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��14�5��4 <br /> �.r��eres�from�he da�e of disbursemen�a�the Na��rate and shal�be a ab�e with in��rest u an <br /> �a Barro�ver reques�zng payment. <br /> p Y a , p no��ce fra�m L�nder <br /> �Vlar�gage In�urance. �f Lender required mor�gage �nsurance as a cand�t�fln af m�.ak�n the �aan secu <br /> Securx�y Ins�ru�ment,Borrower sha�l a the remiums r � red by�hxs <br /> p Y p �qu�red ta ma�ntain the mor�gag��nsurance�n effect.If,for <br /> any reason, the moz-�gage �n�urance cflverage requ�red by Lender Iapses or ceases �� be �n ef�'ec� Borro�ver shall <br /> pay the premiums requ�red to obta�n coverage substantia�ly equ�va�ent ta the mor� a e insurance re��flu <br /> effec�, at a �vst subs�antral�y e u��alen� to �he cflst �� B � � p S�y �� <br /> q �rrawer of�he mor�gage znsurance prev�ous�y in effect, <br /> from a�a��erx�ate martgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantiai�y equivalent m.or� a e�nsurance cave <br /> not a�a�Iable, Borrower sha�� pay �� Lender each m�n�h a su � � rage Xs <br /> m equa� �a one-twe�fth �f the year�y m�ztgage <br /> insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the �nsuranc��average �apsed❑r ceased to be in effect. <br /> Lender <br /> v���I accep�, use and re�a�n�hese payments as a Xoss reser�e in �x�u of m�rtgag� insurance. Loss reser�e a e <br /> p ym nts <br /> may no longer be required, a� �he apt�on. of Lender, if mor�gage insurance ca�erage ��n the amoun� and fvr �he <br /> perr�d that Lender requ�res�pro��ded by an xnsurer approved by Lender again becvn�es ava�Iab�e and is abta�ned. <br /> Borravver sha11 pay the prem�u�ns requ�red�fl ma�nta�n mortgage insurance �n effec�, flr�� rov�de a Ioss reserve <br /> untii �he requ�rement for mor�gage insurance ends xn accardanee ' p ' <br /> w��h any vvr�tten agreement betvveen Borrflwer <br /> and Lender or Appi�cab�e Lav�. <br /> Inspec��an. Lender or zts agent may make r�asonab�e entr�es up�n and inspe���ons of�he Pro e . Lender sha�i <br /> g�ve B orrov�er no���e a�the t�me of�r rxor ta an ins � ' P �Y <br /> p p ct��n spec�fying reasonab�e cause f�r�he inspecti.on. <br /> Condemnatian, The proceeds�f any award�r clazm for damages, direct flr canse uent�a�, in c�nnect�an wi�h an <br /> condem�aatron flr a�her�ak1n of an ar� of the Pro e q y <br /> � Y� p r�y, ar far conveyance �n �i�u of candemna�xan, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shail be paid to Lender. � <br /> In�he e�en� of a to�aX taking of�he Property, �he praceeds shall be app��ed to the sums se�ured b �h�s Securi <br /> �ns�ru�men�, vvhether or na� then due, v��th an excess a�d to B y � <br /> y p orrovver. �n �he event �f a par�zal tak�ng of�he <br /> Property �n which the fair market va�ue of the Pr�perty ��nmediate�y before the �aking is equal ta ar reater�han <br /> �he amoun� of the sums secured by this Securi �nstrunlent �mmediate� bef r � <br /> tY y o e �he.�ak�ng, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender�therw�se agree in�vr��ing,�he sums secured by�his Se�ur�ty Instrument shal�be reduced b �he amoun�of <br /> Y <br /> the proceeds mult�p��ed by�he fa��a�ing frac��on: �a}the t�ta�amount vf th�sums secured��rnm.ed�a�el befare the <br /> Y <br /> taking, d���ded by �b} �he fa�r market va�ue vf the Property immed�a�ely �efore the �akxng. An baXance shall be <br /> Y <br /> paid ta Borrower. In�he e�en� vf a par��a� �a�ing of�he Property in which the fa�r marke� value of the Pro e <br /> p �Y <br /> imme�ia�ely bef�re the �ak�ng �s less than �he amaunt of�he sums secured immediateiy i�ef�re the tak�n unless <br /> Borrov�er and Lender ntherwise agree in v�-i�i.n or uniess A I�cab�e Lavw �� <br /> � pp o�her�v�se pro��des, the prfl��eds sha1� <br /> be applzed ta the sun�.s secured by this Security�nstrument whe�her flr not the sums are then due. <br /> �f the ProperCy is abandoned by Borrflwer, or�f, after not��e by Lender to Borrawer that the cflndemnar�ff�rs to <br /> make an award or settie a c�a�m far damages, Borrower faiis �o resp�nd to Lender v�ithin the x�inimum number�f <br /> days es�ab��shed by Appl�cabie Lavv after the date�he nv�ice�s gi�en,Lender is au�hor��ed to col�e�t and a I �he <br /> �p Y <br /> pr��eeds, at i�s option, either ta res�ora�ion or repa�r of�he Proper�y or tfl the sums secured by th�s Se�uri <br /> tY <br /> �nstrument,whe�her ar nat�h�n due. <br /> Uniess Lender and B�rrow�r otherv�ise agree in wr�t�ng, any app�i�at�on of praceeds to prin�i a� shall n��extend <br /> p <br /> or postpone �he due da�e of�he payments referr�d to in �he sec��on �itled Payment of Pr�ncipa� and In�eres�; <br /> Prepayment and Late�harge5 or change the amount nf such payrn.en�s. <br /> Borrower Nnt R�leased; �'orbearancQ By L�nder N�� a �'�Va�ver. Extens��n �f �he t�me far a men� flr <br /> � Y <br /> m�dif ca��an of amflrtization of�he sums secured by �his Securxty �ns�rument gran�ed by Lender to Borrav�er ar <br /> any su�cessar in interes� of Borrovver �ha�� no� operate ta release the ��abi�xfiy of the origrnal Borrvv�er or <br /> B�rrov�er's su�cessars i�n �n�eres�. Lender shal�not�e requ�red to cammence proceedings against any successor�n. <br /> interest�r refuse ta extend ti�ne f�r pa�ment flr othervv�s�modify amor�izat�on of the sums secured by this Secur� <br /> tY <br /> �nstrument by reason of any demand made by the orig�na� Borr�wer or Borrower's successars in interest. Any <br /> farbearan�e by Lender rn exercising any rxght or remedy shaX�no�be a wa��er of or prec�ude the exerc�s� �f an <br /> Y <br /> r�gh�or remedy. <br /> Su�cessors and Ass�gn� B�und; J�in� and Se�eral L�ability; Acc�mmodat��n S� ners. The covenants and <br /> � <br /> agreeme��s af�h�s Securi�y Instrum�en�shal�bind and benef�the success�rs and ass�gns of Lender and Barrovver, <br /> subjec� to the pro��sxans of se�t�an t��led Transfer af the Prnperty or a �enefic�a� Interest in l3orrawer. <br /> Borrov�er's ca�enan�s and agreemen�s sha��be joint and severa�. Any person wh�ca-s�gns this Security�ns�rumen� <br /> bu� does n�t ex�cu�e �he No�e ["Accommoda�ivn S�gn�r"}: �a� �s cv�-sign�ng �his Security �nstrument only to <br /> mar�gage, grant and can�ey�ha�Acco�m.madati�n S�gner's interes� xn the Propez�y under the terms of the Secur�ty <br /> Instrument, �b)Ys not persvna�iy ob�xgated�o pay the sums secured by th�s Security�nstrument; and�c) agrees�hat <br /> Lender and any other Borrower may agree t�ex�end,madify, farbear vr m�ake any accommodat�ons wi�h regard�fl <br /> the terms af th�s Securi�y Ins�ru�men��r�he Nfl�e w�thau��hat Accammoda��on Signer's cansen�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he 1�an secured by this Security �ns�rument is subject ta a 1av� which sets max�rnum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha� Iaw is fina��y�nterpre�ed sa tha�the in�erest or o�her�oan�harges co��ected�r��be co��ec�ed �n <br /> connec�i�n wi�h �he �oan exceed �he perm�t�ed 1i.nzits, �hen: �a} any such loari charge shai� �e reduced by �h� <br /> amoun�necessary�o reduce �he �harge to�he perm��ted ��mi�s and(b� any sun�.s a�read� co�Iec�ed fra�n Barravver <br /> which �xceeded perm�tted ��mits w�il be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose �o make th�s refund by <br /> reducin� �he princYpai owed under �he Note or �y mak�ng a direct payment to Barrov�er. �f a refu�d reduces <br /> princ�pa�,�he reduc�Yon w��i be treated as a par��a�prepaymen�with�ut any prepayrnent charge under the Nate. <br /> fl 24�4-2014 Compiiance Systems,Inc.495$-549E-2413L2.3.I.8Q3 <br /> Cvnsumer Rea�Estate-Securi#y Instrument DL2�3d Page 3 4f 5 www,campIiancesysterr� <br />