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��14�5��1 <br /> Inspection. Lender or i�s agen�t may ma�e reasonable en�ries upon and xnsp�ctions of the Pr�per�y. Lender sha�l <br /> g�ve Borrower noxice a�th���me of or prxor to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for�he inspe�tion. <br /> Condemnatian. The pra�e�ds of any award�r��aim f�r damages, direc�or cans�quen�ial, �n connec��on wi�h a�y <br /> condemna�ion or other taking of an�par� of�he Property, flr f�r con�eyance �n ��eu of cflndemnatron, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be pa�d ta L�nder. <br /> �n �he e�en� of a�o�a� �ak�ng �f�he Properry, the proc�eds sha�� be applied tv the sums secur�d by �hzs Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�, v�hether or nat �hen due, with any e�cess paid �a Barrower. �n �he e�en� of a par�ial �ak�ng af�he <br /> Property �n which the fair market�a�ue �f�he Proper�y immediately before the �aking is equal t� or grea�er than <br /> the amount of�he sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rumen� zmmed�ate�y before �he �aking, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender�therwise agree in vvrzt�ng,�he sums secured by this S�curxty�ns�rumen�shal�be reduced hy�he amoun�of <br /> the praceeds mul�iplied by th�f��l�wing frac�ion: �a}the t�tal amount of�h�sums secured zmmediately before the <br /> taking, di�ided by �h} �he fa�r marke� value of�he Prapez-ty xmmed�ately before the tak�ng. An� balance shail be <br /> paid �o Barr�w�r. �n�the event of a par�ia� taking of�he Praperty �in whz�h the fair marke�value af the Pr�per�y <br /> immediately before �he taking is �ess than �he amaunt of th� sums secured immediately b�fore the taking, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender ntherwise agree in wr�ting ar unless App�zcab�e Lav�o�herwise prav�d�s, the proceeds sha1X <br /> be app��ed to�he sums secured by this Security�nstrum�n�whether ar not the sums are�hen due. <br /> zf�he Proper�y is abandoned by Barrower, or�f, after nat�c�by Lender�o Borrower tha��he cflndemnor offers�o <br /> make an award or set�Ie a�laim for damages, Borrower fa��s to respvnd to L�nder vvi�hin the rnxnzmum numi�er of <br /> days es�ablished by Appli�able Law after�he date�he no�ice is gi�en, Lender�s au�hor�zed to col�e�t and apply the <br /> pro�eeds, at its �pt�on, either to res�ora�ion or repa�r of�he Prop�r�y or �o the sums se�ured �y thzs Secur��y <br /> �ns�rument,vvhe�her or nv��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er otherwise agree �n wri�ing, any applica�ion of proceeds�o pr�nc�pal shal�n���xtend <br /> ar postpone the due da�e�f the payments due under�he Contrac�or change�he amaun��f such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not Re��ased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wa��er. Ex�ensxan of �he time for paymen� �r <br /> mod�fca�ion of amor��za��an of the sums secured by �his 5ecur�ty �nstrumen� grar��ed �y Lender ta Borrawer or <br /> any successor in �nteres� of Borro�ver sha�� not apera�e �o re��ase the liab���t� of �he orzgina� Borr�wer or <br /> Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be requxred to cammence proceed�ngs against any successor in <br /> zn�erest or refuse�a ex�end��.m.�for payment or o�herwise mad�fy amar�zzat�fln of�he sums secured�y�h�s Security <br /> Instrumen� by reason of any demar�d made by �he orig�na� Borrawer or Borrov�er's successors �n zn�erest. Any <br /> forbearanc� by Lender �n exercising any r�gh� or remedy shall n�t be a waY�er of�r preclude the exercise of any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Su��essors and Ass�gns Bound; JQint and Se�eral L�ab��ity; AcCommodation S�gners. The covenants and <br /> agreemen�s af�his Se�uri� Instrumen�shall b�nd and benefzt�he succ�ssor� and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> subject �o �he prov�s�ons of sec�x�n ��t1ed Transfer af the Property or a �3enef�ciai Interes� in Borrawer. <br /> Barrower's covenants and agreements shall be joznt and severa�. Any person who co-s�gns�his Security Instrumen� <br /> but has no personal 1iab����y under the Can�rac� �"Accommndat�on Signer"}: �a} �s co-sign�ng this Se�ur��y <br /> �nstrument an�y �o moz�gage, grant and convey that Accommodation S�gner's �nteres� in the Proper�y under �he <br /> �erms of the Securxty Instrumen�; ��} is n�t personally ab��gated to pay the secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�um�n�; and�c} agrees that Lender and any a�her Borrovver may agr�e�a extend, modify, forbear ar make any <br /> accommada�ions wi�h regard�o�he�erms of�his Secur��y�ns�rumen�or�he�on�rac�w�thou��hat Acc�mmoda�ion <br /> Srgner's��nsent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f�he l�an secured by �hxs Se�urity �nstrumen� is SL��]�J�C� t0 a �aw wh�ch se�s maximum Ioan <br /> charg�s, and tha��aw is fnally interpre�ed s�that�he in��rest or a�her?oan charges cal�e�ted or to be collect�d�n <br /> connec�zon wi�h the Ioan e��eed the permitted l�mz�s, �he�: �a} any su�h loan �harge sha�� be reduced hy th� <br /> amaun�necessar��o reduce�he charge�n�he permit�ed ��mi�s and�b} any sum.s already�ollected from S�rrow�r <br /> which exceeded p�rmitted �zmits wzll be refund�d �o BarrovWer. Lender may chaose �o make th�s refund by <br /> reducing the prin��pal owed under�he Cantract ar by making a direc�payment ta Borrower. If a refund reduces <br /> prin�ipal,the reduct�on w���be�rea�ed as a par�za�prepayment under the�an�rac�. <br /> Not��es. Any notice �o Barrower provzded for �n th�s Security Instrument sha�� be g�ven by del�vering i� or by <br /> mailing��by f�rst c�ass maz�unless App��cable Law requires use of another m��hod. Th�no�ice sha�I be direc�ed to <br /> �he Property Address or any o��er address Borrovv�r designa�es by no��ce �o L�nder. Borr�vver agrees to prov�de <br /> Lender w��h Barrower's mast curren�ma���ng address, as i�may change from��.me-t�-�im�. Any notxce to L�nder <br /> shal�be given�y firs�class mail to Lender's address s�a�ed here�n ar any o�her address Lender designa�es by not�ce <br /> to BarrovWer.Any no��ce provxded for�n�his 5e�ur��y Instrument shal��e de�med�o have b�en g��en ta Barro�er <br /> or Lender when given as prov�ded�n�his paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law; Se�erability. Th�s Secur��y Instrumen�shal�be gaverned hy f�d�ra�law and the�aws af the s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n the e�ent �ha� any pro��sion �r clause af this Securi�y �ns�rumen� ar the Cantract conflicts w��h <br /> App�xcable Law, such confl�ct sha�l not affec� other provisians of�hi� Security Zns�rument or�he �on�ract vvhich <br /> can be given effect wi�hout�he confl�cting pr��isian. To�hzs �nd the pro��sions af thxs Secur��y Instrumen�and�he <br /> Contrac�ar�declared to be se�erable. <br /> Borrovver's Cvpy.Borrower�ha11 be g�ven vne�a�y of�his Securxty�nst�rument. <br /> Transfer af the Property or a Benefic�a�Interest�n �3orrower. �f a�l or any par�of�he Property or any�n�eres� <br /> in xti �s so�d or transferred �or if a benef�cial �n�erest �n Barrawer is so�d ar transferred and Borrow�r �s no� a <br /> natural person� wxthou� Lender's pr��r v�rit�en consent, Lender may, a� its op�ion, requ�re immedia�e payment in <br /> cC�2404-2QI4 Cvmp�iance Sys#ems,Inc.4958-B43B-24I3LZ.3.t.843 <br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-SeGurity Instrument I]L243d Page 3 af S www.�ompliancesystems.cvm <br />