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��15���51 <br /> B�RR��R��VEN.ANTS.�h�.�Borrower is lavvfully se�sed of the es�ate here�y conveyed ar�d�as#:�ze righ�to <br /> grarit an�convey���.e Proper�y a�.�.�h�.��he Prapertiy��unencurilbe�ed, excep�for e�cu�nb�ia�.ces of record. <br /> Borrower vsrarr�.�z�s a�c�.�ri�� �:efenc�genera.11y�he�it�e�o �he Proper�y�.gai�st a��c�aizns ar�d c�ema�.ds, subjec��o <br /> any encu�z��b�ratices of record. <br /> THrS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT ca�nU�nes u�ifo��n cover�antis f�r r�a�ioz�a�use a.�.d�.a�.�tx�xifa��n cover�a�z�s�i��l <br /> litni�ed�ar�a�ions�y jur�sc��c�xfl�z�fl co��s�i�utie a.un��ar�l�s�curity�nstru�laen�cover�z�g�ea1 proper�y, <br /> �n��nrrr� ��W�n a n��. Lorrower and..Len�.er cavenan��x�.�.agree a�fa��ows: <br /> �. Paym�n� of F�r�n�ipa�, In�er���, E�craw I�ems, Prepaymen� �harges, and �.a�e Char�es. Borrower <br /> sha1�pay vvhe��dL�e the pr�r�cipa� of, afzd in�eres�on, ��ze deb�e�idenced by�he Note an�a��pre�ayme�� <br /> cl�arges an�.�a�e charges due u.�der the No�e. I3orrovve�s�lal� also�ay fu��s fa�Escro;w Z�e�n�p�rsu�.n��o <br /> Sectian 3. Pay�z�en�s c�.u�t�nder�li�No�e and��us S�curi�y rns�ru�nen�s1�a1�be�nad�zr�U,S. curr�nc�. <br /> Hovvever, if a�y ch.ecl{or other ins�ru�ne��rece�ved by Lender as pay�ne��under���e No�e ar�his Security <br /> In�tru�nen�is returne�.�o Le�lder u�lpai�., Lender�nay require��iat a�1y ot:�.1�su�sequer��p�.ylnent�c�ue under <br /> �he No�e an�.�h�s Secur��y���ne�ti be inac�e i�l on.e ar tr�o�•�ol 1;��e follQvvi�g for�ns, as selected�by Lex�der: <br /> �a} C�.5�1; �b��noney or�.er; �c� cer�ifiec�chec��, �a.r�f chec��, tt'�aSU.1��'t 5 C�1�CI�Or CaS�.1l.err S C�1�C�{a pr�v�dec�any <br /> SUC�.1 GI1�C��15 C���avvn upoxi az�ixzs���u�ion whose deposi�s are�nsu�ed by a fec�era�agency, instru��nen�ali�y, or <br /> en�i�y; o� �d}Electronic Funds T�•a�.sfer, <br /> Pay�nents are dee�zzed rece�ve�.by L��Zder when r�ee�vec�a.t�he�oca�ion deszgzla�ed in�he No�e or�.�such <br /> o��1er�ocatio�as may l��desfg�ate�.by Lender in accorda�ce�w��h ti�ie no��ce pro�r�s�o�zs i�.Sec��o� �5. <br /> Lez�der�nay�etut�n alzy pa�iner�.�or par�ial p�.y�-nen� �f��ie p�:y�nen�or pai�ia��ay�nents�.�re�nsuf��ien��o <br /> ��ring�he Loan cu�•ren�. L�tlder may accept ar�y paymeza.�or par�ia�pay�nen��nsuf���ez�.�to br��.g�he Loaz� <br /> current, vvi�l�out vvai�er of atly�ig��s���r�undex or�reju�.�ce�o i�s rig�i�s i:o�efuse such pay�ner��ar par�ia� <br /> pa�zne�l�s in�he fi��u��e, vut Len�.er is���t abligated�o a�p1y such pay�nen�s a��he�i�ne s�.�ch paytnen�s <br /> accep�ed, If eac�l Per�adic Payir�eiz�is a��lie�.as af i�s scheduled du�da�e� �hen Le�z�.er��.�.o�pay�n�e�es� <br /> on t��applied fu�lds. Letzder i�nay h�1�.suclz u���e�.fu�ds un�i�L�ort��vver�ZZa��es pa���en�s ta�br��1g t�ae <br /> Lo�n curre�z�. Zf Barrow�r c�oe���of:c�o so w��hi�.a reaso�za�le per�od.of�i��1e, Len�e�s�1a11 ei��ler apply suc�l <br /> r-unc�s or re�u�n�1zem�o Borrawer. �f��o�applied e�.r�ier, funds w����Ue ap��ied�a�1�e au�s�anding <br /> �rincipal ba�ance unc�e�r�11e N��e i�r��nedia�e�y pt�ror to farec�asure, �To afFset ar c�a��n�w�aT.�h Bo�rowe��a�ig�1� <br /> no�rir or ir��he future agai�5�Lender s��a��relieve Barrovtrer f�o�n mal�i�zg payx-ne�.�s c�.ue u�.d�r�he No�e <br /> and this Security Ins�rt��ne�1��r perfarinin�the cove�a�ts ai�d.agree�nerits secure�.by��.�s Secur��y <br /> Ins��u�neni�, <br /> 2. Appf�ca��nn af Payrr�en�s or Praceeds� E�cep� as o���r�se�.escribe�.i�z�1�s Sec�ion�, �:11�aayinei�ts <br /> accep�e�.a��.�.appl�ed by Letlde��s�1a11 be�.pplied in��ze�o���u�ing� of prior��y; �a� in�et•esi.dL��L��det•��e <br /> N��e; ���pr�ncipa�du�under the No�:�; �c} a�noun�s dt�e u���.er Sec�ion 3, Such pa.y�-nents s11a11 be appli�d�a <br /> eac�z Per�.o�.ic Pay�nent�n tlle orc�er i�z vvlz�c�z��Ueca�ne due. Atly�'��11�.1�]111�c�1114U11�;S 5�.1�.�.��}0�.�J�D�1�'C��1f St�[l <br /> late cha�-ges, second�o any a�:��er a�a.loun�s due un�ez•i.��is Se�u���y Ins�ru�nen�, atld t��en to t•e�.uce�11e <br /> principal�ata�zce of�he�ate. <br /> If Le�zder t eceives a�ay�.ne���•o�n Bnrrovver fo�a delznqt�ezz�Perioc��c Payrr�e�lt w��ic�l i�clu�es a suFficien�; <br /> a�nount to p�.y any la�e charge c�ue, �.11e pay�nelz��nay�e app��ed�a�he de���zc�uent payinent�nd�1ze��.�� <br /> chai ge, IF�na�e���a�z���e Pet�odic P�.yt-nen�is ou�:s�arid�11g, Le�lc�ei��nay�pp1y any payilzent�ecei�ec�froin <br /> B��rovtrer to the repay�ne�t of�he P�riodic Payi�ze�l�s �f, �.�.�.d�o��le ex�ei���ha�, payinen.t ca��be p�.id.i�1 <br /> fu11. To the-ex�e�a����a�a�1y excess exi�ts af�e��1z�p�.y�ller��is a�plied�o t��e r�ll pay�netzt of o�ze ar�nore <br /> P��'f�C�.1C P�.�111��1�5, su�1�excess�nay l�e��aplie��o a���1a�e chat•ges c��e. V�1�nta�y�t ep�.�rmezl�s s�xa�X be <br /> ap�liec�firs�to a�zy���epay������t cl�arges�.�1� ��ae�as �.escribec�ir��lie Note. <br /> ��4�.�7T55 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Far�nie M aeJ�reddie M ac LINIFORM IN5TRIJM ENT �arm 342:� �1�1 <br /> VM P� VM P6�N���4 302} <br /> Wolters ICfuw e�Financial Services page�of�T <br />