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��14�5�51 <br /> B�RRa�"ER ��VENANTS that Borrow�r is lawfully �eised of the estate h�reby can�eyed and has the right to <br /> gran�and con�ey the Property and that�h� Proper�y is�nencumbered, ex�ept for encumbran��s af rec�rd. <br /> Borrov�rer warrants and w��i defen�generaliy�he�it�e ta �he Proper�y aga�nst a�� c�a�m� and demand�, sub�ect to <br /> any enGumbrances�f record. <br /> TH�S SECUR�TY�N�TRUMENT combines unifarm c��enants for nat��na�use and nonWuniform covenants w�th <br /> ��mited var�at�ons b�r jurisdict�an to constitute a unif�rr�secur�ty xns�rument co��r�ng r�al proper��. <br /> Unifvrm CoWenants. Borrower and Lend�r��venant and agree a� follovvs: <br /> �. Payment vf Principa�. Interest, Escraw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sha��pa�when due the pr�nc�pa� tif, and �n�erest on, the d������den��d by�he Note and any prepayment <br /> charges and�ate charges due und�r�he No�e. Borrower shal� a�so pay funds far E�crow It�ms pursuant to <br /> Sect�an 3. Payments due und�r th�N�te and th�s Se�urity �nstrurnen�sha��be made in U.S. currency. <br /> However, if any check or other�nstrum�n�re�e�ved by Lender as payment under th�Nfl�e or th�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen� is r�turned to L�nder unpaid, Lender ma� require that any or aII subsequent paymen�s due under <br /> the No�e and thzs 5�curity Ins�rumen�be made in one or more�f the follav��ng farms, as s��ect�d by Lender: <br /> �a}cas�.; �b}mQney arder; �c� cer�ified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's ch�ck, provid�d any <br /> such check is drawn upon an inst�tution whose depasits ar��nsured�y a federa� agency, instrum,en�al��y, or <br /> entity; or�d} Ele�trani�Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are de�med r�ce�ved by Lender when received at the loca��an designated in the Note or at such <br /> oth�r�ocat�an a�xnay b�de�ignated by Lender in acc�rdanCe with�he not�ce prov�s�ons zn Section 1S. <br /> Lender may return an�payrnent or par�ial payment if�he paymen�ar part�al payrn�.ents are insuffi�ien�to <br /> bring t�e Loan current. Lender may ac�ept any payment or part�a�payment�nsuf�cient to br�ng the Lflan <br /> current, withaut vvaiv�r of any rights hereunder or prejudice to �ts righ�s to r�fus�such payment�r par��al <br /> payments in the future, bu�Lend�r�s not ob��ga�ed�o app�y such payments at the t�me�uch payments are <br /> accepted, �f each Per�fld�c Pa�rment�s app��ed as af its schedu�ed du�date, �hen Lender need nat pay inter�st <br /> �n unappl�ed funds. Lend�r may hold�uch unapplied funds un��� B�rrower m�akes paymen�s ta bring the <br /> Loan curr�nt. �f Borro�ver�loes not da sa within a r�asanab�e p�rifld af�ime, Lend�r sha�� either apply suCh <br /> funds flr r�turn�hem to Borrow�r. �f not applxed ear�ier, such funds�vii�be appl�ed to�he ou�s�anding <br /> pr�nc�pal baia�ace under�h�Nate immed�ate�y pr��r to farec�asure. No offs�t or claim which Barrawer m�ght <br /> ha�e now or in the future agazns�L�nd�r shal� relieve Barrower from making payments due under�he Nate <br /> and this Se�ur����nstrument or perfarm�.ng the coWenan�s and agreements secured�y this Securi�� <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> �. App�icativn of Payments or Prvc�e�fs. Exc�p�as�therv�ise described in�his Sect�on Z, all payments <br /> accep�ed and applied by Lender sha�l b�app��ed�n the follawing arder of priarity: �a� in�erest due under th� <br /> No�e; �b}principa� due under the Note; ��} amQunts due under Sec�ion 3. Such paymen�s sha��be applied to <br /> �ach Periad�c Payment in the order in whzch it became du�. An�remain�ng amounts sha��be applie�i first t� <br /> �ate charges, �ec�nd to any ather amounts due und�r this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, and then to r�du��the <br /> pr�nc�pa�balance of�he N�te. <br /> �f Lender r�ce�ves a payment from Barrawer for a de�inquent Periadic Paym�nt which �ncludes a suf�c�ent <br /> amount to pay any �ate charge due, the paym�nt may be appli�d ta�he del�nquent paym�n� and the�ate <br /> �harge. �f m�re than one Per�odi� Payment is outstanding, Lender ma�app�y any pa�ment r�cei�ed from <br /> Borrower�a�he repayrx�en�of the Periadic Paymen�s if, and to�he ex�ent that, each payment can�e paid �n <br /> fu��. To th�extent tha�an�ex��ss exis�s after the paymen� is app�zed�o �he full payment�f an��r rnore <br /> Peri�dic Payments, such�xcess may be applied to any �ate�harges due. Valuntary pr�pa�ments shal�b� <br /> applied f�rs�ta an�pr�pa�ment charges and then as d�scribed in the N�te. <br /> NEBRASICA-Single Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie MaG UNfFaRM fNSTRtJM�NT �a�m�ozs��o� <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE1�130�y <br /> W�lters Kiuwer Fi�anciat 5er�ices Page�af 17 <br />