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��14�515� <br /> �C} **Lender'*i��ui cken Loans Inc. <br /> . <br /> Lender�s a �orparati on <br /> organized and exist�ng under the laws of t h e S t a te o f M i c h i g a n . <br /> Lender'�address�s �Q�� 1�oo�war�d Ave, DetrQ��, �� 4$226-1��� <br /> �o} *lTrustee" i5 F�rst Arneri can Ti tl e <br /> . <br /> �E� "�AERS" is Mort�age Electronic Registrati�n Systems, In+c. MERS is a separate c�rporation that is acting <br /> s�Iely as a nominee for Lender and Len.der�s successors and assigns. MEItS is t�e beneficiary under�his <br /> S��urity Instrument. MERS is organ�z�d and�xisting under the la�vs�f I]elaware, and has an address and <br /> telephone numher of P.�. Box��26�F�int,MI 485�1-2�2�,te1. (888�679-M�RS. <br /> �F} "N ote" means the promissory note signed by Borro�ver and dated D ec ern b e r 19, 2�1� . The Note <br /> sta.tes that Borrower o�ues Lender FOrty �ne Th�USand E1 ght HUn�1�'Ed F1 fty <br /> and �Qll�� <br /> Dallars(U.S. $ 4�,$��.�� }plus interest. Borrower has promised ta pay this debt in regu�ar <br /> Periodic payments and to pay the debt in fu11 not later than �a n u a ry 1, �Q 4� . <br /> �G� "Property"means�he property that is described be�ow under t�e heading"Transfer of Rights in the <br /> Propert�." <br /> �H} "Loan"means the�debt evidenced by th�Note, plus�nt�r�st, any prepayment charges and Iate charges due <br /> under the NQ�e,and a�t surr�s due under this Security�nstrument�plus interest. <br /> �I} "Ride�"means all Riders to this Security Instrumen�that are executed�a�Borrower. The following Rider� <br /> are to be�xecuted�y Borrower Cc�.eGk box as applicab�e]: <br /> �Adjusta.b��Rate Rider �Condominium Rider 0 Seco�.d Home Rid�r <br /> 0 Ba��oon R�der 0 P�anned U'nit I]evelopment Rider 0 1-4 Farnily Rider <br /> 0 VA�.�der 0 B��ueekly Payment Rider ��ther�s} [specify] <br /> �egal Attached <br /> {J} "App��c�bl+�Lav�" means a11 contralling applicable federa�, s�ate and 1oca1 statutes, re�ulations, <br /> ordinances and administrative rules and orders�that have�he effect of law)as we11 as a11 applicable final, <br /> non-appeata�Ie judic�al opinions. <br /> �K} "Cammun�ty Ass�ci�tidnDues, Fees,�n�!Assessments"means a11 dues, fees, assessments and other <br /> charges that are imposed on Borrovver ar the Property by a condaminium a�sociation,homeovvners <br /> a�s�ciation or sirnilar organization, <br /> {L} "E lectr�o n i c F u nds Transfer"means any tran.�fer of futtds, other than a transaction originated by check, <br /> drai�,ar similar paper instrument,which is initiated through an electronic terminal,telephonic instrument, <br /> computer,or magnet�c�ape so as to order, instruct,or authorize a financia�institution to d�bit or credit an <br /> accoun�. Such term�nc�udes,but is not limited to,po�nt-of-sale transfers,autvmated teller machin� <br /> transactions,transfers initiated by telephane,wire transfers�and automated c��aringhouse tran�fers. <br /> �M� "Escro�Items"means those items that are described in Section 3. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 34�$1181 <br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE�[13n2).04 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 2 of'i 7 <br /> q�333392z497 ��33 258 �Z17 <br />