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��14�S�S1 <br /> full of alI sums secured by �h�s Security Instrument. Howe�e�, �h�s aption shall nat be �x�rcised by L�nder �f <br /> exercise is prohi���ed by fed�ral�avv as of the date af�hrs Secuxity Iristrument. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses this opt�on, Lender shal� gi�e Bo�xower no�ice of acce�era�ion. The nfltice shall provide a <br /> peri�d of not �ess �han �he mrnimum number of days esta�lished by Applicable Law from the da�e the notice is <br /> del��rered ar mailed wifihin whi�h Borro�er mus� pay alI sums s�cured by �his Secur�ty Ins�rurnent. �f Borrow�r <br /> fa�ls to pa}�these sums prior to the exp�rati�n of this periad, Lender may invoke any remedies permit�ed by this <br /> Secur�ty�nstrurrien�withou�fur�her notice�r demand�n Borrov�er. <br /> Borrower's Right to Reinstate. Tf Borro�v�r mee�s cer�ain cond���ons, Borrower sha�� have �h� rxght to have <br /> �nfarcement of this Securrt}�Instrumen� discontinued a� any��me prior�o the earlier of: �a� 5 days �or su�h a�her <br /> period as Applicab�e Lav�r may specify for reins�atemen��before sale�f the Proper�y pursuant�a any p�wer of sal� <br /> con�ained in th�s Security �nstrument; or �b� entry of a judgment�s Se�urrfiy Instrument. Those <br /> cond��ions axe �hat Borrou��r: �a} pays Lender aI1 sums �wh�ch �hen would be due under�h�s Securi� �nstrumen� <br /> and�he Cantrac�as if na ac�eleration had occurred;�b}cures any default of any o�her cavenants or agreemer�ts;�c� <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enfor�ing th�s Security Instrt�men�,in�luding,but not Iimited to,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees to �he ex�ent p�rmit��d by�aw; and�d}takes such action as Lender ma�reasanab�y require to assure�ha��he <br /> Iien�f th�s Security�nstrument, L�nder's ri�hts in the Property and Borrower's obiigat��n to pay the sums s�cured <br /> by�his Security �nstrum�nt shall c�n�inue unchanged. Upfln reinstatemen�by Borrow�r, �his Security Instrumen� <br /> and�he abl�ga��ons secured here�y sha�l remain fu�ly effec�i�e as if no acceleration had oCcurred. Howev�r, �his <br /> right��re�nstate sha1l not app�y in the case of accelera�ion under�he s�ct�on titled Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Benef�c�a�Interest�n B�rrower. <br /> Hazardou�Substance5. Barrower sha11 not cause or permit�h�presence,use, disp�sal, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazardflus Su�s�ances on or in�he Prflper�.Bflrr�wer sha11 no�do,nor al�ow anyone e�se�v do,anything affec�ing <br /> the Pr�p�rfiy �hat is in violation flf any Envir�nmen�al Lav�. The pre�eding tw� sen�ences shall not app�y �o �he <br /> presence,use,ar s��rage�n the Property flf small quan�i�ies af Hazardous Subs�ances that are genera�ly recogn�zed <br /> �o be appr�priate�o normal resid�n�ial uses and to ma�n�enan�e of the Praperty. <br /> Borrower sha��prompt�y gi��Lender wri�ten no��ce of any inves�iga�i�n,c�aim,demand,lav�sui�or other action by <br /> any go�ernmentai flr regula�ary agency or pr�vate party inv�lving�he Property and any Hazardous Su�s�ance or <br /> Envi.ronrnental L.av� of which Borrovver has actual kn�vvledge. If Borrovver Iearns, or xs notified by any <br /> go�ernmen�a�or r�guiato�y au�hority,tha�any remo�al or o�her remedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance affe�ting� <br /> th� Propert� is necessary, Borravver sha1l pram.p�Iy tak� a�l necessary remed�al ac�ions �.n. accordance with <br /> Env�ranmental Law. <br /> As us�d �x�th�s paragraph, "�a2ardous Substances" are thos� su�bstances defined as toxic or hazardous subs�an�es <br /> by En��ronmen�al Law and �he foll�vving substan�es: gasol�ne, kerosene, oth�r flammable ar �oxic petra�eum <br /> products, toxic p�s��c�des and her�i��d�s, vola�ile solvents, materials con�aining asbestos or formaidehyde, and <br /> rad�oacti�e materials. As used�n th�s paragraph, "Env�ronmen�al Law"mean�federal Iavvs and�av�s of the s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate�o heal�h, safety ar environmen�a�pro�ect�on. <br /> Acceieration; Remediese Lender 5hali gi�e nat�ce �n Bvrrow�r pr�or to acce�era�ion follow�ng B�rrower's <br /> breach�f any�ovenant or agreement in this Security Instrument or the�ontract under which accelera�ion <br /> is perm��ted �bu# nflt prior to acceieratxon under the section titled Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial <br /> In�erest in Borrow�r, un�ess Applicable Law pravides otherwise). The notice shall 5pec�fy: (a3 the defau�t; <br /> �b� the action required to cur� �he d�fault; �c} a date, not less than the minimum numb�r of days <br /> es�ablished by Applicable Law from the,date the n�tice is given ta Borrower, by wh�ch the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and (d} that fa�iure to cure the default �n or befare the date spe�if�ed in the notice may result in <br /> accelerat�on �f the �ums secured by th�s Security Instrument and sa�e �f the Property. Ta the extent <br /> perm�t�ed by Iaw, the n�tice shall further xnform Borrower of�he right to reinstate af�er accelerat�on and <br /> the r�ght to bring a court a�tian to as5ert the non-existence vf a default or any other defense vf Borrawer to <br /> acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or befare the date specxfied in the noti�e,Lender at ��s <br /> option may requ�re immed�ate payment in fu�� of alI sums seCured by thfs Security Instrument without <br /> further demand and m�y in�oke �he povver flf sale and any �ther remedies p�rmitted by App��cable Law, <br /> To the ex�ent permitted by law, Lender sha�l be entit�ed t� ��lI�ct aIl expen�es incurred in pursuing the <br /> rernedfes provided �n th�s Se�tion, inc�uding, but nvt Iimited to, reasonab�e attarneys' fees and co�t�of ti�Ie <br /> ��idence. <br /> If the power�f sa�e is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice af default in each cvunty�n which any part vf <br /> the Property is located and shall mail capie5 of 5uch notice in �he manner pres�ribed by Applicable Law to <br /> I3orravver and to the other person5 prescr�bed by Applicable Law. Aft�r the time required by Appli�abl� <br /> Law, Trustee �hal� g��e pubZic n�tice of sa�e ta the person5 and �n the manner prescribed by Appi�cable <br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout demand ❑n Borrower,5hai�seli the Prnperty at publ�c auction to the highest bidder <br /> at the time and p�ace and under the term5 designa�ed in the no�i�e vf 5a�e in one�r more parcels and�n any <br /> order TruStee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of aI� or any parcel of the Property by pub��� <br /> announcement at the time and p�ace of any previ�usly s�heduled sale. Lender or�ts designee may purchase <br /> the Prflperty at any sa�e. <br /> Up�n receipt of payment vf the pr�ce bid, Trustee sha�l deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed con�ey�ng <br /> the Property. The r�citals in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prima facie ev�dence of the truth �f�he statements <br /> made �here�n. Trustee shal� app�y the proceeds af �he saIe in the foi�owing order: �a� to all �osts and <br /> expenses af exer�ising the power�f sale, and the sale, inc�uding the payment of the Trusteet� fe�5 a��ually <br /> fl 2�44-2q 14 C4mptiance Systems,Tnc.4958-795G-2a 13 L2.3.1.803 <br /> Gonsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DLZa3d Page 4 of S www, <br />