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��14�5��4 <br /> sect�on titled Transfer�f the Property ar a Ben�f�ciaZ Inter�st in Barrnwer,un�ess App�i�ab��Law provides <br /> otherw�se�. The not��e shal� s�ecify: �a) the default; �b� the act��n requ�red ta �ure the default; [c) a date, <br /> �at�e5s than the minimum num�er of days established by Appl�cable Law frvm the dat�the nqtice is g�ven <br /> to Sarrow�r, by which the default must be �ured; and �d� that fa�lure tv cure the defau�t on ar before th� <br /> date spe�i#�ed in the not�ce may resuit in ac�e�eratian vf the sums�ecured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rurnent and <br /> sale�f the Prapert�. Tv the ext�nt permitted by �aw, the notice shaix further�nfarm B�rrower of�h� righ� <br /> tn rexns�a�e aft�r accel�rat��n and the right tv �r�ng a cvurt aCt�an to assert the non-existQnce of a defauit <br /> ar any other defens��f Borrower to a�ce�erativn and sale. If the default�s nat cured on or before the date <br /> specifi�d in �hQ notice, Lender at i�s aptian may reQuire �mmediate payment �n full of a�l sums secured by <br /> th��Secur�ty Instrument w�thout further demand and may in�oke the p�wer of sa��and any other remedies <br /> perm�tted �y Appl�cab�e Law. To the ext�nt perm�tted by law, L�nder shal� be ent���ed �o �o��ect a�i <br /> expenses incurred in pursu�ng the remedi�s provided in this Sect�fln, �ncludings bu� nat l�m�ted to, <br /> reasonabte attvrneys'fees a�d costs of title e�idQnce. <br /> If the pa,v�ver of sa�e is �n�oked, Trustee sha�� recvrd a na�ic�of defau�t in each cvunty �n whxch any part af <br /> the Pr�pert� is iocated and sha��maix cop�Qs of such no�ice �n the mann�r�rescribed by App�xcabie Law ta <br /> Bvrrower and to the a�her persnn� prescribed by App��cah�e Law. After the t��me r�quired by App�i�able <br /> Law, Tru�tee sha�� gi�e pub��c nat�ce of sal� tv the persans and in �he manner pres�r�bed by App���able <br /> Law. TruS�ee, w�thflut dernand on Borro�ver,shal� se�� the Property at pub�ic auctivn. to the h�ghest b�dder <br /> at the t�me and place and under the terms designated �n th�nati�e of sa�e in one or more parcels and�n any <br /> order Trus�ee determines. TrustQe may postpone sa�e of a�� �r an� parcel vf the Property by publ�� <br /> �nnouncement at the t�me and pia�e of any pre�inus�y s�hedu�ed sale. Lender�r i�s des�gnee may purchase <br /> �he Prvpert�at any sa�e. � <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the pr�ce b�d, Trustee shali dQ�i�er to the purchaser Tru��ee's deQd con�ey�ng <br /> the Pr�perty. The re�ita�s �n the Truste�'s deed shaZZ be prima facxe���dence of the truth of the stat�ments <br /> r�aade there�n. TruSte� shall apply the proceeds �f the sale �n �he f���owing �rder: �a} to al� ��s�s and <br /> expen�e� of exerc�sing the ��wer af sa�e, and the sale, including the payment af the Trustee's fees ac�ua�ly <br /> incurred and reasvnab�e a�torneys' fees as permxtted by App��cab�e Law; �b) ta a�� sums 5ecured by thi5 <br /> �ecur�ty Ins�rumen�; and[c3 any exces�ta the pers�n or per5ons��galiy ent�tled ta i�. <br /> R���n�eyance. Upon paymen� of aX� sums secured by th�s Secur�ty �nstrurn�.en�, Lender shall request Truste� �n <br /> reconve�the Property and shal� surrender�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument and all no�es e�idencing deb� secured by th�s <br /> Secur��y �nstrument �o Trustee. Trus�ee shai� rec�n�ey the Proper� v�ri�hou� warra�ty �a �he person vr persans <br /> ��gal�� enti�Xed to it. Such person or persflns shall pay any recordati�n �osts. Lender �nay charge such person or <br /> person� a fee for rec�n�eying the Properry, bu� anly �f�he fee is paid �o a �hird par�y �such as the Trus�e�� f�r <br /> ser�xces rendered and th��harg�n�of the fee is per�m��ted under Appl��able Law. <br /> Subst�tut� TrusteQ. Lender, at its ap��an, may from.time ta t�me r�move Trus�ee and app��n�a su�cessor�rus�ee <br /> to any Trus�ee appvin�ed hereu�der by an �nstrument re��rded �n the �ounl.y �n which �h�s Securxty �nstrumen� �s <br /> recorded. Wi�hout con�eyance nf�he Propez-t}�,the successnr�rus�ee shaX�su�ceed�fl a�l�he ti�i�,pawer and duties <br /> conferred upon Trustee here�n and b�App��cable Law. <br /> IZequest for Not�ces. Barrfl�rer reques�s�ha�copies af�he na�xce af defau��and sale be sent�a Borr��er's address <br /> �vh.�ch is�he Proper�y Address. <br /> BY S��NING BEL��, Borrower accepts and agrees �� �he terms and co�enan�s con�ained �n al� pag�s of�his <br /> Secur�fiy Instrumen� nd zn any R�der execute�.by Borrov�er and r�c�rded�i�h zt. Sxgried and sea�ed�y Borrower: <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � � � - � � {S eal <br /> / � � �� � r `T � <br /> Marion LarSen� � I]a�e `� ��-j� <br /> , Trus t�e �.�.� <br /> INDIVIDUAL A�KN[]VVLEDGMENT <br /> STATE�F NEBRASK.A � <br /> � <br /> ��UNTY�F HALL � <br /> The foregoing �ns�rumen� wvas ac�nowledged by Mar�on D Larsen, Trustee of the Marion D. Larsen <br /> Re�acable Trust Agreement da�ed �ctober 18th,�Q��, as am�nded, before me on D�cember 3U, �014. In <br /> F <br /> witness v�hereof,�hereunto set my hand and,if app��c�b�e,my,..�ff�ia�sea. , ; <br /> � .� � � <br /> �� � <br /> ; � ���,� � , � f. <br /> My cornm�ssion exp�res: 511012U 15 � � � � ; �� � : � � <br /> .� :� � �. <br /> - �t�o#Nebraska - a ayer <br /> �Y S .• <br /> �E�.,�4TA �...-� . � <br /> ���� �SA Ff.1V�AYE� � � Nv�ar�y Pub��c ,� <br /> r�,� <br /> � ... m.Ex .�ay�a,���5 Hail C�unty,NE <br /> �#y�arn p <br /> - Iden��f�ca�ion Number <br /> ��ff�ial Sea1} <br /> C�2�D4-2Dt4�ampliance Systems,InG.4958-4977-24I3L2.3.t.803 <br /> Consumer Real Estat�-Securii�y Instrumez�t DL2�36 Page 5 vF5 www, <br />