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��15��133 <br /> Any amaunts disburs�d by Lender under this Sect�on 9 shall became additional debt of Borrower secured by <br /> this Security Instrument,These amounts shal�bear interest at the Note rate fram the date of disbursement <br /> and shali b�payable,with such interest,upon notice from Lender to Borro�v�r requesting payment, ' <br /> � <br /> If this Security Instrument is on a 1eas�hold,Borro�er shall comply with all the provisions flf the lease. If <br /> Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the�easehold and the fee tit�e shall not merge unless Lender <br /> agre e s to the merger in writing. <br /> 1�. Mortgac�e Insuran�e.If L�nder required Mortga�e Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Bonower <br /> shail pay the premiums required to the Martgag�Insurance in effect. If, for any reason,�he <br /> Mortgage In.�urance ca�erage required by Lender ceases to be available fram the mortgage in.s�.rer that <br /> previously pro�ided such insuranc�and�orro�rer was required to mak�separat�ly designated payments <br /> to�vard the premiums f�r Mortgage�nsurance,Borrower sha�t pay the premiums r�q�ired t�obtain cv�erage <br /> subs�tantially equiWa�ent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially�quivalent�o <br /> the cos�to Borrvwer af the Mortgage Insurance prev�ou�ly in effect, from an.alternate mor�gag�in.surer <br /> selected by Lender. If�uk�stantial�y equi�alent Mortgage Insurance coverage�s not avail�ble,Barrawer sha11 <br /> cantinue t�pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated paymeats that�ere due when the <br /> insuranc�coverage c�ased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a <br /> non-refundable loss reser��in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such�oss reser�e shall b�n�n-refundable, <br /> notwithstanding�he fact that the Loan�s ultimate�y paid in full,and Lender sha11 not be required t�pay <br /> �orrower any interest or earnings on such�oss reser�e. Lender can no longer require loss reser�e payments <br /> if Mortgage Insurance coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)pravided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again become�available, is obtai�ed,and Lender requires se�arately desi�nated <br /> payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender Mortgage Insurance as a <br /> condition af making the Loan and Banower wa�required�o mak�separately desi�nated payments toward the <br /> premiums for Mortgage Insuranc�,Borr��ver sha11 pay the premiums requued to ma�ntain Mortgage � <br /> Insurance in effect,or to pravide a non-refundable loss reser�e,until Lender's requirement for Mortgage <br /> Insurance�nds in accardance with any written agreement betvveen Borrower and Lender praviding for such <br /> termi�ation or until terminatian is requ�red b�Applicable La�,Nothing in this Section 1�affects <br /> Borrower's o�ligation to pa�intere��at the rate provided in th�Note. � <br /> I <br /> Mor�gage Insurance reimburses Lender(or any entity that purcha��s�he Note}for certain lasses it may incur <br /> if Borrower does not repay the Laan as agre�d. Borrower is nat a party to the Mortgage�asurance. � <br /> Martgag�ins�.rers e�aluate their�ot�l risk an all such insurance in force from tirne to time,and may enter <br /> into agr�ements with other parties that share or rrradify the�r risk,or r�duce losses.These agreements are on <br /> terms and conditions that are satisfactory to the mo�rtg�ge insurer and�he ather par��or parties}to these : <br /> agreements. These agreements may requue the mortgage in.surer to make payments using any source of fund� <br /> that the mortgage insurer may have a�ai�able(which may include funds obtained from Mortgage Insuraac� ; <br /> �rem�ums}. � , <br /> As a result of these agreem�nts,Lend�r,any purchaser of the Note,another insurer,any reinsurer,any <br /> other ent�ty,�r any affiliate of any of the f�regoing,may receive(directly or induect�y)amounts that <br /> deri�e fram(ar might b�characterized as}a portion of Borrow�r's payments for Mort�age In�urance,in <br /> exchange for sharing or modify�ng the mortgage insurer's risk,or reducing losses.If such agreement <br /> pro�ides that an affiliat�of Lender�es a sha�e of the insurer's r�sk in exchange for a share of the <br /> premiums paid to the insurer,the arrangemeat is often termed"captive reinsurance,"Further: . <br /> q�3335418262 OZ33 25G a91�' <br /> NEBRASl�►�ingle Family-Fanr�le Mae{Freddie Mac�NIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3fl28 11�1 <br /> VMR� VMP�A(NE}(13U2).U4 <br /> Walters Kluwer F�nancial Services Page 9 of 17 <br />