<br /> Applicable Law. As used in this Security �ns�rument, the term "App��cable Law" shall mean alI �ontro�ling
<br /> applicahle federal, state and local statu�es, regu�ations, ardinan�es and administrati�e rules and �rders ��ha�ha�e
<br /> the�ffect of lavw�as we�I as a11 app�icable final,non-appealable judicia�ap�nions.
<br /> �harge5; LienS. BorrQwer shal� pay all taxes, assessm�n�s, charges, fines and impositions attribu�able �o �he
<br /> Froperty v�hich ma�attain prior�ty o�er�his Securit� �nstrumen�, and leasehald paym�n�s or ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> A��he request of Lender,Borr�v�er sha�I pramp�ly furnish to Lender rece�p�s eviden�ing the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrower sha�l promp�ly dis�harge any ��en wh��h has priority ov�r thzs Securifiy Instrument unXess Borrower: �a�
<br /> agrees in wr���ng �o the pa�ment of the obligat��n secured by the lien in a manner a�ceptab�e ta L�nder; �b�
<br /> contests in goad fa��h the l��n by, or defends agair�st enfar�ement of�he lien in, �egal prflceedings which �n �he
<br /> Lender's �p��on aperate to pr�ven� the enforcemen� of�he l�en; nr �c� secures fr�m �he h�lder of�he lien an
<br /> agreement sat�sfae�ory�o Lender subordinating the �ien to thxs Secur��y Instrumen�. �f Lender�e�ermines tha� any
<br /> part of the Pr�p�rry is su1�j e��to a lien which rn.ay at�ain priority over this Securzty Instrumen�, Lender may g�v�
<br /> Borr�wer a na�ice identifying the ��en. Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or�ake o�e or more of the act�ons set fflr�h
<br /> aba�e w��hin �fl days of the gi�ing of noti�e.
<br /> Hazard or Praper�y Insuran��. Borrow�r shall keep�he improvem�n�s now�xisting or hereafter ere��ed�n the
<br /> Properry insured against lass by f�r�,hazards included within�he�erm"ex�ended�overage" and any ather hazards,
<br /> including �.aods flr fland�ng, far whi�h Lender requires insuran�e. This insurance sha�� be main�ained in �he
<br /> amounts and for�he periods that Lender requ�res. The insuran�e carr��r providing the�nsurance shall be ch�sen by
<br /> Borr�wer subjec� �o Lender's approva� v�h�ch shall not �be unreasonably withh�Id. �f Borrower fails to mainta�n
<br /> cov�rage descr��ed a�a�e, Lender may, at Len�er`s option, ob�ain co�erage �o protect Len�er's rights in the
<br /> Property in accordance wi�h section t��Ied Protection of Lender'�Rights in the Praperty.
<br /> A11 insurance p�l�cies and ren�u�als sha11 be acceptab�e to Lender and shall include a standard nlortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall ha�e the right ta hold the p���cies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borro�ver shall promptly give to
<br /> Lender aIl receipts of paid premiums and ren�wa�no�ices. �n the e�en�of lo�s, Borrower sha�l give prompt notice
<br /> to the insuran�e carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if no�rnade pr�mptly by Borrov�er.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrov�er otherwise agr�e �n wrzting, insurance proceeds shall be app��ed to restora�ion or
<br /> repair of th� Praper�y damaged, �f, in Lender's so�e dzscre�zon, the r�stora�ion �r repair is econam�ca�Iy feasible
<br /> and L�nder's security is not lessened, If, in L�n�ier's sole discre��on, the res�ora�ian or repair is not economica��y
<br /> feas�bl�or Lender's security would be lessened,�he insurance pr�ceeds shall be app�ied t�the sums se�ured by th�s
<br /> Security Instrument, vvhether or not �hen due, w��h any excess paid �o Borro�er, �f Borrower abandons the
<br /> Pr�perty, or�oes not ans�ver wi�hin�he number af days prescr��ed�y Applicable Law as set for�h�n.a not�ce fram
<br /> Lender to Borrower tha��he insuran�e carrxer has offered to settle a claim, �hen Lender ma�cai�ec�the insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use the pr�ceeds to repair or restore �he Property or to pay sums s�cured by this Security
<br /> �nstrumen�,whe�her or nat�heri due.The period flf�ime for Borrovv�r�o answer as set forth in�he not�ce v�ill beg��
<br /> vvhen the notice�s given.
<br /> Un��ss L�n�er and B�rrower otherwise agree in wri��ng, any applica�ion of pra�eeds to principa� shall nat extend
<br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e of the payments due under the Cantrac�or change the amaun�of the payments, �f under
<br /> �he section t��Ied Acce�erat�vn; Remedies, the Prop�rty is acquired by Lender, Borrawer's righ�to any insurance
<br /> policies and proceeds r�su��ing from damage �o the Prop�rty pr�or to �he a�quisition sha11 pass to Lender to the
<br /> extent�f�he sums secured by�h�s Security�nstrument zmmed�ately pr�or to�he a�quisi��an.
<br /> Preserva�ion, Main�enance and Prvtectivn of the Property; Sorrower's Loan Applica�ior�; Leasehoids.
<br /> Borr�wer shall no�destroy, damage or impair�he Property, all�w the Propex�y�o d�t�riora�e, or commi�waste on
<br /> �he Proper�y. Borr�vver shail be in defauit if any forf�iture ac�ion or pr�ceeding,whether civil or cr�minal, �s begux�
<br /> �hat in Lender's good fai�h judgmen� could resu�� �n forfe�tur� of�h� Property ar otherv�ise materially �mpair the
<br /> lxen created �y this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Barrv�er may cure such a defaui� and
<br /> r�insta�e, as pro�ided�n s�c�xon titled Borrower's Right ta Reins�a�e, by causing�he action or procee�lxng to be
<br /> dismissed v�i�h a ruli.ng tha�, in Lender's gofld faith determination,prec�udes forfeiture of the Barrovver's interest in
<br /> �h� Praper�y or a�her mater�al �mpairment of�he lien �reated by th�s Se�urit� I�strumen� or Lender's security
<br /> interest.Borrovver shaTl also be in defaul��f Borrower,during�he Ioan app�icati�n pr�cess,gave materia��y fals��r
<br /> �naccura�e �nformation or sta�em�nts �fl Lender ��r fa�led to provide Lender w��h any material rnf�rmatian� in
<br /> �onnec��on w�th�he �oan evidenced by�he �ontra�t. �f�his Security Ins�rum�n�is on a leas�h��d, Borrow�r shall
<br /> comply vvith aIl the provisiflns of�he lease. �f Borro`nrer acquires fee title�a�he Praper�y,�he leas�hold and the fee
<br /> �i�Ie sha�l no�merge unless Lender agrees�o�he merger in wrx��.ng.
<br /> Protection of L�nder�s Rights in the Property. �f Borrav�er fai�s to perform the ca��nants and agreements
<br /> contained in th�s Security Instrument, or�her� is a�egal proceed�ng that may signif cantly affec�Lender's rights in
<br /> the Properry �su�h as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, proba�e, for �ondemnat�on or forfeiture or to enforce Iaws or
<br /> regulations�, then Lender may dfl and pay for whatever is necessary �a pra�e�� �he value of the Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in th�Property. Lender's actions may inc�ude paying any sums se�ured by a I�en which has priari�y
<br /> over th�s Secur�ty�nstrument, appear�ng in cour�,paying reasonable attflrneys'fe�s and�ntering on the Prap�rty to
<br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may�ake act�on under�his sect�on,Lender does not hav��o do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this section sha�I become additional deb� of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security Ins�ru.ment. Unless Borrov�er and Len.der agre� to �ther terms of payment, �hese am�un�s shal� bear
<br /> interes� from �he da�e of disbursemen� at �he sanle ra�e assessed on ad�ances under the Cantrac� and shall b�
<br /> payable,wi�h interes�,upon n�tice fram Lender t�Borrower requesting payment.
<br /> C�2�44W2Q i 4 Compliarice Systems,Inc.4958-75C2-2a I3L2.3.�.8�3
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument I]L2�36 Pa�e 2 vf 5 www.compIiancesystems.cam
<br />