<br /> TranSfer of the Pr�per�y or a Benefi�ial Interest in Borrower. If a��or an�par�of the Property or any in�erest
<br /> �n �t �s sa�d or transf�rred �or if a beneficial �n�eres� in Borrower �s sold or txansferred and B�rrower is n�t a
<br /> natural person} v�ith�u� Lender's priar v�ritt�n �vnsen�, Lender may, a� its op�iony require immed�ate paymen� �xi
<br /> fu�1 vf al� sums secured by �his Secur��y Instrument. How��er, �his op�ion shall not be exercised by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federal lavv as of the da��of this Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises �his optx�n, Lender shaX1 give Borrower na��ce of accelerat�on. The notic� shal� prn�ide a
<br /> p�riod of not Iess than �he mxnimum number af days estab�ished by App��cable Law firom�he date the n��ice is
<br /> deii�ered or mailed with�n whi�h Borro�er must pay a�� sums secured by �his Security Instrum�n�. If Borrower
<br /> faiis �o pay these sums prior to the exp�ra�zan of this p�riods Lend�r may �nvoke any remed�es permitted by this
<br /> S�curity Instrument w��hout fur�her no�ice ar demand on Borrower,
<br /> Borrower's R�ght to Reinstate. If Borrawer meets c�r�ain conditions, Borra�v�r shall have �he right to ha�e
<br /> enfarcemen� of this Secu.rity �nstrumen� discontinued a�any t�rne prior to�he earlier of: �a� � da�s �ar such o�h�r
<br /> periad as Applicable Law may specify for reinstatement}before sale�f�he Proper�y pursuant�v any power of sale
<br /> canta�ned in this Security Instrum�n�; or �b� �ntry af a judgmen� �nfor��ng �h�s Securi�y �ns�rumen�. Thase
<br /> conditions are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender all sums urhi�h�hen would be due under this Security Instrumen�
<br /> and the�ontract as if na acce�era���n had oc�urred;�b�cures any default of any other co�enants or agreemen�s;�c�
<br /> pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secur�ty�nstruxnent, including,but not limited�o,reas�nable at�orneys'
<br /> fees to�he extent permitted by law; and�d�takes such ac�i�n as Len�er may reasonab�y require�o assure�hat the
<br /> lien of�his S�curity Ins�rumen�, L�nder's righ�s xn the Property and Borrawer's obliga�ion to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this Securi�y Instrumen� shall can�inue un�hanged. Upon reins�a�ement�y Borrawer,�this Securi�y �nstrumen�
<br /> and the ob�igations secured hereby shal� remain ful�y effec�i�e as if nfl ac�elera�ion had o�curred. �3ov�e�er, th�s
<br /> righ�ta reinstate shall no�apply�n the case af acce�era��an under�he section ti�led Transfer of the Praper�y or a
<br /> Sen�f�c�al Interest in Borrower.
<br /> Ha�ardvus Substance�. Borrower shall no�cause or permit�he pr�sence,use, disp�sa�, storage, or release of any
<br /> Haza.rdous Substan�es on ar in the Property.Borro�rer shall nat do,nor allQvv anyone else�o do,anything affec�ing
<br /> the Properry tha� is in �iala�ion af any En�ironmental Law. The prec�ding two sen�en�es shall nfl� apply ta the
<br /> presence,use,or storage on�he Proper�y of smal�quanti�ies of Hazardaus Subs�ances that are genera�Iy re�ognized
<br /> �a b�appr�pria�e to normal residentia�uses and to ma�n�enanc�of the Property.
<br /> Barrower sha�l prom.ptly give Lender written no�ice of any�nves��gation,�laim,demand,lawsuit�r other ac�ion by
<br /> an� gavernmenta� or regu�a�ory agency or pr��a�e par�y in���ving the Pr�per�y and any Hazardous Sub�tance or
<br /> En�ironmen�al Law of �h�ch Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower �earns, or is notifi�d by any
<br /> go�ernmen�al or regulatory authority,�hat any removal flr o�her rem�dia�ion of any Ha�ardous Su�stance affecting
<br /> �he Property is ne�essary, Borrower shal� promp��y tak� a�� necessary remedial ac��ons i.x� acCordance w��h
<br /> Env�ronmen�al Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "�3azardous Substances" are those substan�es defined as taxic or hazardaus subs�ances
<br /> by Environmen�al Law and the following subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, ather flammab�e or toxic petroleum
<br /> produ�ts, t�xic pest�cides and her��cid�s, �fllati�e solven�s, ma�er�als cfln�aining ashestos �r formaldehyde, and
<br /> radiaac�i�e materials.As used in this paragraph, "EnWrronmen�al Law"means federal Ia�s and�aws of the state af
<br /> N�braska�ha�relate�o health, safety ar en�ir�nmen�al protec��on.
<br /> Acce�eration; Remedie5, Lender shal� give notiGe tv Borrower prior to accelerat�on fo�l�wing Borrflwer's
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument or the Contract under whi�h acceleration
<br /> i5 permitted �bu� not prior to a�celera��an under the section tit�ed TranSfer of the Proper�y�r a Bene�c�a�
<br /> In�erest �n Borr�w�r, unless Applicabie Law pro�xdes otherwi5e�. The nntice �hall specify: �a� the default;
<br /> �b� the act�on r�quired �o cure the defau�t; �c} a date, not I�ss than the minimum number of days
<br /> e5tablished by Appiicable Law from the date the n.otice is given to B�rrower, �y which �he d�fauit must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that failure �o cure the default on or b�f�re the date speci�ed �n �he no�ice may resu�t in
<br /> acce�erat�vn of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and Sale of the Property. To the ext�nt
<br /> permitted �y law, the n�ti�e 5haI1 further �nf�rm Bflrrower of the r�ght to refnstate after ac�eZeration and
<br /> the r�ght tfl bring a court action ta as5ert the non-existence�f a d�fauit or any ather defense of Borrovver�o
<br /> a�celeration and 5a1�. If the defau�t �s no��ured on or befor� �he date specified in the nnt�ce,LQnder at its
<br /> op�ifln may require immediate payment in fuil of a�l 5ums se�ured b� th�s Se�urity Ins�rument with�ut
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any o�her r�medies permitted by Applicable Lav�.
<br /> To the extent perm�#t�d hy law, Lender �hall be entitIed to colle�t all expenses incurred i� pursuing �he
<br /> r�medies provide�I in this Section, �nclud�ng, bu� no� �im��ed �o, reasonab�e att�rneys' fees and c�sts of tit�e
<br /> e�iden�e.
<br /> If the power of sa�e is �n��ked, Trustee�hall record a noti��of defauit in ea�h �ounty�n which any part of
<br /> �h�Property i5 I�cated and sha�I mai��opies of such notice in the manner prescrxbed by Applicab�e Law to
<br /> Borrvwer and to the other persans pre5cribed by App�i�able Law. After the �im� required by App�icabie
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�� g�ve publi� natice of sale to the persvn� and in the manner prescribed �y App���ab�e
<br /> Law. TrusteQ,without demand on Borrov�ery sha��se�l the Property at pubiic auction to the highest bidc�er
<br /> at the time and place and under the terrns designa��d in the nntice of sal�in on�or more parcels and zn any
<br /> order Trustee determine�. Trustee may pfl�tpane salQ of aII or any parcel of the Property by pub�ic
<br /> announcement at the t�me and p�ace of any previous�y scheduled 5ale.Lender or its de�ignee may purcha5e
<br /> �he Property at any�ale.
<br /> Upon receipt Qf payment af the price bid, Trustee shall deIi�er to the purchaser Trustee's d�ed con�ey�ng
<br /> the Proper�y, The rec�tals in the Trustee's deed shal� be prima fa��e ev�dence of the�ruth flf�he sta�ements
<br /> fl 2�Q�-2014 Campiiance Systerns,Inc.�€958-73I7-24I3L2.3.1.8�3
<br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Security Instr�ment DL2435 Pa�e 4❑f 5 www,�omplian�esystems.cam
<br />