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��14�5�97 <br /> ili!!flf�Ilfll IIIII IIIII IIl�!1�lil f�lf IIII <br /> EXHIBIT 'A' <br /> This Exhibit is attached ta and made a part of that Mor�gage dated <br /> �cto�er 02, ��13 , and further describes the property: <br /> A tract af land located in part of the Nflrth 1�2 of the Southwest 1�4 <br /> of the Northwest 1�4 of Sectian 9, Tc�vunship 1� North, Range 9 West �f <br /> the 6th P.M. , Hall Caunty, Nebraska, and mare par�icularly described <br /> as f ol�ws: <br /> �nmmencing at th� Southwest carner af th� Northwest 1/4 af Section 9, <br /> T�wnship 12 North, Range 9 W�st; thence on an assumed bearizzg of <br /> N�rth �fl°�� '��" East upon and along the west line of said N�rthwest <br /> 1/4 a distance of 551,35 feet to the Sauthwest cQrner of the Narth 1/2 <br /> af the Sauthwest l/4 of the N�rthw�st 1/4; thence Narth 89°48 ' �7" <br /> East upan and al�ng the South line of said North 1/2 of th� Southwest <br /> 1/4 of the N�rthwest l�4 a distanc� af 40.7� fe�t to the point of <br /> beginning, said point alsa being on the East right-of-way lin� of <br /> Highway �81; thenc� North ��°�l' �3" West upon and along said east R�W <br /> line a distance of 651.35 feet to a point an th� Narth line of said <br /> North l/2 af the 5authwest l�4 of the Northwe�t 1/4; thenc� North <br /> 89°48 '54"' East upon and along said North line a di�tance of 1�74 .43 <br /> feet ta the Northeast carner of said North 1/� of the Southw�st 1�4 <br /> of the Northwest 1/4; thence Sauth 0�°03 '3�" East up�n and along the <br /> East line of said North 1�2 of the S�uthw�st 1�4 af the Nnrthwest 1�4 <br /> a distance of 551. D5 feet to the South�ast corner �f said North l�2 <br /> of th� Southwest 1�4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence Snuth 89°48 ' �7" <br /> W�st upon and along the South line of said North 1�� of the Southwest <br /> 1�4 Qf the N�rthwest 1/4 a distance of 1274 .79 feet ta the point <br /> af beginning. <br />