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��14�S�9S <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Beneficia�Interest in Barr�wer.�f aI1 or any part of the Property or any�nterest <br /> �n �t is s��d or transferred �or �f a benefici�al �n�eres� �n Borrower is sflld or transferred and BQrrow�r �s no� a <br /> na�ural erson} with�u� Lender's pr�or written cons�nt, Lender may, at its ap�zon, require immed�ate paymen� in <br /> P <br /> fu�� af aI1 sums secured by th�s Secur��y �nstrument. H�wever, this �ption sha�� no� be exercxsed by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is prohibited by federallaw as of the date of this Se�urity Instrumen�. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses this �pt��n, Lender sha11 give Borrower no�ice of accelera�ion. The n�tice sha11 provide a <br /> p <br /> eriod of not �ess �han the minimum number of days establ�shed by Applicable Lavv fr�rn�he date �he no�ice �s <br /> delivered or rnai�ed vvi�hin which Borro�er mus� pay a�1 sun�s secured by th�s Se�ur��y Instrument. �f B�rrower <br /> fails ta pay these sums prior to the expira�ion af�his period, Lender may inv�ke any remedies permitted by�his <br /> Secur��y�nstrument w��h�ut fi.�rtiher notice or demand on Borrovver. <br /> Borrowerr� Right to Reinstate. If Borrov�er mee�s cer�ain condit�ons, Borrower shall have �he right �o have <br /> enforcement af this Secur�ty Instrumen�discon�inued a� any�ime pr�or to�he earl�er�f: �a� 5 days �or such o�her <br /> p <br /> eri�d as AppliCab�e Lav�ma�spec�fy far re�nsta�ement)before sa�e�f�he Property pursuant�a an�povver of sa�e <br /> con�a�ned �n �his SeCurity Instrument; ar �b� entry of a �udgmen� enforcing th�s=Secur�ty Instrumen�. Those <br /> cvnd���ons are tha� Barrov�er: �a} pays Lender a11 sums vvh�ch then wou�d be due under this Security �nstru.ment <br /> and the�ontract as�f�a accelera��on had occurred;�b�cures any default�f any o�her covenants�r agreements;��� <br /> pays aXl expenses incurred in enf�rcing�his Security�ns�rument,including,but not limited ta,reasa�able at�flrneys' <br /> fees�o the exten�permit�ed by law; and�d}�akes su�h a�tion as Lender may reasanabiy requ�re to assure tha�the <br /> �ien of this Securi�y Instrumen�, Lender's rights in�he Property and Borr�wer's vbliga�ion�o pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security �nstrUment sha�1 con�inue unchanged. Upon re�nstatement by B�rrower, this Secur�ty �ns�rument <br /> and the obl�ga�iuns secured hereby sha��remain fu�ly effec��ve as if no acceleration had �ccurred. Hawever, th�s <br /> right�o reinsta�e sha�l n�t appXy in the case of accelera�ion under the sectlon����ed Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Beneficia�Intere5t in B�rrov�er. . <br /> Hazardous Substanc�s.Borrower sha�l nflt cause or per�mi��he presen��,us�, disposa�, s�orage, or release af any <br /> Hazardous Substances on ar in the Property.Borrower shall no�d�,nar a�lovv anyone else�o do,anything affecting <br /> the Proper�y �ha� �s in v�ola�ion �f any En�iranm�nta� Law. The preceding two sex�tences shall no� apply �o �he <br /> presence,use,or stvrage on the Praperty of small quan�i�ies of Hazardous Substances tha�are generally re�ogtxized <br /> to be appr�priate to narrnax residen�ial uses and to ma�n�enance�f the Praperty. <br /> Bflrr�wer shal�promp�Iy give Lender written no�i�e�f an��nvestigat��n,��a�xn, demand,Iawsui��r o�her aCt�on b� <br /> any go�ernmen�al �r regu�atory agency �r pr�va�e part�y in�a�ving the Property and any Hazardous 5ubstan�e or <br /> Environmental Lav� of which Borrower has actual know�edge. �f Borro�ver Iearns, or is not�fied by any <br /> governmen�al�r regulatary au�hority,�ha�any remaval or v�her remed�ation of any Hazardous Substance affecting <br /> the Property �s ne�essary, Borrower shal� pramp��y �ake a11 necessary renledia� actions in ac�ordance w��h <br /> En�v�ronmental Lavv. <br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "�Ca�ard�us Subs�ances" are th�se substances defined as tox�c or hazard�us substances <br /> l�y En�ironnlental La�v and the fallav�ring substances: gaso�ine, k�rosene, vther flarnmable flr tax�c petroleum <br /> products, toxic pest�c�des and herbic�des, volatxle solven�s, materlals cantalning asbestos or formald�hyde, and <br /> rad��acti�e ma�eria�s.As used in�his paragraph, "Env�ronmen�al Law"means federal laws and laws of�he state of <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e to health,safety or en�ir�nmen�al pro�ectifln. <br /> Acce��ratian; Remed�es. Lender shall give notfce to Borrower privr to acce�erat�on fallovWing Barrawer'� <br /> brea�h❑f an�cn�enant ar agreement in this Security InstrumQnt vr the Cnntr��t under which acceleration <br /> i5 permitted �but not prior to acceleratian under the sect�vn tit��d Transfer of th�Property�r a Benefciai <br /> Intere5t in B�rrower, un�e�s Applicable Law pro�ides otherw�se]. The natice 5ha�l spec�fy: �a} the defauit; <br /> �b} the action requirQd to cure �he default; (c� a date, not �ess than the min�mum number of day� <br /> e�tablished by Applicab�Q Law from the da�e th�notice is gxven to Borrflwer, by wh�ch the default must be <br /> cured; and �d� that failure tv cur� the default on vr before the datQ specif�ed �n �he nvti�e may result �n <br /> acceleration of th� sums s��ured by this Securrty Instrument and sa�� of the Property. To the extent <br /> permitt�d by law, the na�ice 5hai1 further �nforn� Borrower of the righ�to reinstate after ac�elerat�on and <br /> the right to bring a court action to assert the nor�-ex�stencQ of a default or any oth�r defense�f Borrnwer to <br /> acce�eratian and sale. If th� defau�t is not cured on or hefare the date specified in the not�c�,Lender at its <br /> aption may requirQ �mrnQdiate payment in fu�l af a�Y sums secured by this Security Instrument without <br /> further demand and may in�oke the power af sale and any other rem�d�e5 permitted by Applicable Law. <br /> Ta the �xtent permitted by �aw, Lender shal� b� entitled ta c�lle�t al� expenses incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remed�es pro�ided in this Section, inc�uding,but nat�imited tv, reasonab�e att�rneys' fees and costs of title <br /> e�id�nce. . <br /> If the p�wer of sa�� is �n�oked,Trustee�hall recvrd a no�ice vf default in each county in whi�h any part of <br /> the Prvperty is �ocated and sha��mail copies of�uch notice in the manner pres�ribed by Appl�cab�e Law t❑ <br /> Borrnwer and to �he other persons prescribed �y Appl�cab�e Law. After the time rQquired by Applicabie <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e puhl�c notice ❑f sale to the persons and in the manner prescr�b�d hy Applicab�e <br /> Law. Tru�tee,with�ut demand �n �arrower,shall s�ll thQ Property at public auction tn the h�ghest b�dder <br /> at the time and place and under the terms des�gnated in�he not�ce af sale�n ane�r more parcel�and in any <br /> arder Trustee determin�s. Trustee may po�tp�ne sa�e of a�i or any parcei of the Property by public <br /> annvuncement at�he time and place❑f any previous��scheduled sale.Lend�r�r�t�design�e may purchas� <br /> the Property at�ny sa�e. <br /> Upon rec�ipt of payment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee shail deli��r ta the purchaser Trustee's deed cvnvey�ng <br /> the Property. The recita�s in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence vf the truth of the statements <br /> C�2tiQ4-2��4 Cvmplian�e Systems,Inc.4�58-762E-2413L2.3.i.843 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2�36 Page 4 af 5 <br />