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� ��14�7971 <br /> DEED �F TRU�T <br /> Laan No: 'I�1�8�537 ����ltinued� iPage � <br /> DEED�F TRUST 15 GIVEN AN❑ACCEPTED �N THE FC�LL�VIlIN�TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�RMANCE, Except as otherwise provided in this ❑eed a� Trust, Trustvr shall pay to Lend�r all <br /> amaunts se�ured by this De�d ❑f Trust as they became due, and shal! strictly and in a timely manner perfvrm all of <br /> Trustor's obligations under�he No�e,this Deed �f Trust, and�he Relat�d D�cum�n�s. <br /> P�SSESSIQiV AND 11JiAINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustar`s pvssession and use ❑f the <br /> Prop�rty shall be go�erned by the�allowing pro�isi�ns: <br /> Possession and lJse. Un�i� the nccurr�n�e of an Event of D�fault, Trustvr may ��y remain in �ossession and <br /> �vntrol vf the Prop�r�ty; ��} use,operate or manage the Property; and {3} �o�l�c��he R�nfis from the Property. � <br /> Duty to illlaintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property in gaod conditi�n and p�ompt[y p�r�F�rm alf repairs, <br /> replacements, and ma�n�enance n��essary ta pr�ser�e its�alu�, <br /> Compliance IJVith En►►irvnmental La►►vs. Trustor represents and warrants fo Lsnder that: ��� During the periad of <br /> Trustor's ownership o�the Property, there has been no use, generati�n, manufacture, starage,�treatment, d�sposal. <br /> release or �threatened refease o� any Hazardous Substance hy any person on, under, abaut vr from �he Pr�perty; <br /> �2} Trustor has no knowledge of, or reasvn �❑ bel�eve that there has been, except as previously disclosed to and <br /> acknawledged by L�nder in writing, tay any brea�h or Wiolation of any En�irvnmenta! La►rvs, �b� any use, <br /> �enerati�n, manufacture. storage, treatment, dispasal, r�l�ase vr threa�ened �elease ❑f any Hazardaus Substance <br /> vn, under, abaut or fram �h� Proper�y by any prior owners or occupants �f the Property, ar {c} any actual or <br /> threatened litiga�ion or claims af any k�nd by any person relating fi❑ such mat�ers; and {3} Except as preWiausly <br /> disc�osed to and acicn�wledged by Lender �n writin�� �a� n�i�her Trustor nar any�enant, contrac�or, agent or ather <br /> authorized user❑f�he Prop�r�y sha11 use, generate, manufactur�, sfinre, trea�, c�ispose of ar rel�ase any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstan�e on, under, a��ut or firom the Property; and �b} any such ac�ti�i�y shall be Conducted in camp�iance with <br /> a!� appltcable federal, stat�, and �vca! laws, regufa�i�ns and vrdinances, including without fimi�kation all <br /> En�ironmenfaf Lav►rs, Trustor authori�es Lender and its agents to �nter upnn th� Property to make su�h <br /> insp��ians and tests, at Trust�r's expense, as Lende� may deem appropriate to d�termine camplianGe of the <br /> Praperty wi�h this sect�an of fihe Deed of Trust. Any insp�ctivns ar �ests made by Lender shall be �o� Lender's <br /> purposes only and shali nnt be cvnstrued t❑ crea�e any r�sponsibility ar liabslity on the part af Lender to Trustar vr <br /> tfl any other person. The r�presen�a�ions and wa�ranties �vn�ained herein are based on Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Property f�r Ha�ardous Substances. Trustor hereby �1} re�eas�s and waives any fu�ure �laims <br /> a�ainst Lender for indemnity ❑r �ontributi�n in the event Trustar be�omes lia�le for cleanup or v�her casts under <br /> any such laws; and �2� agrees to indemnify, de�end, and hold harmless Lender against any and a11 claims, �osses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may direc�iy or indir�ctly sustain ar suffer resulting from <br /> a br�a�h �f this �ec�ion of�he Deed of Trust ar as a c�nsequen�e a� any use, g�neration, manufiac�ure, stora�e, <br /> disposal, release vr threatened release v�currin� pri�r to Trus�or's ownership or interest in the Property, whe�her or <br /> nat the same was ar sh�uld ha�e �een knQwn ta Trustor. The pra�isions of fhis s��tion �f the Deed ofi Trust, <br /> including�he obliga�ti�n�to ind�mnify and defend, shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indebt�dness and the satisfactivn <br /> and recon�eyance af the lien ot this Deed af Trust and shall not be af�ected by Lender's acquisition of any interest <br /> in the Property, whether by fvreclasure or otherw�se. <br /> flluisance. Waste� Trustvr shall no� �ause, conduct or permit any nuisance nar commit. permit, ar suffer any <br /> s�ripping of vr wasfe on or to the Proper�y or any partion of the Praperty. 1Nithout Eimi�in� the generality of th� <br /> fvregoing, Trustor will nat remave, vr granfi t� any oth�r par�ty the right�o remo�e, any timber, minera[s {including <br /> ail and gas�, c�al, clay, s�oria, soil, gravel or rock products withvut Lender's pri�r written consant. <br /> Removal of Impro�emen�s. Trustar shall nat demfllish or remo�e any�mpro��ments�r�m�the Real Prvperty withvut <br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a �ondition to the remo�al af any Impro�ements. Lender may require Trustvr to <br /> make arrangements satis�actory to Lend�r to replace such Improv�ments with f mproWemen�s af at least equaf <br /> value. <br /> Lender's R"rght fiv En�ter. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may enter upon the Real Pr�perty at al1 <br /> reasona�l� times t❑ attend �o Lender's interests and to inspect �th� Real Property for purpases ❑f Trustor's <br /> compliance wi�th the terms and conditians of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Compliance wi#h Governmental Requirements. Trustor shall promp�rly comp�y with a[I laws, flrdinan�es, and <br /> re�ulations, naw or hereafter �n effe�t, of all governmen�al author�ti�s app�icable t� the us� or �ccupancy af the <br /> Property. Trustor may con�est in gQ�d faith any su�h 1aw, ordinance, or r��ulation and withh�ld complian�e during <br /> any pro�eeding. �ncluding apprapriat� appeals, so [ong as Trustor has nvtified Lender in writing prior t4 d�ing so <br /> and so long as, in Lender's s�l� �pinivn, Lender's int�rests in the Property are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may requ�re <br /> Trus�or t� past adequate security or a sur�ty bond, reas�nably satisfactory to Lender, �ko protect Lender's interes�. <br /> Duty ta Protect. Trusto� agrees n�i�ther to abandon �r lea�� unat�ende�l the Praper�y. Trust�r shall do al! other <br /> ac�s, in addi�ian�a those acts s�t for�h a�ove in this sec�ion, which from �th� chara�ter and use v�the Pr�perty are <br /> reasanably necessary to prote�t and preserWe the PrQperty. <br /> DUE �N SALE-CafVSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's option, declare �mmediately due and payable a11 sums <br /> secured by�his Deed of Trust upan the sale�r transfer, withaut Lsnder's prior wri��en cansen�, of all or any part af the <br /> Real Praperty, ar any interes� in the Real Property. A "sale or�transt�r" means the Gvnv�yance �f fteal Prnperty or any <br /> righ�, title o� interest in the Real Proper�y; whether legal, bene�iciaf or equita�ls; whefiher vvluntary ar in�o�untary; <br />