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��14�S�1S <br /> '[�. Barrov�►er N at Rel�ase�; For���rance �y Lend�r iV ot a�aiWer. Extex�sion nf�he time f�r payment or <br /> mad��:ca��o��f axnart.i:.2at�on of th�sums secured by this Se�u.rity Instru�nent granted by L�nder t���rrower <br /> or any Succes��r 7.n Iriterest of Borrower�hall not aperate to re�ease the lia�i��ty nf Borrower or any <br /> Successors in.In�erest of�orra�ver. Lender sha.11 nat be requ�red to commence proceedings aga�nst ax�.y <br /> Suecessar�n In�erest of Borrower ar�o refuse�o exten,d time for payment or atherwise mod:�.fy amortization <br /> of the sums secured by this Securxty In��ru.mex�t by reason of ar�y demand made by the or�.g�na1 Borrower or <br /> any SuGc�ssors�.Interes�of Borrower. An.y forbearance by I�ender�n e�er�i.sing any x-z�h�or reme�y <br /> �ncl.ud:ing, vvithout Iimitat�on, Lender's accep�a�:�e of paynzents from third perso�.s, ent�.t�es or Successors in <br /> Interest of JBorro�xrer or in arnou��s less than the aznoun.�then due, shall not be a�r�iver of or precluc�e the <br /> exerc�s�of any r�gh�or remedy. <br /> 'I 3. Joi�t and Ser��raI L��bi��ty; ��-s�gners; Successors and ►�ssigns Bound. Bflrraw�r covenants and <br /> agrees�hat Barro�v-er's obl.i.gatiox�s and�.�abil�.�y sha�.l be j oint and s�veral_ Howevez, any]Borrower wha <br /> c�-sigxLs th�i.s Secur�ty Ins�rument bu�daes no�execute the Note�a''c�-sxgr�er"�: [a} �s co--sigx�ing-�his <br /> SeGux�.ty Instrumerit on�y to m�r�gage, grar�.t and convey�he co-signer's ixlteres�ir��h�Property u�der�he <br /> ��n�s�f�hls Securif:y Instruznent; �b�is not persor�a��y�b�.igated�o pay�h�sums seci�-ed]�y this Security <br /> Iristrume�.t; an.d[c� agrees�ha�Len.der and any�ther Borravver�an agree�o e�t��d, �n.adify, forbear ar make � <br /> ax�.y aecflmmad.a.��i�ns wzth regard to the terr:�s of�hi.s Securi.ty Ins�rument or�he No�e wi.thout�he co-s�gnert s <br /> conse�t.. <br /> Subj ect t��he pr�vis�ons of Sect�on 18, any Successor ixi Iriterest af F�rrower who assum�s Borrower's <br /> obligatzor�.s under�his Security Ir�strument in wri�ix�.g, an.d is approved by Lender, shall obtai-�aII of <br /> Barr��rer's rights and benef�.ts urider this Security Instru.ment. Borrower shall no�be released from <br /> Borroyver's�bligations and.l�abi.Izty under�his Secur�ty I�.s�rum.en�unless Lender agrees�a such release in <br /> �vri�ing. Th�covenants and agreements of�s Security Instru�rnent shall bi.nd�except as prov�d�d ix�.Sectxo� <br /> Z�� and benef�t t�e successors and ass�gns of Len�der. <br /> �4. Loa n C h a r�g es� Lender may charge Borr�we�fees f��s erv�ces perfQrmec��cor.�ect��n w��Borrower's <br /> defaul�; for�he pu�pose�f protect�.x�g�s zn�erest�n the Property and rights under�us Secur�ty <br /> Ins�ruaanent, 1.ncluding, but not I.�mited�a, at�arneys� fees, property�nspe�-��.�n axid valua�or�fees. In�regard to <br /> any other fe�s, the absence of ex�ress author�ty i.n�h�.s Seeuri.ty Instrumen:t to charge a speci�c fee to <br /> B�rrou�er sha1��flt b e construed as a proh�bi-tia��n the charg�.ng o f such fee. Lend�r may not charge f�e� � <br /> �ha�ar�expressly prohibited by�his Security Ins�ru.ment or by App��cable LavU. <br /> If the Loan is subj ect to a�.ativ wh�ch s��s max�mum�.oan charges, and�.hat Xaw is�nally interpre�ed s��hat <br /> the�.nteres�or�ther Iaax�.charges c���ected or�a be cal�ected�n connec��on with�he]Loan e�ceed the <br /> pex�rni�:ted�i-mits, �hen: �a} any such Ioa:n.charge shall be reduced by the amoun�necessaxy ta reduce�.e <br /> charge to�he penrnitted Iimi�; arid�b�any surn.s already�allected from Barrower whic�exc�eded pex�xni�ted <br /> I7.mi�s�vi�I�e refun�Ied to Borrower. Lenc�er x�aay ch��se to make�bis refund by reduc�ng the�ri.ncipal�wed� <br /> under t�e Note or by ma�.n.g a direc�payment�o I3orrower�. If a refun.d reduces pranc�.pa1, �h.e reduct�on wi�� <br /> be�reated as a part�a�:prepayment without�.ny prepay�aent charge�whether or�.o�a prepayment charge is <br /> prav�.ded far u�a.der�he Na�e�. Borrower's aceeptax�ce of any�uch refund made by direct pay�nent�o <br /> Borrower wzll c�nst�tu�e a�raiver of any r�.ght of ac�ion Borr�tiver might have arising out of such avercharge. <br /> '��. N�$[�es. AII,no��ces g�ven by Borrou�er or Lender in coxuze��iar�.v�ri�h�hzs Secur�.ty In�trument mi.ust be�xa. <br /> wr�ting. A-�:y notice�o Borrawer i-�conne��i.on��h�his Secur�ty In.s�rument shall be deemed to have be�n <br /> g�ven to BQrrflwer when ma��ed by�rs�c�ass mai_l�or when actually delivered t�Borrower's n.ot�ce address�f <br /> sent by o�her meax�s. Not�ce to any one�3orr�wer sha�.ca�stitute no�ice fo a1I Borrowers u�ess Applicable <br /> Law expressly requires atherwise. The not�ce ac�dress s�i��be the Propert�r Addxess unl.ess Bonr�wer has <br /> 2�oQ�s�7 <br /> NEBRASI{A-5ingf�Fami[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�N1F0l�lll fNSTRUNf ENT Form 3028 11D1 <br /> VM R Q VM Pfi(NE}(�3�2} <br /> iltilolters Kluwer Financial Servi�es Page�'€ vf�7 <br />