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��14�5��5 <br /> If�he ��an is suhj�ct to a law which sets maxi�num Ioan charges, and that �aw is finally interpreted so that <br /> the interest or other Ioan �harges collected or to he coll�c�ed in connection with tne Loan exceed the <br /> permitted �imits. th�n; �a� any suth �oan char�� shal� h� reduc�d hy the amount necessary to reduce th� <br /> charge ta the permiited limit; and �h) any sums already calle�ted from Bvr��wer which exceeded permitted <br /> limits�vi�l be refunded to Borrowe�. Lender may chao��ta make this refund �y�educing�hQ principa� av�ed <br /> under the Note or by making a dire�# pay�nQnt�o Borrnwer. If a refund redu�es p�incipal, the reduction wil� <br /> he treated as a par��al pr�payment without any prepaymen� charge �whether ar not a prepayment �harge is <br /> p�o�ided fn� under the Nate�. Barrowe�'s ac�eptan�e of any suCh refund rnade by direct pay�nent ta <br /> gorrawer w�l� cvns�itute a waiver o�any r�ght of activn Borrow�r might ha�e ariSing out of such �ver�harg�. <br /> 15. Not��es. All noti�es gi�en by 8�rra►wer or Lend�r in ��nnecti�n with this 5e�urity In�trument mus� be in <br /> writing. Any notice to B�rrower in �onn��tion with �h�s 5e�urity Instrument shaf� �e deemed to have been <br /> gi►r�n to Borrower when �nailed by first�lass mail �r when actually deli��rgd �o B�rrawer's nvtic�address if <br /> sent by other rnean5. Nvtice to any�ne B�rrflwer �hall cvns�itute nat�c� tv ail Barrowers t�nles5 Applitable <br /> �aw expressly requi�-es otiherwise. �he nflt�ce address shall be the Property Address unless Borrawer has <br /> d�signated a �ubstitute notice address by noti�e ta ��nder. Borrflwer sha�l pr�mptly n�tify �ender af <br /> Borrawer's thange vf address. �f �ender �p��ifie5 a pr��edure f�r reparting Borr�wer�s Ghang� of address. <br /> then Borrower shal� an�y report a �hange of address through that specified pracedure. <br /> There may be only one d�signated n�tice addre�s under th�s Security In�trument at any ane�ime. Any not�ce <br /> to Lender shall ��gi�en by deli�ering �t or by mai�ing it by f r�t�lass rnai� to Lender's ad�ress s�ated herein <br /> unless �ender has designat�d another address by nvtice ta Barrov�rer. Any n��ice in �onne�ti�n with thi� <br /> Se�urity Instrument shall not be deem�d to have been gi►rpn ta ��nder unt�l a�tually r�cei�ed by �ender. If <br /> any notice requi�ed by�his S�turi�y Instrumen� is a�s� required under Applicable �aw, the Appii�able �aw <br /> r�quirement wilf satisfy the earre5pvnding requirement�nder th�s S��urity�n�trument. <br /> 16. Gfl�erning Law; Se�erability; Rul�s �f C�nstru�ti�n. This 5e�urity �nstrument shall be governed by <br /> ��deral �aw and the iaw of �he jur�sd��tion in whi�h the Praperty is �acate�. Alf right$ and o��igati�n5 <br /> tontained in �his Se�urity Ins�rument a�e su�ject to any requ�rements and lirni�ati�ns of Appli�able Law, <br /> App�icable Law might expli�itly or implicitl� allaw the parties to agree by contract�r it rn�ght be silent. but <br /> su�h s�IQnte shal! n�t �e �onstrue� as a proh�bit�4n againSt agreemen� by contraCt. In the ��ent that any <br /> pro�ision �r�lause�f th�s 5e�urity�r��trument�r the �Vpte�onfli�ts w�th Applicable Law, su�h e�nflEct shall <br /> not affe� other pro►►isiflns of th is Security Instru m e�t or the h�nt� vrih i ch can be �iven �ffect withnut thQ <br /> ��nflitting pro►ris��n. <br /> As used i n th is Se�urity Instru ment: �a]w��ds of the rnascu I i ne gender sha�[ mean and i n�l ude carre�pand i ng <br /> neuter words or►��rds af the f�minin� gender; �b} words in the singular shall m�an and �n�lude the p�ura� <br /> and vi���ersa; and tc}the w�rd "may" gi��s s��e discretion�rith�ut any abligat�on to take any action, <br /> 17. Barrower's �apy. B�rrvwer shal I be gi�en one��py af�h� N ot�and of this 5ecurity Ins�rument. <br /> �8. Transf�r of the Pr�perty or a Benefi�ial Int�r�st in B�rr�►rver. As used ir� th�s 5e�tion 18, "Interest in <br /> the Prnperty" means any legal or benefi�ial int�rest �n th� Property, in�lud�ng, but r�ot I�mited tv, tho5� <br /> ben�f�cial in��rests transf�r�ed in a b�nd for d�eed, contratt for deed. installment sales �on�ra�t or escrow <br /> agre�ment,the Entent�f which �s the transfer of tit�e by B�rra�er at a future date�o a purchaser. <br /> If al1 ar any part af the Property or any Int��est in th� Property�s so�d or transferred�or if Borrvwer�s not a <br /> natura� person and a henef��ia� interest �n Bo�rower is s�ld or transferr�d� with�ut �end�r's prior writt�n <br /> �onsent, Lender rnay req u ire �m med iate paym�nt i n fu 1 I of al! �ums se�u red by th is Se�ur�ty Ins�ru ment, <br /> Howe►►er,this opti�n shall not be exer��sed by Let�d�r if�uch exercise i� p��hibited by A�p�ieable Law. <br /> �[311�4031334 Crtibank�.�.87.09 V3 <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie hAac t�NI�RM INSTRUMENT W'.l�H M�RS Forrn 30�8'�101 <br /> yMp Q VMP�A[NE]�130�),D� <br /> Wa{ters I{luwer F�nan�ial 5en►ites Page 12 vf 17 <br />
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