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��14�5��5 <br /> �a} Any sueh agr�ements wili nat affect �h� amounts t�at Borrow�r has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insuranc�, or any �ther terms of the �aan. Su�h agreernents wi�� not increase th� amount <br /> Borrov�er wi�l owe for Martgag�Insuran�e, �nd they will not entitle Barrower to any refund. <br /> �b} Any su�h agreement� wi�I not affect th� rig�ts Barrawer has --rif any —with respect to the <br /> Martgage Insuran�e und�r the Home�wners Protecti�n A�t�f 1998 or any other �aw. These r�ghts <br /> may include the right t� recei�e certa�n disclasures, ta request and abtain can�ellation of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance,ta have the �Aortgage Insurance terminated autvmati�ally, andlor to recei►►e <br /> a refund of any Nl�rtgage InsuranCe premiums that w�rQ un�arned at the tim� of such <br /> �an�el�at�on or terminat��n, � <br /> 'i 1. Assignm�nt of Miscel�aneous �raCe�ds; F�rfeitur�. All Misceil�ne�us Pr�ce�ds are h�reby as��gned to <br /> and shall b� �a�d to Lender. <br /> �f the Praperty i5 damaged, such M is���lane�us Pra�e�d� sha�I b� applied to rest��ation or repair af �hQ <br /> Property, if the restoration or repai� is etonomi�a�ly feasibie and Lender's seturity is not lessened, During <br /> such repair and restoration period. Lend�r shall have the right t� hold su�h Miscel�aneous P�oceeds until <br /> �ender has had an opportunity tv inspec� suGh Prop�rty to ensure�he wa�k has been �ompleted to �end�r's <br /> satisfaction, pro�ided that su�h in�p��t�on shall be undertaken promptly. ��nder may pay f�r the repairs and <br /> restoration in a single disbursemen�o� �n a series of pr�gress p�ymen�s as th�wo�k i� �omple�ed. Unless an <br /> agreem�nt is made in writing or App�icable �aw requ�res inter�st to be paid on su�h M is�ellaneous Proteeds, <br /> Lender shall n�t be required to pay Bo�rower any interest or eamings�n su�h Illl is�pllaneou� Proceeds. Tf the <br /> 4 restoration or repair is not economi�ally feasible or Lender�5 SpCurity w�ould b� ��SS�n�d. th� M 15C�IIdIleQuS <br /> P�oceeds sha11 be applied to th�sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument. whethe�or not then due, wi#h �he <br /> exeess, if any, paid to B�rrv�n►er. 5u�h Mis�e�laneous Pro�eeds shall be applied in the order�ro�ided f�r in <br /> Se�iun 2. <br /> �n the ev�nt of a tatal taking. dQstruction, ar �os� in �alue of th� Property, the Mi�cel�aneQus Pr�eeeds sha�! <br /> b�app�ied to the sums se�ured by thi� Securih�Instrument.whethe��r not then due, w�th the ex�ess. �f any, <br /> paid t� Bor�ower. <br /> In the ev�nt of a partial �ik�ng. destru�#ion, ar f�ss in►►alue of the Pr�perty in v�rhi�h �he fair market vaiue of <br /> the Property immediate�y hefore the par�iai taking, destru�tion, ar IoSs in�alue is�qual to or greater than the <br /> amoun��f the sums sec�red by�his 5e�urity Instrument imm�diately before the part�al taking. destru�tion. or <br /> Ioss in �a�ue, unless �orrower an� Lender oth�rw�se agre� in writing, the sums secured by this S�Gurity <br /> Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the Misce��aneau� Proteeds multiplied by the fvllowing <br /> frattiQn: �a} the total amount of the sums se�ured �mmediately �efore the partial �aking, destru�tion, or loss <br /> in �a�ue di�ided by �b} the fair mark�t ►�a�ue �f the Pr�pert� immediat�iy b�for� the partial taking, <br /> destruction, �r loss �n value.Any balance shall be paid to Borr�wer. <br /> In the e��nt af a Rartial taking. destruction, or ioss in �alue of the Property in which the fair market�alue of <br /> the Property�mmediately�efore the partia! �ak�ng, des#ru�i�n, or loss in�alue is less than the amount of the <br /> sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destru�tion, or Ioss �n �alue, un�es� Borrower an� <br /> ��nder oth�rwise agr�e in wr�ting. th� [Illis�elfaneous Pr�ceeds 5hal� be app�i�d tv th� sums s�tured by this <br /> 5ecuri�y Ins�rument whether ar nat�he sums ar�then�ue. <br /> If�hQ Property is a�andoned hy Bo��awer. or if. a�ter notice by Lender to Borrower that the �pposing Party <br /> ��� definQd in the next sent�n�e} offers t� make an avward to s�ttie a tla�m far damages� Borrvwer fa�ls t� <br /> re�pond to Lend�r v�i�hin 3�da�ys after�he da��the notice is given, Lender is author�ied to collect and appfy <br /> the Mis�ellaneous Proceeds either to res�orati�n o� repair of the Pr�perty or t� t�e sums se�ured by this <br /> 00�124�31334 [itibank 3.�.87.09 V3 <br /> NEBRA51LA3ingie Familyfanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac IJNI�ORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Farrn 30Z8 1107 <br /> VMP p VMPGA�NE��130�j.OQ <br /> 11Vniters Kluwer Finaneial 5ervices Page 10 nf�7 <br />