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. , <br /> 2000005 �5 <br /> SCHEDULE "A" <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> Aa tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE}) of Section <br /> Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) Weat of the 6th P. M., <br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as <br /> follows: <br /> First, to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southwest corner <br /> of said Soutl�east Quarter (SE}); . thence running easterly, along and upon <br /> tl►e south line of said Soutlieast Quarter (SE�), a distauce of Forty and One <br /> Itundredttis (40.01) feet; ti►ence deflecting .left 91' 02' 00" and running <br /> nort}�erly, p�rallel willi the west line of said Souttieast Quarter (SE}), a <br /> distance o[ 0 n e T h o usand O ne Hundred One and Forty Five Hundredths <br /> (1,101.45) feeC to a point wliicti is One Tliousand Forty (1,040.0) feet soutli <br /> of tl�e soutli line ot Suasex Place SuUdivision, said point being the ACTUAL <br /> point of beginning; tlience deflecting rigl►t 91° lU' 20" and running <br /> easterly, para11e1 witli tl�e soutl� l.ine of said Sussex Place Subdivision, <br /> a dlstance o.E Five Ilundred Ninety Two and Forty Nine llundredths (592.49) <br /> Leet; tfience deflecting left 91° 10' 2U" and running nortl�erly, parallel <br /> with the west line of said Southeast Quarl-er (SE#), a distance of Six <br /> Ilundred Forty Five ��ncl One llundredtl�s (645.01) feel- to a soutl►west corner <br /> of R. � B. Second Subdlvision; ttience cleflecting left OU" 11' 34" and <br /> running northerly, along and upon tl�e west line of said R. � B. Second <br /> Subdivislon, a dlstance of Tfiree Iiundred Fifty Four and Ninety Nine <br /> llundredtlis (35�i.99) f.eeC to a ��oint wt►icl� is Forty (4U.0) feet south of ttie <br /> norttiwest corner oI said R. h B. Second Subdivision, said point also being <br /> Forty (40.0) feet soutL of the south line oL satd Sassex Place Subdivision; <br /> thence deflecL-ing le[t 88" 32' 00" and running westerly, parallel with the <br /> soutl� lir�e oI said Sussex I'lace Subdlvision, a distance of Five Itundred <br /> Ninety One and 1'wenty Nine iiundredths (591.29) feet to a point whicl� is <br /> Forty (40.U) feet east of tlie west line oP said Southeast Quarter (SE}); <br /> tlieiice deflecting left 91� 07' 00" and running southerly, parallel with ttie <br /> west line of said Southeast Quarter (SE}), a distance of One Thousand <br /> (1,000.0) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning and containing 13.594 acres, <br /> more or less. <br />