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<br /> �-Iome Federal Sa�ings&Laan As�ociat�an of Home Federal Sa��ng�&Loan Assac�ation of
<br /> Grand Island Grand IS�and
<br /> 22I Svuth Lvcust Street - 2Z1 Sau�h Locust Street
<br /> �Spa�e Ab��e This Line Far Recflrding Data}
<br /> L�AN�RIGINATQR C�MPANY NAME:I3ome Fed�ra�Sav�n��&L�an Assflc�atinn of Grand Island
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY�DENTIF�ER: 445443
<br /> L�AN�R�GINAT�R NAN��: L�sa Mayer -
<br /> NMLS�R.�C�NAT�R�DENT�F�ER: 494f�9
<br /> DE�D �F TRZJ�T
<br /> T�3�S DEED �F TRUST �"Secur�ty Instrument"} is made on December 3a, ZQ14. The gran�or �s Mar��n D
<br /> �ar5en, Trustee of the Mar�on D. Larsen Re�oca�ie Trust Agreemen� da�ed []�tob�r 18th, Z��B, as
<br /> amended, whose address �s �541 N HWY 14, Marquette, Nebraska 68854 �{'Barrawer"). Borrower �s nat
<br /> ne�essarx�y�he same as the Person�r Per��ns wh� szgn�he Note. The ab��gatians af Borrowers vvha dzd no� s�gn
<br /> the No�e are explained further�n the sect��n trtled Successors and Ass�gns Baund; Joint and Se�eral L�ab�l��y;
<br /> Accommodativn Signers. The trus�ee �s Arend R. Baack, Attorney wh�se address �s P.U. Bflx 79�, Grand
<br /> Is�and, Nebras�a 6$$Q2 �"Truste�{'}. The ben�fc�ary �s I�3�me Federa� Savings & Lvan Associa�ion vf Grand
<br /> Island, v�rhich xs organ�zed and exist�ng under�he Xaws �f�he Uni�ed S�a�es of America and v�hose address xs 2�1
<br /> South Lo�us� S�reet, Grand Is�and, Nebraska fi88D1 �"Le�der"}. �Vlari�n I1 Larsen �we� Lendex the pr�n�Tpa�
<br /> sum �f Three Hundred Thousand and U�IlDU Dol�ars �U.S. $3U�,U�U.UU}, v�h��h �s evidenced by �he nv�e,
<br /> consumer Ivari agreemen�, or s��n��ar wr�ting dated �he same da�e as �his Security�nstrum.ent��h� "Not�"�, v�h��h
<br /> prav�des f�r per��d�c paymen�s ["Periodxc Payments"�, with the fu�� deb�, xf no� paid eariier, �ue on Decem�er
<br /> 31, ZU19. Thxs Securi�y �nstr.unzent secures�o Lender: �a��he repayment af�he deb�eviden�ed by�he No��, vv�th
<br /> �n�eres�, and aX� renewals, ex�ensions and m�.odif ca�ions of the Nate; �b} the paymen� af al� o�her sums, v�ith
<br /> �nteres�, advanced �o protect �he secur�ty af�his Security �nstrumen� u�.der the pravi��ans flf�he sec���n tit�ed
<br /> Prot�ction of Lender's R.ights in the Prap�rty;and�c�the perfarmance of Barrower's�oWenan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> und�r�h��Se�urzty�nstrument and�he Note. Fnr this purpose, Borrower, �n cons�der���an of�h,e debt and�he�r�-ust
<br /> herein created, �rre�ocab�y gran�s and conveys ta Trustee, in t�ust, �vi�h pov`rer of sale, �he fo�low�ng described
<br /> praper�y lo�a�ed rn�he�vun.ty of Ha��, S�at��f Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 18U3 Stagecoach Rd,�RAND ISLAND,Nebraska f880�.
<br /> Legal Descrip���n: Lnt Twenty-f�ur �24), C�ach P�ace Subd��isian, ��ty af Grand Is�and, Ilax�
<br /> County,Nebraska
<br /> TQGETHER W�TH a�l �he �mpr�vemen�s n�w or herea�ter erec�ed on �he pr�per�y, and a�X easements,
<br /> appurtenances, and f�xtures nov� or hereafter a par� �f�he pr�perty. Ax� replacemen�s and add�tians shal� also be
<br /> �overed by �his Se�urxty Ir�s�rument. A�I af the fflregoing �s referred to in this Security �ns�rumen� as tihe
<br /> "Proper�y."
<br /> B�RR��ER��'�ENANTS that Borrower �s �awfully seised of the es�a�e hereby �onveyed and has �he r�gh�to �
<br /> grant and convey the Praper�y and �hat the Proper�y �s unencumbered, excep� f�r encumhranGes of recard.
<br /> Borr�v�er warrants and vvii� defend generally the �itle t� �he Proper�y agains� a�l claims and demands, subjec�t�
<br /> any encumbrances flf record.
<br /> Borrov�er and Lender ca�enant and agree as follav�s:
<br /> Payment�f Pr�ncipa�and Intere�t; Prepaymen�and Lat��harges.Borrower sha11 prompt��pay vv�en due�he
<br /> � prxncipal �f and in�erest on�he deb� evidenced by �he N��e and any prepayment and �ate charges due under �he
<br /> No�e.
<br /> App��cab�e Law. As used �.n this Se�urity �ns�rumen�, �he term '{Applicab�e Lav�" shall mean al1 can�r�Iling
<br /> app��cab�e federa�, s�ate and,�aca� statu�es, regula�ions, ordinances and a�minis�rat��e rul�s and ord�rs ��ha�have
<br /> �he effe��of�avv)as�vell as aIl app�icable fina�,nan-appea�a�ble judxcia�vpinxons.
<br /> C�2D�4-2414 CompIia.r�ce 5ystems,In�.4958-549E-2413L�.3.1.8�3
<br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Se��rity Instrument DL2�36 Page l of 5 ' wvv�.campliancesystems.cvm
<br />