<br /> fu�l of all sums secured by �his Security �nstrument. Hav�ever, �his ap��on sha�l no� be ex�rcised �y Lender if
<br /> exercise is prahibi�ed�y federal law as of�he dat�of�his 5ecuri�y Instrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercis�s this �ption, Lender shall give Borrower no�ice of a�celeratian. The notice shal� pro�ide a
<br /> period af no� less than the minimum number of days established by Applicable Law from the da�e the n����e is
<br /> de��vered or max�ed vv��hin wh�ch Borrav��r must pay all sums s�cur�d by th�s Securi�y rnstrument. If Borrower
<br /> fails to pay �hese sums priar to �he expira�ion of�his periad, Lender may in��ke any remedies perm�t�ed by this
<br /> Security Zrzs�rum�n�with�u�fur�her no�ice ar demand on B�rrawer.
<br /> Borrawer�s Right to R.einstate. rf Borrawer mee�s certain cond��ions, Borrower shall ha�e the right �o have
<br /> enforcemen� of this Secur�fiy�ns�rument discontinued a�any��me prior���he earlier of �a} 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> period as Applicable Law may specify for reinstatemen���efore sale af�he Property pursuant�o any power of sa�e
<br /> �on�a�ned in �his Se�uri�y Instrument; or �b} entry of a judgm�n� enforcing �h�s Securi�y Instrument. Those
<br /> ��nd�tions are that Borrovv�r: �a� pays L�nder a�1 sums which �hen �ould be �ue under this Se�urity Ins�rument
<br /> and�he�ontrac�as�f no a�ce�eratian had occurred; ���cures any default of any o�her c�venants or agreements;�c�
<br /> pays all expenses�ncurred in enf�r��ng this S�curity�nstrument, including,but no�l�imited to,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees to the ex�en�permi�ted by law; and�d}�a��s such ac���n as Lender ma�reasona���require�o assure that the
<br /> ��en of this Securi�y�nstrumen�, Lender's rights �n the Praperty and B�rrower's obl�ga�ian to pay�he sums secured
<br /> �y �his Secur��y �nstrumen� shal� con�inue unchanged. Up�n reinstatement by Borrower, th�s Secur��y �ns�rument
<br /> and�he obliga�ions secured hereby shall remain fully effec�i�e as if no accelera�ion had accurred. HoWe�er, �hxs
<br /> r��h��o reins�a�e shall no�apply in the cas�of acceleration und�r the sec�ion titled Transfer af the Prop�r�y ar a
<br /> Bene�cial Intere�t xn Bvrrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. Bflrrower sha��no�cause�r permit the presenc�,use, d�sposa�, s�orage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardaus Subs�ances fln flr in�he Pr�perty.B�rraw�r sha��not do,nor a��ow anyane else to dfl,anything affec��ng
<br /> th� Property�ha� �s in ��olation of any Enviranmenta� Law. The prec�d�ng two sen��nces sha11 not apply �o th�
<br /> presence,use,or st�rage on the Praperty of small quantities of Ha�ardous Su�stances that are gen�ra�ly r�cognized
<br /> to b�apprapr�ate�o norma�residential uses and�o main�enance of the Proper�y.
<br /> Borrovver shall promp��y g�ve L�nder writ�en na�ice of any�n�restigation, c�aim, demand, Iawsu�t or�ther a���on by
<br /> any governmen�al �r regulatary agenc� ar private par� �nvalving�he Properry and any �a2ardaus Subs�ance or
<br /> En�ironmen�al Law of which Borrov�er has actual knov�Iedg�. �f Borrower Iearns, or is no�ified �y any
<br /> gfl�ernmenta�or regulatory authority,tha�any remo�al�r other remediati�n of any�azardous Substan�e affect�ng
<br /> the Property �s necessary, Borrower shall prflmp��y take a�� necessary remedial a�tians �n accordance w��h
<br /> En��ranmen�al Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those substances defined as�ox�c ar hazard�us su�stances
<br /> by Environmen�a� Law and the following su�stances: gasoline, kerosene, other flamma��e �r toxic petra�eum
<br /> pradu�ts, �a��c pes�icides and herbxc�des, �a�at�le solvents, ma�eria�s containing asbestos ar formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive mater�a�s.As used in�h�s paragraph, "En�iranmenta�Law"means federal Iavvs and�aws af the state of
<br /> Ne�raska�hat relate�o hea��h,safe�y or�n��ronmenta�protection.
<br /> Accelerat�on; Remedies. Lender shali give na�i�e to Barrower pr�or �o acceleration fo�low�ng Borrawer's
<br /> breach of any covenan�or agreernent in �his Se�urity Instrument or the Contract under which aGceieration
<br /> �s permitt�d (bu� not priar to a�celeration under the sect�on titled Transfer vf the Property�r a Benef�cial
<br /> Interest in Borrowers unie5s Applicab�e Law prov�des otherwi�e�. The n�tice sha�l�pecify: �a} �he default;
<br /> �b� the action requ�red ta cure the defau�t; �c� a date, not less �han the minimum number of days
<br /> establ�shed by Applicab�e Law frvm the date the notice�s given to Borrower, by which the default must be
<br /> cured; and �d) that failure t� cure the defau�t on ar b�fore th� date �pecifi�d �n the no�ice rnay re5u�t in
<br /> accelerat�on of the sums 5ecur�d by this Securi�y Ins�rument and sale of the Property. To �he ex�ent
<br /> perm�tted by Iayv, �he notic�sha�� further inform Bvrrower of the right t� rexn5tate after acc�Iera�ion and
<br /> �h�right to br�ng a court action to assert the non-existen�e�f a default or any other defense of Borra�ver to
<br /> acceierat�on and sa�e. If the defau�t is not cured on or bef�re the date spec�f�ed �n the not�ce, Lender at its
<br /> op�ion may requ�re immediate payment in fu�x of all �ums sQcured by this Security Instrumen� without
<br /> further demand and rnay �nvoke the power ❑f sale and any ��her rQmedies permi�ted by Applicable �Law.
<br /> To the extent permitte� by law, Lender shall be entit�ed to collect a�l expenses incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remedies prflvided in thfs Sec�ion, incZuding, but no��imited to, reasonable attorneys� fe�s and costs of tit�e
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If�he pvwer of Sale is �n�oked,Trustee shal� record a no�xce of default�n ea�h county�n which any part Qf
<br /> the Property is located and shall ma��copies of 5uch notice xn the manner prescribed by Applicab�e Law to
<br /> Sorrower and to the a�her pers�ns prescribed by App�icable Law. Af�er the time requ�red by Appl�cable
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�� give pubZic notice of saie to the persons and in the rnanner prescr�bed by App��cable
<br /> Law. Trustee,without demand on Barrower, 5ha�l sel��he Prop�r��at pub�ic au���on to the highe�t �idder
<br /> at the time and p�a�e and under the�errns des�gnated fn�he notice af sate in one vr more parcels and in any
<br /> order Trustee determines, Trustee may pos�pone sale �f a�l or any parcel af the Pr�perty by pub�x�
<br /> announcem�nt at the tim�and place of any prev�ously scheduied sale.Lender or x�s designe� rnay purchase
<br /> the Praperty at any sale.
<br /> Upvn receipt of payment of the price bid, Trus�ee shail delrver tv the pur�haser Trustee'� �.eed �onveying
<br /> the Property. The recitais �n the TruStee's deed �hall b� prima fa�ie evidence of the tru�h of the staterr�en�s
<br /> made therein. Trustee sha�I apply the prnceeds of the sale in the fallowing ord�r: �a] ta a�i cos�s and
<br /> expenses �f exer�ising the power of saie, and the sale, in�iuding the payment of the Trus�ee's fees actua�ly
<br /> Cfl 2�fl�4-24i4 CampIiance Systems,Inc.4958-75C2-20I3L2.3.�,803
<br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Security Inst�ment DL203d Page 4 af S www,compliancesystems.cam
<br />