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��14�5�51 <br /> re�uir�d�y RESPA, and Barr�w�r sha�l pay to Lender�he amoun�n�Gessary �n mak�up �he defic�ency in <br /> ac�ardance w�th RESPA, �ut zn no more�han �2 rnonth��r paymen�s. <br /> Upan paymen� xn fui� of al� sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument, L�nder shall prompt��refund�a <br /> Borroujer any Funds held by L�nder. <br /> 4. Gha�ges; L�ens. Barrower sha���ay a�� �axes, as�essznents, �harges, fin�s, and �mpas���ans a�tr�buta��e t� <br /> the Property whi�h can atta�n priority�ver this Security �nstrument, leasehn�d payrnents ar ground rents on <br /> the Praper�y, if any, and�ammuni�y As�aciatian Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To�h�e�.t�nt that <br /> these items are Escraw I�ems, Borrower shall pay them in the manner pro�id�d�n Section 3, <br /> Borrow�r sha��promp��y d�scharge any �ien vvhzch has pr�ority aver this Se�ur�ty Ins�rumen�unless <br /> Borrawer: ta}agrees in wr��ing�o the payment�f the ab��gation se�ur�d by th���en�n a manner acceptable <br /> ta Lender, but onl�sa�ong a�Borrov�rer is perf�rrning such agreement; �b}c�ntes�s the li�n�n good fa��h by, <br /> �r defends aga�nst enforcemen�of the lien in, Iegal proceeding�wh�ch in Lender's opinian apera�e to prevent <br /> the enforcement of the lien while those pr�ceedings are pending, but anly until �uch proceedings are <br /> Conc�uded; or�c� secures from the hnlder of the l�en an agreement sa�isfactory�o Lender sub�rdinating th� <br /> �ien to this Secur��y �nstrument. �f Lender determines that any part flf the Prap�r�y is subjeCt tn a l�en which <br /> can attain priority a�er th�s Secur�ty �nstrunlen�, Lend�r may gx�e B�rr�wer a n���ce�den��fy�ng the��en. <br /> �ith�n 1�day�of�he dat��n wh�ch�hat notic�is gi��n, Borrawer sha�� satisfy the�ien or tak�one or mar� <br /> �f�he act��ns ��t f�r�h abo�e in this SeGt�on 4. <br /> Lender may require B�rrower to pay a one-t�me charge fnr a real esta�e�ax verification andlor reporting <br /> serv�ce used by Lender in connectzon w�th th�s Loan. <br /> 5. Prvperty Insurance. Borrower sha��keep the impro�ements naw ex�s��ng�r hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insur��aga�ns�loss by f�re, hazard� inc�uded within the term "ex�end�d caverage," and any o�her <br /> hazards inc�uding, but nat l�mit���o, earthquakes and floads, for u�hich Lender requires insurance. This <br /> �nsurance shall�e maintained in the amnunts �inc�ud�ng deductible���els} and for the per�ods that Lender <br /> r�quires. �hat Lender requ�res pursuant to the preced�ng sentences can change dur�ng the term flf the Loan. <br /> Th�insurance carr�er providzng the insurance sha��be chflsen by Borrower subjec�to Lender's r�ght to <br /> disappr�ve Borr�wer's choic�, which right sha�� no�be exercised unreasanab�y. Lender may r�quir� <br /> Borrower t�pay, in cannect��n with this L�an, ei�h�r: �a� a ane�t�me charg�for f�aad zone determinati�n, <br /> �er��f�ca��an a.nd�rack�ng servzces; or�b} a�ne�time charge far flood z�ne�.eterminat�on and c�rtif�cati�n <br /> serv�c�s and subs�qu�nt�harges each t�m�remappzngs or similar�hanges�ccur wh�ch reasanab�y m��.gh� <br /> affec�such deternc�inat��n or cer�if�ca��on. Borrawer s�a�� a�so be respansx��e for the pa�nzent af any fees <br /> impased by the Federai Emergency Managernen�Agency in conne���an with�he re�iew of any flood zone <br /> determinatian resul�ing from an objec�ion by Borrower. <br /> �f B�rro�vver fails t�main�ain an��f the c�verages des�ribed abo��, Lender may ob�ain�nsurance c�verage, <br /> at Lender's op�xon and Barrower's expens�. Lender is under no obligati�n t�purchase any par�zcu�ar type or <br /> amaun�of co�erage. Therefore, such cav�rage s�Za���ov�r Lend�r,but mE�i�h�ar m�ght no�prote��Borro�er, <br /> Borrower's�quity in�he Proper�y, or�he c�n�en�s af�he Praperty, aga�nst any risk, hazard or l�abil�ty and <br /> might provid�grea�er ar lesser co�erage�han�vas previous�y in effe�t. Borro�ver acknov�ledges�hat the cos� <br /> of the insurance co�erage s��btained might significantly��ceed the cost of insurance�hat Borrower could <br /> have obta�ned. An�r arnounts d�sbursed�y L�nder under this Section 5 �hall became additional deb�of <br /> Borrawer secured b��his Securi�� �nstrument, These amounts shall�ear int�rest a��he Note rate from the <br /> date of dis�ursen-�.en�and sha��be paya�le, w�th such �n�erest, upon n�t�ce from Lend�r to Borrower <br /> r�quest�ng payment. <br /> N�SRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFredc#ie Mac UNIFDRM iNSTRUM�NT Form 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP 0 VMP6�NE}t�302y <br /> Wa�ters Kluwer�inanc�a!5er�ices Page fi o�17 <br />