<br /> I3EED �F �'F�LJST
<br /> Loan iVo: 1 D'I�8�7�7 �Cc�nt�nu�d� Page 9
<br /> Annua� Reparts. lf the Prvper�y is used �Far purposes ❑ther than Trus�ar's rssidence, Trustor shall furnish fio
<br /> Lender, u�on requ�st, a certified statemen� of net �perating income reCeived from �he Prap�rty during Trustar's
<br /> pre�ivus fis�a! year in such form and detail as Lender shall r�qu�re, "N�t operating incame" shal� mean all �ash
<br /> receipts from the Prope�ty less all cash exp�ndi�ures made in cannect�vn with�the�perati�n of the Praperty.
<br /> Captivn H�adings. Capt�on headings in this Deed a� Trust are for convenience purpases only and are not fia be
<br /> used fi� interpret or de#in�th� pro�isians a�f this D�ed af Trust.
<br /> �llerger. There shall be no merger of the in�erest vr estate �reat�d by this Deed o�Trust with any other interes�k or
<br /> es�ate in �he Property at any time held by or�For the benefit of Lender in any capacity, wi�hou�the written �ansent
<br /> v#Lender.
<br /> GoWerning Law. This ��ed of Trust will be ga►rerned hy #ederal law applicahle to Lend�r and, �o the extent nat
<br /> preemp�ed by federal law,the laws vf the S�ate o�Nebraska w�thout regard fio its �anflicts of law prov�sions. This
<br /> Dssd af Trust has been accepted�y Lender in the 5tate af Nebraska.
<br /> Choice v� Venue. �� there is a lawsuit, Trustor agre�s upon L�nder's request to submi�t �to the jurisdiction �f the
<br /> courts o�HALL Caunty, 5tat� of Nebraska.
<br /> Join� and 5er�eral Liability. All obl'rgations of Trus��r under this De�d of Trust shail be jvint and se�eral, and alt
<br /> references t❑ Trus�tor shail mean each and ev�ry Trus�or. This means fihat each Trus�tor signin� belaw is
<br /> responsible for al�obl�gatians in this �eed of Trust.
<br /> No Waiver hy Lender. Lender shall not be deemed to have wai��d any rights und�r this Deed ❑f Trust unless such
<br /> waiver is given in writ�ng and signed by Lender. N� delay or omissian on the par�t o�Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shal! opera�e as a wai�er of such right ar any a�her right. A waiver �y Lender af a pro�ision o�this ❑eed ofi Trust
<br /> shall not prejudice or consti�ute a �rvai�er of Lend�r's right other�rvise t� d�mand s�rict camplianc� with that
<br /> pro�isi�n or any o�ther pro�ision vf this Deed of Trus�t, hlo prior waiW�r by Lender, nor any caurse of dealing
<br /> between Lender and Trustar, shall �Qnstitute a waiver of any a� L�nder's rights �r of any of Trustor's obligations
<br /> as �ta any #uture transactians. Whenever th� consent of Lender is required under this Deed Qf Trust, the granting
<br /> of such Gonsent hy Lender in any instan�e shall no� consti�ute con�tinuing consent to subse�uent �nstan�es wh�re
<br /> such cvns�nt is required and in all cases such consent may be granted or v�rithheld in the sale dis�retion of Lender.
<br /> Severahility. If a caurt of campetent jurisdiction finds any provision o�this Deed of Trust t❑ �e i�l�gal, in�a�id,��r
<br /> unenforceable as to any person or �ircumstance. that finding shall not make the ��fend�ng pr��ision illega(, in�alid,
<br /> or unenforceable as ta any other person or circums�anc�. l� feasibl�, the offending prv�ision shal! be cansidered
<br /> modified sa that it becomes legal, �alid and enforceable. I�the off�nding provision cannot be so m�dified, it shall
<br /> be c�nsidered deleted from this.Daed of Trus�t. Unless a�herwise requir�d by law, the illegality, in�alidity, ar
<br /> unenforceability af any pro�is�on o�f�khis Deed �i`Trust sha�l no� affect�he legality, validi�y or enforc�abili�y o�f any
<br /> other provision❑f�his aeed af Trust.
<br /> Su�cessors and Assigns, 5ubject to any �imita�ians s�a�ed in this Deed �f Trust on �rans�er ❑f Trust�r's interest,
<br /> �this Deed of Trus� shall k�e �inding upvn and inure �o the benefi� af th� par�ies, their successors and assigns. lf
<br /> ownership af the Property becomes �ested �n a pers�n o�h�r than TrustQr, Lender, vvithou� no#ic� ta Trustar, may
<br /> deal w�th Trustor's succ�ssors wi�h r��erence to this �3eed �f Trust and the Indebtedness by way of for�earance or
<br /> ex�ensian wi�th�ut rel�asing Trustor frvm�he�bligations of this Deed��Trust ar liability under the Indebtedness.
<br /> T�me is o�the Essence. Time is of the essenGe in�he performance of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Wai►rer vf Hvmestead Exemption. Trustor her�hy releases and wai��s a1i rights an�l l�enefits vf �he h�mestead
<br /> exemption laws of�he 5ta�e of 1Vebraska as t�all Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> DEFlNITI�IVS. The following capitaiized v►rards and terms shall ha�e th� follow�ng meanings when used in this ❑eed af
<br /> Trust. Unl�ss spe�i�ically stated ta �the cvntrary, a!I references to dollar am�unts shal! mean amaunts in lawful money
<br /> vf the �nited 5tates vf America. Vllords and terms used in �the singular shall include the p�ural, an� the plural shall
<br /> inc�ude �he singular. as the cantsxt may require. VIlards and terms nvt o�herwise defined in �this Deed of Trust shall
<br /> haWe the meanings a�tributed to such�terms in�he Unifarm Commercial Co�e;
<br /> Bene�Ficiary. Th�word "6�neficiary" means Fi�e Poin�s Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrvwer. The word "Borrower" m�ans STEVE H J�HN50N and GINGER D JaHNS�N and �nclud�s all c�-signers
<br /> and cv-makers signing the Note and al�their successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed o� Trus�. The wards "Deed �f Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> �ncludes withau� lim�ta�i�n all assignment and security in�erest provisi�ns r�lating �v �he Personal Proper�y and
<br /> Re nts.
<br /> ❑e#aul�. The word "���ault" means the Defau�t set forth in this Deed vf Trus�in the section ti�led "Default"'.
<br /> EnvEronmen#al Laws. The �v�rds "En�ironmen�al Laws" mean any and aII 5�21��� f�deral and I�GaI s�a�utes,
<br /> regulations and ordinanc�s relatin� to �he p�otection �f human heafth or �he environm�nt, including without
<br /> limitati�n the ComprehensiWe EnW�ronmental Response, Comp�nsation, and Liabili�y Act of �98�7, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Se�ti�n 9�01, et seq. �"CERCLA"�, the 5uperfund Amendmen�s and Reau�hor�zatian Act of 1�BC, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"y,the Hazardous Materia[s Transporta�ian Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 18�1, et seq., �he R�source
<br /> Conser�atian an� Recovery Act, 4� [J.S.C. Sec�ion 6941� et seq.� or other app�icable state or federal laws, rui�s,
<br />