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��14�793� <br /> �EE[� �F TRU�T <br /> Lvan No: 'I fl'I�8'l 7"�7' ��o�ltinued} . Page 7 <br /> deems in Lender's sol� discretitin ta be suf�icient to cure �he de�ault and thereafter continues and c�mpletes all <br /> reasonab�e and necessary steps sufficient t� produce comp[ianc�as soan as reas�nabiy pract�cal. <br /> R��HTS A�IID REMEDIES �N ❑EFAULT. I� an E�ent of ❑efaul�o�curs und�r this Deed of Trust, at any time therea�ter, <br /> Trus�ee❑r L�nder may�xercise any one❑r more of the following rights and rem�dies: <br /> Acc�lerat�vn Upon Default; Addi�tivnal Remedies. lf any Event af Defauit occurs as per the �erms a�the Nate <br /> s�cured her�by, L�nder may d�clare all fnd�btedness secured by this Deed of Trus�to he du� and paya�le and <br /> the same shall#hereupon became due and payabl�withaut any presentm�nt, d�mand, pratest or notice of any <br /> kind. Therea�F�er, Lender may: <br /> �a� Either in person or by agent, wi�h or withaut bringing any action ar pro�eeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appointed by a caur� and without r�gard to �he adequacy of its s�curity, enter upon and take p�ssession <br /> of the Proper�ty, or any part thereof, in its own name or in the name of T�ust��, and do any a�ts which i� <br /> deems n�cessary or desirable to preserWe the Wa[ue, marketability or rentability oi`the Praperty, ar part of <br /> �he Pr�perty or in�eres� in th� Property; in�r�ase the incame from the Proper�ty �r profect fihe security of <br /> th� Property; and, with vr withvut taking possess�on of the Pr�perty, su� for or otherwise cQl�ect the <br /> ren�s, �ssues an� pro�ifis of the Praperty, inciuding thas� past due and unpaid, and apply the sam�, l�ss <br /> casts and exp�ns�s o�apera�ian and callec�ian a�tarneys' �e�s, t❑ any indebt�dness secured by this Deed <br /> of Trus�, all in such ❑rder as Lender may de�ermin�. The entering upon and takin� possession ❑fi the <br /> Prop�r�y, �he cvllec�ion o� such rents, issues and pra�its, and �he applica�i�n therenf shall not cure or <br /> -waive any default or notice o� default under this De�d �f Trust or invalida�e any act dane in respanse ta <br /> such defau�t vr pursuant to such n�tice of defau�t; and, notwithstanding th� Gontinuance in p�ssess�on of <br /> the Property or �he co�lection. receipt and applicatian af rents, issues ar profits, Trus�ee or Lsnder shall <br /> be entitled ta exercise eWery right prov�ded for in �he IVo�e vr th� Related D�curnents or by law upan the <br /> occurrence vf any e�ent of defaulfi, including th� right to exer�ise the pflwer of sale; <br /> {b} Comm�nce an action to f�r�cfose this Deed of Trus�as a mor#gage, appaint a r�cei�er vr specifiGa�ly <br /> �n�or�e any�f the�o�enants hereof; and <br /> {c� Deli�er t�Trus�ee a wr�tt�n deciara�ian Q�defiault and demand tor sale and a writ��n notice af defau[t <br /> and �lection�o �ause Trustor's in�erest in the Pr�perty fi� be sold, which notice Trus�ee shail cause t� be <br /> duly filed for record in the apprapriat�vffices of the County in which the Property-is Iacated; and <br /> �dy V11ith r�spe�t to all or any part of the Personal Property, Lender shall have all the righ�s and remedi�s <br /> of a s�cured party under the Nebraska Unifvrm�Commercial Code. <br /> Fvre�lasure by P�wer of 5a�e. l�Lender�leGts ta �oreclose by�x�rc�se of�he Power a�f Sale herein c�ntained, <br /> Lender shall natify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Not� and such rece�pts <br /> and eviden�e of expendi�ures made and secured by this ❑eed o�Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> �a} Upon receipt vf such notic� from Lender. Trustee shall causa tv be reGorded, published an�l de�i�ered <br /> to Trustor su�h Notice of ❑efault and Notice of 5ale as then required �y [aw and by this Deed a�Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, after such time as may then be required by law and a�ter <br /> recorda�i�n o�such Natice of Default and after Notice of Safe ha�ing been gi�en as required by iaw, se�l <br /> the Proper�y at th.e �ime and p�ace �f sale fixed by i�t in such Notice of Sale, either as a whole, ar in <br /> separa�te I��s �r pa�-cels or �tems as Trustee shall deem expedien�, and in such order as it may de�ermine, <br /> � at pubiic au��ti�n to the highest b�dd�r for cash in �awful mvney o�th� Uni�ed States payab[� at the time <br /> of sale. Trustee �hall deli�er �o such purchaser flr purchasers thereof its gQod and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds can�eying the praperty so sflld, but withau� any cavenant o� warranty, express or impli�d. Th� <br /> reci�als in such de�d of any mat�ers ar fac�s shall b� canclusi�e prao�F of #he truthfulness thereof. Any <br /> persanf inc[uding without limitati�n Trustorf Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> {b� As may �e permitted by law, after d�ducting all C05�5. �ees and expenses of Trustee and of this <br /> Trust, including costs o�F e�idenc�of�titie in canne�tion with sa[e, Trustee shail apply the prviceeds a�F safe <br /> to payment o� �i� all sums expencl�d under th��erms o�this ❑�ed of Trust or under�he terms of the Note <br /> not th�n repaid, including but not I�mited ta accrued interest and lat� char�es, �ii� al� athe� sums then <br /> secur�d hereby, and [iiiy the remainder� if any�ta the person or persons legally entit�ed theret�. <br /> {c} Trustee may in the manner pra�ided by law postpone sale of all �r any par�ion of the Property, <br /> Remed�es Nat ExC��15EV4. T�us��e and Lender, and each of them, shall be entitled to �nforce paym�nt and <br /> p�rformanc�of any ind�btedness or obliga�ions secur�d by this Deed of Trus�and fio exerc�s� all r�ghts and pawers <br /> under this Deed ��f Trus�, under the Note, un�er any o� the Rela�ed Dacuments� ar under any o�kher agr�emen� or <br /> any laws now or hereafter in force; notwithstand�ng, some or all of such �nd�btedness and obligations secured �y <br /> this Deed af Trust may now or herea�f�er �e atherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed ofi trust, pled�e, lien, <br /> assignment ar ❑�hervuise. Neither the acceptance o� this Deed �f Trust nar its enforcement, whether by cour�t <br /> actf�n ar pursuant fiv the pawer of sale �r other pawers cantain�d in �his Deed of Trust, shall prejudic� �r in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lender's righ� ta real��e upon or enforce any o�her security now or h�r�a�ter held by <br /> Truste� a� Lend�r, it be�ng agreed that Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of them, shall be entitled to enfor�e�his Deed <br /> vf Trust and any oth�r security now or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such �rder and manner as they or <br /> either af �hem may in �heir abso�ufie dis�r�tion de�ermine. No remedy c�nferred upon ❑r reser�ed to Trustee or <br />