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��14�793� <br /> r �EED �F `Tf�UST <br /> Laan No: "I�"t�817'I 7 ��C]nt��l�ed� Page 2 <br /> se�ures, in additian ta the amounts specified in the hlvte, all �uture amounts L�nder in its discretion may I�an t❑ <br /> Trustor,together with alf interes�thereon. <br /> Trustar presently assigns to Lender �also kno�rvn as Beneficiary in this Qeed of Trus�} all a� Trust�r's rightr �I���r and <br /> inte�est in and to a[I pr�sent and future leases ❑f the Property and all Rents �From the Pr�perty. �n adclit��n, Trus�or <br /> gran�s to Lender a Unif�rm �amm�rcial �vd�security interes�in the Personal Prope�ty and R�nts. <br /> THIS DEED aF TRUST. �N�LUDING THE ASSI�NMENT �F RE1VT5 AN❑THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSUNAL PROPERTY, IS �IVEN TQ SECURE {A� PAYIVIENT DF THE 1NDE6TEDNESS AND �B} PERFDRNIANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL OBLIGATI�NS UN�ER THE N�TE. THE RELATED DDCUI�IfENTS, AND THIS DEE❑ QF TRIJST. TH15 <br /> DEED�F TRUST 15 G�VEN AN❑ACCEPTED aN THE FC�LL�WIN�TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFC]RM�iIV�E. Except as otherw3se provided in �his f�eed of Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender all <br /> amaun�s secured by this Dsed af Trust as they become due, and shali strictly and in a timely manner perfiorm al! vf <br /> Trustar's obligations under the Nate,this ❑eed af Trust, and the Re�ated D�cuments. <br /> P{�55ESSI�N AND MAINTENANCE aF THE PR�PERTY. Trus�or agrees �hat Trus�or's p�ssession and use of the <br /> Property shall be gfl�erned by the following pr��isivns: <br /> Passessi�n and Use. Un�til the oc�u�rence of an Ev�n�t vf Qefault, Trustor may �1} remain in pvssession and <br /> contrvl a�F the Praperty; {2} use, operate ar mana�e th� Prop�rty; and {3} collec�the R�nts fram�he Prvperty. <br /> auty to illlaintain. Trustor shall maintain the Proper�y in ��nantable �ondi���n and promptly perform all repairs, <br /> rep[a�ements. and maintenance necessary to pres�rWe its�alue. <br /> Compliance Vlrith Environmen#al Laws, Trustor represents and warrants tv Lender that: ��� During �he period of <br /> Trustor's vwnership ofi the Property, there has been no use, gen�ratian, manufactur�, storage,tr�a�ment, dispnsa[, <br /> release or th�eatened r�Iease vf any Hazardous Substance by any pers�n on, under� abvut or from the Property; <br /> �2} Trus�vr has nok I�nowl�dge of, ar reason to belie�e �hat there has been, except as p�evi�usly disclosed to and <br /> acknawl�dged by Lender in wri�ing, ta� any br�a�h �r �iolafiion of any En�ironmental La�rvs, 4by any us�, <br /> generation, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposaf, rel�ase or th�eatened rel�ase of any Ha�ardous 5u�s�ance <br /> an, under, ahout or from the Pr�perty by any prior owners vr accupants of the Property, or �c� any actual ar <br /> �hreatened [itigation ar claims af any kind �y any person relating to such matters; and [3� Except as pre�iously <br /> disclased ta and acknawledg�� by L�nder in writing, �ay neither Trus�kor nar any tenan�, contractor, agent o�-other <br /> au�hori�ed user of fihe Pr�p�rty shall use, generate, manufia�ture, stare, �rea�, t�ispose of vr release any Hazardous " <br /> Sui�stance �n, under, abflut or firam the Property; and �b� any su�h ac�i�ity shall be conducfied in compliance with <br /> all appli�able federal, state, and I�cal laws, regulatians and ❑rdinances, including withoufi limitation a!I <br /> En�ir�nmental Laws. Trustor authoriz�s Lender and i�s agen�s t� en�er upan the Property �o make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trusto�'s expense, as Lend�r may deem appropriate to defiermine compliance o� the <br /> Prnperty wi�h this sectian �f�the D�ed af Trust. Any insp�ctions or tests made by Lender shall b� fior Lender's <br /> purposes �nly and shall nvt be �onstrued to create any responsibility�r liability on the par�o�Lender to Trustor or <br /> tv any other p��'son. The representations and warranties contained herein are based on Trus�or's �lue diligen�e in <br /> investiga�ting the Property far Ha�ardous 5ubsfiances. Trus�vr hereby ��� refeases and wai�es any �uture claims <br /> agains� Lender for ind�mnity ar c�ntribution in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable for cleanup ar ather costs un�i�r <br /> any such faws; and ��� a�rees �ta indemnify, defend, and hold hsarmiess Lender against any and al� claims, losses, <br /> liabilities, damages� penal�ies. and expenses which Lender may a�ire�tly�r indirect�y sustain or suf�er resul�ing from <br /> a breach of this section o��he Deed o� Trust vr as a cvnsequence of any use, g�neration, manu�a�ture, stvrage, <br /> dispQsal, release ar threatened release occurring prior to Trustvr's awnership or interest in fihe Property, whether or <br /> nat ths same was or should have bean kno►nrn �o Trustor. The pro�isions af this section af the De�d of Trust, <br /> including the obl�gation to indemnify and defend, �hall sur�ive the payment of�he Indebtedness aRd fihe satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyan�e of the tien of�his Deed of Trust and shall not be affected I�y Lender's acquisitivn vf any interest <br /> in the Prvper�y, whe�her by��recl�sure or otherwis�. <br /> Nuisancer VIIdS�Pr. Trustar shall no� cause, conduct ar p�rmit any nuisan�e nor commit, permit, or su�fer any <br /> stripping �f ar waste on �r to the Prop�rty or any portion of the Pr�perty. Without �imiting the generaii�ty of the <br /> foregoing, Trustor will no� remove, �r grant�fl any ather party the right�o remo�e, any timber, minera�s ��ncludin� <br /> oil and gas�, coal, clay, scoria, soil. gra�el or rock products withaut Lender's pri�r wri��en consent. <br /> R�ma�al a#Impror►emen#s, Trustar shall not demolish or remo�e any impr��ements�rom the Real Pr�perty wi�hout <br /> Lender's pr�ar written cansent. As a candi�kion to the removal of any Improv�ments. Lender may r�quire Trustvr to <br /> make arrangements satisfac�ary tfl Lender to replace such lmprovemen�s with Improv�ments a� afi I�ast equal <br /> Walue, <br /> Lender's Right�o Enter. Lend�r and Lender's agents and repres�nfiatiWes rnay enter upvn the Real Pr�per�y at all <br /> reasona�le times to at�end to Lender's interests and �o inspect �he Rea� Property �For purposes af Trustor's <br /> c�mpliance with the�erms an� conditions o�this De�d of Trust. <br /> Campiiance with Go�ernmental Requirements. Trust�r shall promptly comp[y with all 1aws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, naw or herea�fter in ef�ect, a� all go�ernmentai au�horities applicabfe tv the use or �ccupancy of the <br /> Property, including ►rvithout limita�ion, the Americans �IVith aisa�i�i-�ies Act. Trus�or may contest in good faith any <br /> �uch law, ordinance, or regulatian and wi�hhold compliance during any proceeding, including appropriats appeals, <br /> so �ong as Trustor has nofiified Lender�n wri�ing prior�o doing sa and so lvng as, in Lender's sole apinian, Lender's <br />