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��15����9 <br /> T� HAVE AND TD H�LD �he premises wifh all and singula�, the righ�s, pri�ri�eg�s, <br /> appur�enances and �mmuni�ies �elonging or in anywise app�r�aining unto �he �rantee and un�o <br /> ifs successors and assigns fo�e��r. Granfi�r covenan�ing that the prem�ses are free and clear <br /> from any �ncumbrance don� or su�fered by it; and that �t wil� wa�ranfi and defend the title to �he <br /> premises un�o �he Grant�e and unto its su�c�ss�rs and assigns fore�er, against the la�rful c�aims <br /> and demands of af1 persons cfaEmin� under it. <br /> S�uth F�le N�. <br />