<br /> Applicab�e Law. As used �n th�s Security �ns�rument, �he term "Applicable Law" shall mean a�l con�rol��nb
<br /> appl�cable federa�, s�a�e and local statutes, regu�at�ons, ardi�n.ances and adm�nistrati�e rules and ord�rs �that have
<br /> the effect of 1av��as v�ell as a�l app�icable f nal,n�n-appealahle judic�a�op�n�ons.
<br /> �harges, Lzens. Borrawer sha�l pay a�l �axes, ass�ssments, char�es, fines and imposi�ions attr�butahle �a �he
<br /> Prnp�rty v�hich may at�aYn pr�or�ty ��er thrs Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, and �easeho�d paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> A��he re�ues�af Lender, Bor�rov�er shall�romptly furnish ta Lender receip�s e�id�ncrnb the payments.
<br /> B�rrov�er shall prom��ly d�scharbe any ��en which has priority over�h�s �ecurity Ins�rument uniess Borrower: �a�
<br /> a�rees �n v�rxtin� ta th� payment of the ab�ibat��n secured by �he lxen in a manner accep�ab�e to Lender; �b}
<br /> cont�sts in �aod faith �he lYen by, ar defends a�ains� enforcen�ent of�he l�en xn, le�al proceedinbs whxch in �he
<br /> Lender's opinion operate �o pre�ent the enfor�emen� of the lien; or �c} secures fr�m the halder flf�he Iien an
<br /> a�reement satisfactory t� Lender subordinat�nb�he l�en to this Security 7nstrument. xf Lender determxnes tha�any
<br /> par� af the Pro�erty xs subject to a lien which may a�tain prinrity o�er�hxs Secur�ty �nstrument, Lender may ���e
<br /> Borrower a na�ice iden�ify�n�the ��en. Barrawer shall satisfy the ��en or take one or more flf�he ac�ions set fnrth
<br /> abo�e v�ithin I�days�f the�i�in�of natxce.
<br /> Ha za rd o r P rv p erty In s u ra n ce. B orrower shal�keep�he impro�ements now �xisting ar hereafter erecte d on the
<br /> Property insured a�a�nst�ass by f re,hazards included w��hin the term "ex�ended co�era�e" and any ather hazards,
<br /> includ�n� floods or floading, for which Lender requ�res insurance. This insurance shall be maintained �n the
<br /> amaun�s and far�he periads�ha�Lender requ�res. The insurance carrier prn�id�n�the insurance sha�l be�hosen by
<br /> Borrower subjec� �� Lender's appro�al wh�ch shal� no� be unreasanably withhe�d. �f B�rrower fai�s �o �nain�ain
<br /> coverabe descrxhed abo�e, Lender may, at Lenderts ap�ion, abta�n coverage tfl pra�ect Lender's ribh�s �n the
<br /> Proper�y in acc�rdanc�vv�th sec�ifln�itled Prn�ec�ian of Lender's Rights in th�Praper�y.
<br /> AIl insurance po�x��es and renev�als shaX� be accep�able to Lender and sha�l inc�ude a s�andard mortba�� ��aus�.
<br /> Lender shal� ha�e th�ribh��o hnld�he po�icies and renewals. �f Lender requ�res, Borrawer shal� promptly give ta
<br /> Lender a�l receip�s of paid premiums and renewal na��ces. In the even�of loss, Barrawer sha�1 �i��pr�mp�nat��e
<br /> �o�he insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may make proof af loss xf not made prompt�y by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower �t�erwise agree �n vvritxnb, insurance pr�c�eds sha�l be applied �o res�arati�n ar
<br /> reparr af�he Propez�ty damabed, �f, in Lender's sa�� d�scre�ion, the res�orat�on �r repair is econom��a��y feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is not �essened. �f, in Lender's sole discre�ion, the r�s�oration or repa�r �s nat economically
<br /> feasxble ar Lender's security would be Xessened,�he insurance proceeds shal�b�applied to the sums s�cured h�this
<br /> Security �ns�ruznent, whe�her ar n�� �hen due, W��h any excess pazd to Borrower. If Borrov�er �.�ar�dons the
<br /> Praper�y, or does nat answer wi�h�n th�num�ber of days prescribed by App��cab�e Law as se�far�h�n a notice from
<br /> Lend�r�o Borrovver that the insurance carrier has offered�o settle a claim, �hen Lender may co��ec��he insurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �� repair or restore �he Prope�-�y or ta pay sums secured by th�s Secur��
<br /> �nstrum�nt,wheth�r or not then due. The period of txme far Barrov�er�o answer as set f�r�h in the na�ice w��X bebin
<br /> vvhen�he notice xs given.
<br /> Ilnless Lender and Borrov�er atherw�se agree in writing, any applica�i�n of proceeds to principal sha�� no�ex�end
<br /> or pastpane the due da�e af�he pa�men�s due under the Cflntract or chang� the amoun��f�he paymen�s. If under
<br /> �he sec��on titled Accelerativn; Remedies, �he Proper� is acqu�red by Lender, Borrower's right�o any insurance
<br /> poli��es and proceeds resul�ing fram. damage to �he Property pr�or to �he acquis���an sha�l pass t� Lender �a �he
<br /> extent of the sums secured by�his Secur��y Instrument xm�.mediately prxor ta�h�acqu�sxti�n.
<br /> Preservation, Main�enance and Protec��on of the Property; B�rrnwQr's Laan APplica��an; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borrower shal� no�des�roy, damage or impair�he Property, aiiow the Properfiy to de�er�orate, or commit vvaste an
<br /> �he Praperty. Barrawer sha�i be in defau��xf any forfe��ure action or proceedin�,whe�her ci�i�ar criminal, is bebun
<br /> tha� in Lender's �ofld fa�th jud�ment cou�d resui� xn farfeiture of the Property or a�hervv�se materxaX�y impair�he
<br /> �ien created by this Security �ns�rument or Lender's securi� interest. Barrov�er may cure such a default and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pra��ded xn sec��an����ed Barrvwer's R�ght to Re�nsta�e, �y causin�the act��n �r proceedinb�o be
<br /> d�smzssed with a rul�ng that, �n Lender's��od faith determ�nat�on,precludes forfe�tur�of�he Borr�wer's in�erest�n
<br /> the Proper-ty or ather mater�a� impairment of�he Zxen crea�ed by �his Secur�ty �nstrument or Lender's secur��y
<br /> interest. Bor�rawer sha1�also be �n defaul�if B�rrnwer,durxng the loan applica�ian pracess,ba�e mater�a�ly false or
<br /> ina�cura�e informat�on or s�atements to Lender �or fa��ed �a provide Lender w�th any ma�er�a� infarmation� �n
<br /> connectxon with the �oan ev�den�ed�by�he Con�ract. �f�his Securzty �ns�:rument is on a leasehoXd, Borrower shall
<br /> co�r�ply with al��he pro�is�ons of�he ��ase. �f Bnrrower acqu�res f�e title to the Property,�he leasehold and the fee
<br /> tit�e shall nat merbe unless Lender agrees��the merger in wr��in�.
<br /> Protec�ion of Lender's Rights �n �he Proper�y. If Borrawer faxls to perform �he covenants and agree�m.ents
<br /> contaxned in th�s Security �nstrument, or�here is a�ega1 proc�edin�that may sign�f��antly affect Lender's ribh�s �n
<br /> the Praperty �such as a pra�eeding �n bankrup�cy, pro�a�e, for condemna��on or forfe��ure or to enfarce Iav�s or
<br /> regula��ans�, then Lender may da and pay for whate�er xs necessary ta pro�ect the value �f the Property and
<br /> Lenderis rights xn the Praperty. Lender's ac�ians may inc�ude payin�any sums secured by a l�en whic�has priari�y
<br /> aver this S�curity�nstrumen�, appearing in cour�,pay�ng reasonab�e at�arneys'fees and en�ering�n the Praper�y to
<br /> make repairs.Al�houbh Lender may tak�ac�ion under th�s sect�an, Lender does n�t have��do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed �y Lender under this sec�ian sha�l become add��ianal d�bt of Barrower se�ured by thxs
<br /> Se�ur��y Ins�rument. Unless B�rrawer and L�nder abre� to other �erms �f pa�men�, these amaun�s shall bear
<br /> in�erest fram the date of dxsbursement a� �he same ra�� assessed an advances under the Contract and shail be
<br /> payab�e,w��h in�erest,upon natice fram Lender to Borrov�er request�ng payment.
<br /> C�2004-2014 Cfl�npliar�ce Syste���s,tnc.4958-9574-2�I3L2.3.1.8�3
<br /> Co�lss�mer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL203G Pa�,e 2 of S www.campliancesystems.cam
<br />