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<br /> -_.--�—�--•--,----•-._- �Spuco �bovu lhlu (lnu I�or Ilucurdlnp Uulai
<br /> DEEQ 01= iiCCONiI�YANCE
<br /> IcNOW �LL M[:N [lY T)I[SE f'f1l:SCN I�S: C�\ (�
<br /> TII�T WIIL•fl[l1S, nll of Ihe Indebladness suc�uocl I,y Iha [)oo�) ol liusl oxecutud Iry ___Howard H Kleier and � \
<br /> Bonni P T.. Kleier,_H�is�iand and Wif e,-._--_________ _—_—_ _ ` ��V
<br /> �� Bank of Doninhan,._a Nebraska _Corporation, � __,_____ ____, ri,istcu lor �ho
<br /> benefil ol Rank of Doni nhan----- _---- -----.---------�— - , tl�u
<br /> �eneliclary named lhereln dated _ February 8, 1995 _ end rocorded Februar�l5, 1995 In Iho ofAr,a ol Ihe
<br /> flec�lsler ol Deeds of _ Hal 1 Counly, Nebraska , In �ook 9�-100875 al
<br /> Pac�e of Ihe Trusl Deed Records of snid Counly lins been peld, and soid 8eneliclniy has requesled In wrlling Ihel Ilie
<br /> Deed ol Reconveyance bo execuled ond dellvered.
<br /> NOW TIIEREFOf1E, In consldernllon ol such pnymenl nnd In accordnnce wilh Ihe rerpiesl 01 Ihe Eieneflclary named Il�ereln, Ihe
<br /> underslflned es Trustee does by Ihese presenls, pranl, remise, release end roconvey to Ihe person or persons enlllled Iherelo all Ihe
<br /> Inleresl ond estote deilved to sald Truslee by or throu�h sald Deed ol Trusl In Ihe following desaibecl propeity:
<br /> A tract of land in the Northwest Qua�tor af the Northwe�st Qoarter(NW 1/4NW 1/4)of Section 27,Township
<br /> 10 NoRh,Range 9 West of tho 6"'P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska,being more particularly described as
<br /> follows: Referring to the NW Corner of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 27,thence Easterly on
<br /> the North Line of said NWl/4 of the NWl/4 on an assumed bearing of N90°00'00"E a distance of 42.00
<br /> feet to the point of beginning, said point being on the Easterly Right�of-Way Line of Old U.S.Highway
<br /> �281;thence continuing Easterly on the North Line of said NWl/4 of the NWl/4,Bearing N 90°00'00"E
<br /> a distance of 266.20 feet: Thence Southerly bearing S 0°23'00"W a distance of 500.00 feet: thence
<br /> Westerly bearing N 90°00'00"W a Distance of 265.18 feet to a point on the Easterly Old U.S.Highway
<br /> �Z81 Right-of-Way Line, said point bearing 43.02 feet Easterly from the Wect Line of said NW 1/4 of the
<br /> NWl/4;thenoe Northerly on said Right-of-way line bearing N 0°15' S9"E a di�of 500,00 feet to ttie
<br /> point of beginning: Said tract containing 3.04 acres more or less,the Northedy 33 foet being county road
<br /> right-0f-way.
<br /> TOGETI it�� wi i i i n�� u�nlclings, Ilxlures, bnprovemenls and n��purlenances belonc�inc� to such premises.
<br /> D�TE� J.?n„�_��, �nnn
<br /> B �✓��,.��
<br /> Execut' e Vice President
<br /> STl1TE OF Nebraska �
<br /> COUNTY OF Hall � SS'
<br /> On Ihls 10 d�y ol January , 20�� , boloro mo, Iho undcrsl�nc�l, n 1Jotuiy PuLllc In ond lor snid
<br /> s�a�e, personaUy eppenred _ Geor�e H. Wanitschke, Executive Vice President, Bank of Doniphan,
<br /> Truslee, lo me known lo be Ihe Idenlical person iinmed 6� and who execuled ihe lorec�oing Inslrument, end acknowledc�ed Ihal he
<br /> execuled Ihe same as hls volunlary acl and deed.
<br /> �GENERAI,NOTARY Sta�of Neb��ska _
<br /> JON A.HEATH
<br /> My Co�n.Exp.J7a�.9��03 ���y ���uo � �,
<br /> ; �a�s�
<br />