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��14�S�S� <br /> Any app�ica��on of paymen�s, insurance proceeds, ar Miscellaneous Proceeds to princ�pal due under the No�e <br /> shall not extend ar postpon�the due dat�, or change the amount, of the Periad�c Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow I�ems. B�rrower sha�l pa� to Lender on the day Periodic Pa�ments are due under�he <br /> N�ote, unti��he N�te is paid�n ful�, a sum�the "Funds"} to pro��de f�r paymen�af amaun�s due for: �a}taxes <br /> and assessments and a�her x�ems v�hich can a��ain prxori�y aver this Securit��nstrument as a�ie�or <br /> encumbrance on the Proper�y; (b} leasehold paymen�s or ground rents on�he Pr�perty, if any; �c�premiums <br /> for any a�d a11 in�uranc�required b� Lender under Section 5; and �d} Mor�gage�nsurance premium.s, if any, <br /> or any sums payable by Barrawer to Lender in lieu af�he paymen�of Mor�gage�nsurance premiu�m.s �n <br /> accar�ance�vi�h the prov�s�ons�f Se���an I�. These i�ems are�a��ed "Escrow I��ms." At arig�nation�r a� <br /> any t�me during the term of�he L�an, Lender rnay require tha���mmun�t�r Associat�nn Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be es�rowed by Borrnwer, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s shal��e an Es�row <br /> �tem. Borrower sha��pr�mp��y furnish to Ilender all no��ces af amounts�o be paid und�r this S�c��on. <br /> Borrower�ha11 pay�nder the Funds for Escrow �tems unless L�nder v�aives Barrawer's obl�ga��on�o pa� <br /> �he Funds for any ar a�i Escrow��ems. I..�nder may waive Borrower's a��igati�n t�pa�r�o I,ender Funds f�r <br /> any or a�I Es�ra�r��ems at an��ime. An�such waiver may�n��be in wri�ing. �n�.ht e�rent�f such wa�ver, <br /> Barrov�er sha��pay d�r�c�1y, when and v�here payable, the amoun�s due fflr an��scraw I��n1s for�rhich <br /> paymen�of Funds has been v�aived�y Lender and, �f Lender requ�res, sha�� furnish to Lender rece�pts - <br /> e��denc��.g such payment with�n such time period as L.ender ma�requ�re. Borrower's obl�ga�i�n�o make <br /> such payments auad�o pro�ide reGeipts shal� for a��purposes be deemed ta be a�ovenan�and agreen�ent <br /> contained in th�s Se�urit� Instru�m.ent, as the phrase "�ovenan�and agreement" �s used in Sectxon 9. �f <br /> Borrow�r is obl�ga�ed to pay Es�rovv �tem�dire�t��, pursuan��o a�vaiver, and Borrower fails��pa�r�h.� - <br /> amount du�for an Escrow ��em, Lender may e�erc�s��ts righ�s under Section 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Borrower shal.i�hen��obliga�e�und�r Section 9 to repay to Lender any such amoun�. Lender may revok� <br /> th�wa��er as to any�r a11 Escrflw I�ems a�any t�me by a nat�ce gi��n in accordance�v�th Sec�ian I S ar�d, <br /> upon su�h r�voca�ion, Borrower�hall pay to Lender a�l Funds, and in such arnounts, tha�are then required <br /> under this Se���on 3. <br /> Lender nzay, a�any�im�, co�lec�and hold Funds Yn an amount�a} suf�cien��o permi�Lender to app��the <br /> Funds at�he ti�me speci�ed under R�SPA, and��} not to exceed�he maximum a�mnunt a lender�an requ�re <br /> under RESPA. I..�nder shall es�ima�e the amoun�of Funds due on�he bas�s of curren�data and reasonabie <br /> est�mates af e�penditures of fu�ur�Escra�v�r ��ems or o�herwise in accordance with Applzca���Law. <br /> The Funds sha���e he�d in an ins��tu�ti�n wh�se deposi�s are�nsured by a federa� agency, �nstrumental�ty, or <br /> entity �inc�uding Lender, if I,�nder�s an ins�itut��n whose depos��s are so insur�d�ar in any Federal �ome <br /> Loan Bank. Lender shal� apply the Funds t�pay�he Escrov� ��erns n� la��r than the��me spec�fied under <br /> R�SPA. Lender shal.l not charg�Borrower for ho�d�ng and apply�ng�he Funds, annua��y analyz�ng�h� <br /> escravv accaunt, vr�erify�ng�he Escrow ��ems, unless Lender pays Borrower�nteres�on�he Funds and <br /> App�icable Law permits Lender to make su�h a�harge. Un��ss an agreem�nt is made in v�rr�ting or <br /> Appii�able Law requ�r�s in�eres��o be pa�d on�he Funds, L.ender sha��not be required to pa�r�orrower an� <br /> �nterest or earnings on�he Funds. Borrflwer and L�nd�r ca�r�agree�n wr�ting, h�we�er, tha�.intere�t s�a�i be <br /> pa�d an the Funds. Lender sha11 gi�e�o Barr�wer, wi�hau�cha�rg�, an annua� acc�untxng of the�unds as <br /> requxred b�R�SPA, <br /> If�h�re is a surp�us of Funds he�d �n escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha11 accoun��o Borrovver for <br /> the exc�ss funds �n accordance with RESPA. �f there is a shartag�of Funds held�n es�row, as defined under <br /> RESPA, Lender shall no�ify Borrov�er as r�quired b�r RESPA, and Borrower shal�pay�o Lender the amoun� <br /> ne�essary to mak�up�he shortage in ac�ardance wi��RESPA, bu�in no m�re than ��m�n�h�y payments. If <br /> there xs a def�ciency�f Funds he�d in esCr�w, as de�ned un�er RESPA, Lender shall natify Borrawer a� <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Far�nie MaelFrecldie Ma�UNf��RM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3��8"#!�� <br /> VMP(�] VMP6�NE)�13�2� <br /> Woiters KI�€w�r Finan�ial Ser�ices Page 5 of'€7 <br />