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Recitals <br />AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY <br />Agreement made and entered into by and between the CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, a municipal <br />corporation of the State of Nebraska, herein referred to as "City ", and COUNTRY CLUB HOLDING <br />ASSOCIATION, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, herein referred to as "Owner", whether one or <br />more. <br />WHEREAS, the City intends to replace two bridges on Blaine Street; Bridge Project No. 2014 -B -1, <br />directly north of Highway 34 on or adjacent to property owned by Owner; and <br />WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, <br />subcontractors, and authorized representatives to temporarily enter upon, travel over, excavate, clear, <br />backfill, store materials upon, and otherwise use the lands herein described which are owned by Owner <br />during the aforementioned construction project. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained within this <br />agreement, the parties agree as follows: <br />Section One <br />Right of Entry <br />Owner hereby grants to the City, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, and <br />authorized representatives the right to enter upon the following described real estate located in the <br />Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Hall <br />County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Referring to the Southwest corner of said Section 28, thence NO0 ° 09'13 "W along the west line of <br />the Southwest Quarter of said Section 28, a distance of 201.50 feet to the point of beginning; thence <br />N00 ° 09'13 "W along said west section line a distance of 133.40 feet; thence N89 ° 50'47 "E a distance <br />of 24.35 feet; thence S00 ° 09'13 "E a distance pf 73.87 feet; thence S50 ° 37'36 "E a distance of 13.90 <br />feet; thence S34 ° 31'56 "W a distance of 61.64 feet to the point of beginning. Containing an area of <br />2,950.76 square feet or 0.068 acres more or less. <br />to do such work as may be necessary or appropriate for the construction of Blaine Street Bridge Project No. <br />2014 -B -1 and related facilities adjacent to such property. Such right of entry shall include, but not be <br />limited to the right to enter upon, travel over, excavate, clear fences, drives, irrigation lines and other <br />improvements, backfill, store materials upon, and otherwise use the above described premises. <br />Section Two <br />Term of Agreement <br />Section Five <br />Compensation <br />The premises may be occupied and used by the City for the purposes related hereto during the <br />period beginning the date construction work starts on Blaine Street Bridge Project No. 2014 -B -1 and <br />continuing until the construction work is completed. <br />There shall be no compensation for such temporary construction occupancy. <br />