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200000 � 03 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> Yart c�f Lot Fii'teen (15), of the County Subdivision of the South Half (Sl/2) of the Southeast <br /> Quarter (SEl/4) of Section Sixteen (16), in Townsl�ip Eleven (11) Nortl�, Range Nine (9) West <br /> of ti�e 6t1� I'.M., and part of tl�e Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of ti�e Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) <br /> of Section 'I\venty One (21), township L'leven (11) NortL, Range Nine ('I) West of tlie 6lh Y.M., <br /> more particularly described as follows,to-wit: <br /> Commencing at a point sixteen feet (16') Southerly from the Southeasterly corner of Lot '1`wo <br /> (2), Block TI►ree (3), in WieUe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ilall County, Nebraska <br /> a�id on .► line witl� tl�e Easterly boundury line of said lot, if extended, tlience runnin6 Southerly <br /> purailcl with the Westerly line of Gddy Strcet ti�r a distance of 132 feet to tl�e Northerly line of <br /> John Street, tl�ence running iii a Westerly direction ulong and upon the Northerly line of J�hn <br /> Street for u distance of 66 feet; thence running in a Nortlierly direction parallel wit!► tl�e <br /> E.�sterly line of Clark Strect for a distance of 132 feet; thence runnin� Easterly parallel with the <br /> Nortl�erly line of Jolin Street for a distance of 66 feet to the pluce of beginning, all in Hull <br /> County,Nebraska <br /> � � � �G � <br />