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��14�S�S� <br /> A1� insurance poli��es required by Lender and renewals of such�fl�icies shall be sub�ec�ta Lender's righ�ta <br /> disapprQve such p��ici�s, sha11 inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage�lause, and shall n�me Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an additional�oss payee. Lender s�.a�l ha�re the r�ght to hold�he pol�cies and renewal cer�ificates. �f <br /> I.�nder requ�res, Borrawer shal�promptly g�ve�o Lender a11 r�ceip�s of paid premiums and r�n�wa��.��xces. <br /> Zf B�rrawer ab�a�ns any form�f�nsurance co�verage, no��thervv�s�requ�red by Lender, f�r damage to, or <br /> destruc�ion of, �he Proper��, such p�li�y sha�� include a standard mart�age clause and shal� name Lender as <br /> nzortgagee andl�r as an add�tiona� �oss payee. <br /> �n�he event af�oss, Barrov��r sha11 giv�prompt notice t��he�nsurance carrxer and Lender. Lender nza� <br /> make pro�f of��ss if no�mad�promptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lend�r and B�rro�er othervvxse agree�n <br /> writing, any �nsuran��proc��ds, vvh��her or not�he underl�rxng �nsurance was required by Lend�r, sha�l be <br /> appl�ed to res�oration or repair of�he Pr�per�y, if��e res�ara��on or repair is economica��y f�asibie and <br /> Lender's securi�y is not I�ssened. Dur�ng such repair and restora�ion period, Lender sha��have the right ta <br /> ho�d such insuran�e pr�cee�s unt�� Lend�r has�ad an opportun�ty�o inspe��.�uch Proper��to ensure the <br /> work has�een completed�a Lender's satisfact�on, provid�d that such inspec�ion s�.a��be under�aken <br /> pronzp�ly. Lender may disburse prac�eds for the repa�rs and restorat�on in a single payment or�n a ser�es of <br /> progre�s paymen�s as�he v�rorl�is c�mp�eted. Unless an agr�em�nt�s made in v�riting or App�icable Lav�►r <br /> requires in�erest�o be paid on such�nsurance pra�eeds, L,ender sha��nat be requ�red to pay Borr�wer an� <br /> in��rest or earnings an such pro�eeds. Fees far pu���c adjus�ers, or����r�hird parties, r��ain�d b�r Borrav�rer <br /> sha11 n�t be paid ou�flf�he insurance proceeds and sha11 be the sale obiigation�f Borrov��r. If�he res�orat�on <br /> or repa�r�s nat e�onom�ca��y feas�hle or L�nder's secur�ty v�ouid b�lessened, �h�insuran��pr��ee�s sha�l be <br /> appl�ed ta��he sums secured b�this Security�n�trumen�, whe�her or not�h�n due, wi�the excess, �f any, <br /> pai�.�� Borrourer. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied �n�he arder prov�ded for in S�c�ion 2. <br /> �f Borrower aba�dons the Pr�per�y, Lender may file, nego�iate and settie any avai�able insuranee�1ai�n and <br /> re�a�ed matters. �f Barro�v�rer does not respond wi�hin 3�days �o a not�ce from L�nd�r�ha�the insurance <br /> �arrier has offered�o �e�tle a claim, then Lender may negot�a�e and settle�he claim. The 30-day per�od wii� <br /> beg�n w�.en��e notice��given. �n e�ther event, or if L�nder acquires�he Proper�y und�r Se�t�on�2 or <br /> o�h�rwis�, Borrower here�y assigns�o I..�nder�a}Barrower's rig�ts to any insurance proce��s�n an amounti <br /> no��o exceed�he amoun�s unpa�d under the N�te or this 5ecur�ty �nstrument, and�b}any a�her of <br /> Bvrrower's r��hts �other than the righ��o any refund of unearned premiums pa�d b�Borr�v�rer}under a�l <br /> insurance po�icies cover�ng�h�Property, insofar a�such rights are app�icable t�the�o�erage of the <br /> Proper�y. Lend�r may u�e�ie insurance proceeds e��her�o repair or restore the Proper�y or to pay amounts <br /> unpa�d under�he No�e�r�his Security Instrumen�, whether�r nat t�.�n due. <br /> �. �ccu�ancy. Borrower shal�flccup�, establish, and use th�Prnper�y as Borrov�er's principal residence <br /> wi�hin 64 days after�he execut�on�f��.�s �ecurx�y ins�rumen�and shali can�inue t�occup�the Praperty as <br /> Borrower's principal res�dence fflr at 1eas�ane year af�er�he date of�ccupanc�r, unless Lender o�h�rv�rse <br /> agrees �n writing, v�r�.xch cvnsent sha��not�e unreas�nabl�wi�hheld, �r unless extenua��ng circums�ances <br /> ex�s�v�rhich are beyond Borrovver's contro�. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, N�aint�nan�e and Protect�on �f the Praperty; �nspectians. Borr�v��r sha��not destroy, <br /> damage or�nr�.pair the Pr�per�y, a��ov�r the Proper�y��deteriora�e ar coznm�t vvas�e on�he Praperty. 'L�L�hether <br /> or na�Borr�wer is resxd�ng in�he Prap�rty, Borrower sha11 main�ain�h�Prop�r�y in�r�er to prevent��e <br /> Praper�y fr�m de�er�flra��ng or decr�asing �n�alue due to i�s cvnd�t�on. Un�ess i�is de�erm�ne�pursuan�to <br /> Sec�ion 5 that repair or res�oration��not ec�nom�ca�l�r feas�b�e, Borr�wer shal�promptiy repaxr�h�Pr�perty <br /> �f damag��.to avoid fur�her de�er�ara�ion or�amage. �f insurance�r condemnation proceed�are pa�d�n <br /> connec��on�r��h damage�o, or�he taking of, the Prop�rty, Borrower shall be respansible f�r repairing or <br /> restar�ng�he Property only if L.�nder has re�eas�d praceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse praceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFrecidie Mac L]N(�QRM lNSTRUM�NT Farm 3��8 71q1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE3�13�2� <br /> Walters Kluw�r Finar�ciaf Ser�ices Page 7 0��7 <br />