South Five feet (S5') thereof, and <br /> all of Lot Five (5) in Block Four (4) in Ingalls 8v Turner <br /> Subdivision in the Village of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska; and <br /> all of Lots Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7) in Block Three <br /> (3) in Ingalls 8� Turner Subdivision in the Village of Cairo, Hall <br /> County, Nebraska. <br /> The undersigned further states, based upon his own knowledge, that all <br /> personal property assets owned by Franklin E. Vogel at the time of his death were <br /> jointly owned with his wife, Phyllis M. Vogel, and that the total value of all real <br /> estate and personal property assets, wherever situated, was less than $625,000. <br /> TY L. V EL <br /> c� <br /> SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this � j day of January, 2000. <br /> � .�--. <br /> ...."r,/ '"�� <br /> / .' '/�.+ A��/ <br /> � ..��{.. �„'Z'i/7J�'�"__.... <br /> GENERAI NOTARr�Sfafe al Nebraska _.2c�--f'"'�����^ � C� � <br /> W,�'� M DUANE A.BURNS � Nota.ry P u b lic <br /> y Gomm Ezp.March 2A,2CQ0 <br /> i <br />