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��15��151 <br /> sentences shall na�apply ta the presence, us�, or starage on the Pr�pe�r�y�f small quantities af I�azardous <br /> �ubstances that are generally recagn�zed to be appropriate to narmal r�szd�nt�al us�s and to main�enarzce of <br /> the Proper�� �includ�ng, bu�not ��mited to, hazardous subs�ances �n consumer produ�ts}. <br /> Barrfl�er shai�pr�mptly giv�L�nder wri�t�n n��ice of�a} any in�e�tiga�i�n, c�aim, demand, lawsuit ar other <br /> actz�n b�any governmen�al or regu�atory ag�n�� or pr�vate par�y �nv�lving the Proper�y and any Hazardous <br /> Sub�tance or Env�ranmen�al La�v �f which B�rr�wer has actua� knowl�dge, �b} any Environm�n�al <br /> �onditian, xnc�uding but not��mx��d ta, any spi�l�ng, �eak�ng, discharge, re�ea�e or tt�reat of rel�ase of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�an�e, and�c} any condi�ion caused by the presence, us�or release nf a�azardQus Su�s�ance <br /> wh�ch adverse�y aff�cts the value of the Property. �f Borrower learns, or is not�fied by any go�vernmen�ai or <br /> regulat�r� aut�ari�y, or any priva�e par��, that any removat �r other remed�at��n of any Hazardous Substance <br /> affecting�he Property is necessary, Barr��ver shall prompt�y�ake a�� necessary r�m�dial actions in <br /> accordance wi�h Environmental Law. Nothin�here�n shal� cr�a�e any ab�igation an Lend�r fnr ari <br /> Envirorllmenta� C�eanup. <br /> Nvn-LJnif�rm �or►enants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fo�lows: <br /> ��. Accelerat�vn; Remedies. Lender shaii g���n�ti�e�o Borrorver pr��r to acce�era�ion fo�lowing <br /> Borr�wer's hreach nf any�nv�nan� vr agr��men��n�h�s Securi�y Instrumen� �bu�na� priar to <br /> acce�era��an under SeC�ion 18 un�ess App��cab�e Law pra�ide5 o�herw�se}. The no�ice shall spec�fy: �a} <br /> the defau��; �b} the a���on required tv cure the default; �c} a da�e, not�ess�han 3�days from the date <br /> the not�c�is gi�en�o Borrawer, by which the defau�t mus�be cured; and�d} tha� fa��ure�o cure�he <br /> default on or before�he date specif�ed in the noti�e may resul�in acceierat�on of�he sums secured by <br /> th�s Security Instrument and saie�f�he Property. The not�ce shal�further�n�form Bvrrow�r of�he <br /> righ��o rei�s�a�e af�er acce�era�ion and�he r�gh��n br�ng a court act�on�o assert�he nan-e�eis��nce of a <br /> default or any other defens�of Borrower to acc��erat�on and sa�e. If the default��n���ured on or <br /> befnre the da�e spec�f�ed�n�he no��cQ, Lender at�ts option may require�mm�d�ate paym�n��n fu�l of <br /> a��sums secured by�h�s Securi�y Ins�run�ent withou� fur�her d�mand and may�nvoke�he po��er of sa�e <br /> and any o�her remed�es permi��ed by App�icab�e Law. Lend�r sha��be en��t�ed to colle��a�l expense� <br /> �ncurred in pursuing�h�remedies pr�►vided in this Sect�vn�2, �nc�uding, but nat�imi�ed�o, rea5anab�e <br /> at�orn�ys' Fees and co��s of��t�e ev�dence. <br /> If�he pv�ver of�aie is�n�oked, Trus�ee sha��re�ar�a not�ce of defau�t in each coun�y�n which any <br /> �ar�of�he Property�s�ocated and sha��xna��cop�es of such no�ice in�he manner pr�scr�hed by <br /> Applicah�e Law to Borrower and�o�h�o�her persons prescribed�y Appl��ab�e Law. Af��r�he t�me <br /> requ�red by Applicabie Law, Trus�ee shal�give publi�no�ic��f sale to the per�ons and in the nr�anner <br /> prescr�bed�y Appl�cab�e Law. �rus�ee, wi�haut demand vn Barrower, �hall se��the Proper�y at publ�c <br /> aucti�n t�the highest bidder at�he�ime and p�ace and und�r�h�e term�.s designated in the na�ice of sale <br /> in one or mare parce��and�n any order Trus�ee de�erm�ne�. Trus�ee may po��pvne 5a�e of al�or any <br /> parc���f the Prape�ty by pub�ic announcem��nt at the ti�ne and place of any previousiy scheduled sa�e, <br /> Lend�r or its de�ignee may pur�hase�he Property at any sale. <br /> �Jpon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trus���shall de���er�o�he purehas�r Trus�ee's deed <br /> c�n�eying�he Pr�perty, The reci�a�s in the Trus�ee�s deed sha�l be pr�ma facie evidence of the�ru�h af <br /> th�sta��men�s m�.ade there�n. Trust��sha��app�y�h�proceeds nf�he sale in�he following arder: �a} to <br /> a��costs and expense�of ex�rc�s�ng the p�wer of sa�e, and�he sal�, including�he payment vf the <br /> Trus�ee's fees a�#ualiy incurred and reasanable attorneys' fees as permi�ted by Applicab�e La�v; �b} �� <br /> ali sum��ecured by�h��5ecur��y In�#rument; and �c} any excess�o the person or persons�egally <br /> ent��led�o i�. <br /> NESRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNt�ORM INSTR�M�NT Fvrm 3�28�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�y t�3�2) <br /> Wvtters Kluwer�inancial Ser�i�es Page 14 af 17 <br />