<br /> L�EED �F TRUST
<br /> Laan Na: 'I���8�537 ���ntinued} Page 8
<br /> �heir successars in in�erest. The successor �trustee. vtiri�haut conveyance o�F�he Proper�y. shal� succeed �o all the
<br /> title, pvwer, and duties conf�rr�d upon�he Trus�ee in this Deed of Trust and �y appficabl� law. This procedure�or
<br /> substi�ution afi Trus�ee shall ga�ern to the exclusion o�F all a�her pro�isivns far substitution.
<br /> NaT10ES. Any notice r�quired to bs given under this D�ed ❑f Trust, in�ludin� withvut I�mitati�n any notice of default
<br /> and any no�ic� o�sale shall b� given in writing, and shall be effective when actua[ly de�i�ered, when actually recei�ed
<br /> by telefacsimile �un�ess otherwise re�uired by law�� when depasi��d wifh a nationally recognized o��rnight cvurier. vr. if
<br /> mailed, wh�n deposi�ted in th� United Stat�s mai[, as firs�class, certi�Fied or register�d mail pastage prepai�l, dEre��ed to
<br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning vf this Deed of Trust. All c�pies ❑f notices of �or��[osure �r�m the holder of
<br /> any [ien vvhi�h has priori�y o�er this l�eed of Trust shafl be sent ta Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any p�rson may chang� his �r her address �ar notices und�r fihis De�d �f Trus� by gi�ing f�rmal
<br /> written no�i�e ta the o�her person or p�rs�ns, specifying tha� the purpase ofi the notice is �� change th� �]��"5flC1rS
<br /> address. For n�tic� purposes, Trus�or agr��s tv ke�p Lender infarmed at al[ times of Trustor's current address. L1nless
<br /> ��herwise pra�ided or required by law, if �here is more than one Trustor. any notice g��en b� Lender to any Trustor �s
<br /> deemed to he no�kice�iWen to all Trus�ors. lt will b�Trus�ar's responsibili�y to tell the others af the notice�From L�nder.
<br /> MISCELLANEQUS PR�V�SI�NS. The f�ll�wing miscellaneous pro�isions are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendmentse VIlhat �s written in this ❑eed of Trust �nd in th� Related Do�uments is Trustor's �n�ire agreement
<br /> with Lender �oncerning �he mat�ers covered by�his [3eed ❑f Trust. Tv b� effective, any change or amendmen�t to
<br /> �his Deed of Trust must be in writing and must be sign�d by whoe�er wilf be bound ar �bli�ated �y fihe change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Gapt`ron F�eadings. Caption headings in this ❑e�d of Trust ar� for �onWenience purposes �nly and are not t� b�
<br /> used tv interpret or define the pro�isions of�his ae�d of Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shall b� no merger ofi�h� inter�st or�s�a�e cr�ated hy this aeed af Trust wi�h any other infierest ar
<br /> esfia�e in the Property at any tirne held by or f�r th� benefit o�Lender En any capacity, without the written �onsen�
<br /> vf Lender.
<br /> ChoEce of 1lenue. If th�r� is a lawsuit, Trustor agr�es upvn Lender's request �o suhmit ta the jurisdiction of the
<br /> �ourts af HALL Caunty, Sta�e�f N�braska.
<br /> N�Waiv�r hy Lender. Trustar understands Lender will no�gEve up any of Lend�r's rights under this fleed af Trust
<br /> unless Lender does s� in writing. The fact that Lender delays o� omits to �x�rcise any rEgh� wilf not mean that
<br /> L�nder has given up that right. Ifi Lend�r daes agree in writin� tt� g�ve up one �f Lender's rights, that does not
<br /> mean Trustar wil� not have to compiy with the �ther provisions of �this Deed of Trust. Trustvr also unders�ands
<br /> that if Lender does ��nsent ta a r�quest, �hat dves not mean �hat Trustor will not have �v get Lender's cons�nt
<br /> again if th�situation happens again. Trustor further understands�ha�just because Lend�r consents fiv on�or mare
<br /> of Trust��°'s requ�sts, �hat does not mean Lend�r will be required ta consent to any ot Trustor's �uture reques�s.
<br /> Trus�or waiWes pr�sentment, demand�or payment, prvtest, and notice o�dishonvrd
<br /> Se�erability. f� a �ourt fEnds that any pro�isian of this �eed of Trust is not valid or should nat be �nforced, that
<br /> fact by itse[f will nat mean that the rest of this aeed �f Trust vuill nat be �afid or enforced. Therefare, a court will
<br /> enfarc�the rest o�the pro�isions of fihis l�eed �f Trus�e�en if a provision af�his De�d a�Trust may be#vund to be
<br /> in�alid or unen�vrceab�e.
<br /> Successors and Assigns. 5ubject to any I�mi�atians stat�d in this Deed vf Trust on �transfer of Trustor's interest,
<br /> �his Deed �f Trust shall he �indrng upon and inure t� the benefit of �he par�ies, their successors and assigns. If
<br /> awnership t�f th� Proper�y bec�mes Wested in a persnn o�her than Trustar, Lender, without notice ta Trustor, may
<br /> d�al with Trustor's su��essors with ref�rence to�his ❑�ed of Trust and the Indebt�dness by way of forbearance or
<br /> ext�nsion withou�re��asing Trus��r fram the obl�gafiians o�this ❑eed o'�Trust or liability under the Indebtedn�ss.
<br /> Tirne is o�f the Essen�e. Time is ❑f�the essence in the performan�e of this Deed of Trusf.
<br /> V11ai►►er of Homestead Exemp�ion. Trustor hereby releases and waives all r�ghts and bene�its ofi the homestead
<br /> ex�mption lav►►s af�he 5tate of Nebrasl�a as t� a11 lndebtedness secured by�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFINITl�NS. The f�llowing words shall ha�e the following meanin�s wh�n used in�his Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Benef�c�ary. Th�wvrd "B�neficiary" means FiWe Pv�nts Bank, an� i�s successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The ►rvvrd "6�rrov�rer" means SHIRLEY A LAINRENCE and includes al1 co�si�ners and co-makers signing
<br /> the Note and all their successors an� assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The words "�]eed o� Trus�" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trust�e, and
<br /> includes without limitation all assignmen� and s�curity interest pro�isions relating �v the Personal Property and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Enrrironmental Laws. The wvrds "Environmental Laws" mean any and all sta�e, federal and focal statutes,
<br /> regulatians and ordinan�es relating �o the pra�ec�ian o� human heal�h or the en�ironmen�, in��uding w�thout
<br /> limitativn the Comprehensi�e En�ironmental Response, Compensatian, and Liabi�ity A�t of �38�, as amendsd. 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Section 96�1. et seq. �"�ERCLA"}� �he 5up�rfund Amendments and Reaufihoriaatian Act o# 1�86. Pub. L.
<br /> N�. 99-499 �"SARA"�,the Ha�ardous Materials Transportation Act. 49 L].S.C. Sectivn 18�1� ��SL�., the Resource
<br /> Cvnssrvation and RecoWery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. Se�tion 59a1, et seq., ar�ther applicable state or federa� laws, rules,
<br />