<br /> Payment of Principal and Interes�; �ther Charges.Bflrra�ver sha11 prompt�y pay when due�h�pr�ncipal of and
<br /> inter�st on th�debt�wed under the C�ntrac�and�ate�harg�s flr an�other fees and charges due under�he Contract.
<br /> Appiicable Law, As LiS�� lI1 ��1I5 Secu.r��y Instrum�nt, �he term "Applicable Law" shall mean al� con�rol�ing
<br /> applicable fed�ral, s�ate and lacal s�atutes, regu�ati�ns, ardinance� and adm�nistra�ive rul�s and �rders �tha� have
<br /> �he�ffect of�aw�as well as a1I appl�cable fina�,non-appea�able judicial opinions,
<br /> �harg�s; L�ens. Borrav�er sha1l pay a1I �ax�s, assessments, charges, fines and �mp�si�ians at�ribu�able to �he
<br /> Proper�y which may a�ta�n pr�ority o�er�his Securi�y �nstrument, and leaseho�d paymen�s or gr�und rents, if any.
<br /> A��he reques�of L�nder,B�rro�ver shall pr�mp�ly furnish t�Lend�r re�eipts�videnGing the paym�n�s.
<br /> Borrov�er sha��pramp��y discharge any Ii�n v�rh�ch has pr�ority o�er�his Security�nstr�ument un�ess Bflrrower: �a�
<br /> agre�s �n wr��xng �o the payment of the obligation secured by �he ��en xn a mar�x�.er accep�able to Lend�r; ��}
<br /> �on�es�s in good faith the Iien by, or defends agains� enf�rcemen� of the l�en in, lega� proceed�ngs which in �he
<br /> Lender's opinifln �perate ta pr���n� the enfflrcemen� of th� Iien; or �c� secures from th� holder of the lxen an
<br /> agreemen�sa��sfactory�o Lender subordina��ng the l�en to th�s 5ecurity �nstrument. �f Lender determines that an�
<br /> par�of�he Property is subj ec��o a l�en which may at�ain priority ��er this Se�urity Instrument, Lender may gi�e
<br /> Sorrower a no��ce �den�ifying the lien, Borrovver shall sa�isfy�he �ien or�ak� one or mare of�he actions set f�rth
<br /> abo�e v�i�hin 1 D days flf the gi�ing af not�ce.
<br /> Hazard ❑r Prtiper�y Insurance. Borrfl�er sha��keep�he improvements naw�xisting or hereaft�r erected on the
<br /> Praperty insured against�oss by fir�,hazards inc�ud�d w��hin the�erm"extended cov�rage"and any a�her hazards,
<br /> including floods or flood�ng, for vwhi�h Lender requires insurance. This insurance shal� be maintained in �he
<br /> am�unts and far the periods that Lend�r requ�res. The insurance carrier providing the�nsur�.nce shali be chosen by
<br /> Borrower su�ject �o Lender's approva� �vh�ch shall nat be u.nreas�nably withheld. If Bflrrflu��r fai�s �o maintain
<br /> co�erage described ahfl�e, Lender may, at Lender's option, ob�ain ca�erage t� pro��c� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Praperty ix�accordance wi�h se�tion t��Ied Prote�t�on of Lender's l�ights in the Property.
<br /> All �nsuran�e policies and renewals sha�l be accep�able �a Lender and shall inc�ude a s�ar�dard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have the r�ght to hold�h�policies and renewals, rf L�nder requires, Borrawer shall prompt�y g�ve�o
<br /> Lender alI rec�ipts of paid premiums and renev�a�na�i��s. �n the even�af 1oss, Borro�ver sha�i give promp�notice
<br /> �o the insurance carrier and Lender.Len�ier may make proof flf loss if not made prvm.pt�y�y Barrower.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrower �therwise agree in writing, �nsurance proce�ds shall �e applied �� restoration or
<br /> repair �f the Property damaged, �f, in Lender's sale discr���on, the res�oratian or repair is economical�y feasible
<br /> a.nd Lender's secur�ty is no� Iessened. �f, in Lender's sale d�s�ret�on, �he res�oratian �r repair is n�� e�onomicaily
<br /> feasib�e or Lender's se�urity v�ould be lessened,�he insuran�e proc�eds sha��be applied to the sums secured by�hxs
<br /> Se�urity Ins�rument, whe�her or not then due, �ith any excess pa�d �� Barraw�r. If �orrower abandons the
<br /> Prop�r�y,or does no�ansv�er within�he number af days prescr�bed by Applicable Law as set farth in a no�ice�roa�x�
<br /> Lender�o Btirrower�ha�the insurance carrier has offered to set��e a cla�m, �hen Lender may cal�ec�the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the pro��eds to repair or res�ore �he Proper�y or�o pay sums secured by th�s S�curity
<br /> �nstrument,v�he�her or no��h�n due. Th�period of��n�e for Borrower to answer as se�f�r�h�n the no�ice�z�l beg�n
<br /> v�rhen the no��ce is gi�en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any appli�at�on of proceeds ta pr�nczpa� shall�.o�extend
<br /> or postpone the �ue date of the paym�nts due un�.er�he Cfln�ract�r�hange the amflun�of�he payments. rf under
<br /> the s�c�ifln titled Acceleration; Remedies, �he Properfiy �s a�qu�red by Lender, Borr�wer's right�� any insura.nce
<br /> policies and proceeds resulting from darnage �o the Property pr�or�fl the acqu�s�tion shal� pass ta Lender to the
<br /> exten�of the sums secured by this Se�uri�y Instrument immedia�e�y prior to�he a�quisit�on.
<br /> Preservat�on, Ma�ntenance and Protection vf the Pr�perty; Borrower's Loan App��ca�ion; Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrawer shall not destroy, damage or impair the Praperty, allovv�he Praperty to de�er�ora��, or commit waste on
<br /> the Prnp�r�.Borro�er shall be i.n default�f any forfeiture action or proceeding,whe�her ci�il or criminal, is begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's good fai�h judgment cou�d resu�� in f�rfe�ture of��e Proper�y or otherw�s� ma��rially impair�h�
<br /> l�en crea�ed by �h�s Secur��y rnstrumen� ar Lender's s�curity in��rest. Bnrrow�r may cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pravided in sect�an titled Borrower's R�ght to Reins�ate, by�ausing�he ac�ion or pr�ceed�ng to be
<br /> dismissed wi�h a ruling that, in Lender's good fai�h determination,precludes forf�i�ure of the Borrower's in�erest in
<br /> the Property flr ather material �mpairment af�he Iien created by this Secur�fiy �nstrumen� or Lender's security
<br /> �nterest.Borrower sha11 als��e in defau���f Borra�ver,during�he laan app�ication process,ga�e ma�erially fals�or
<br /> �nac�urate informa��an or s�a��ments to L�nder �or failed to provid� Lender v���h any mater�a� informa�ion� �n
<br /> cann�ctian v�ri�h�he loan e�idenced by�h� �ontrac�. If�his ��curity�nstrumen� is on a leasehol�., Borrower shall
<br /> comply with a11 the provisions of�he�ease. �f Borrower acqu�r�s fee t��1e t��he Property,th�Ieaseha�d and�he fee
<br /> �r�Ie sha�l not merge unl�ss Lend�r agrees to the merger in writ�g.
<br /> Protect�on of Lender's Rights in the Proper�y, �f Borrower f�.�ls to perform the covenants and agre�ments
<br /> contained�n this SeGuri�y Ins�rument, �r there is a Iegai proceeding�hat may s�gn�f cantly affect Lend�r's rights in
<br /> �he Praperty �such as a proceedzng 1n bankruptcy, praba�e, for �ondemna�ion or forfeiture or�o enforce laws or
<br /> regulat�ans�, �hen Lender may do and pay for wha�ev�r �s ne�essary �a prote�t �he �alu� of th� Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in the Praperty. Lender's act�ans may include paying any sums secured by a�ien which has pri�r�ty
<br /> over�his Secur��y Instrument, appearing in cour�,paying reasonab�e at�arneys'fees and en�ering an�he Property tv
<br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may�ake action und�r this sectifln,Lender does n�t ha�e t�do s�.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by L�nder under �his sect�on shall become additiflnal debt of Borrov��r secured by th�s
<br /> Secur�ty Instrumen�. Unless B�rrower and Lender agre� �o ��her terms af paymen�, �hese amounts shal� bear
<br /> C 24flQ-2�t 4 Com�Iiance Syst�ms,Inc.4958-7317-2Q13L2.3.i.8�3
<br /> Cansumer Rea�Estate-Sec�rity Instrument DL2436 . Page 2 of S www.�vmpliancesystems.com
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