<br /> App��ca�i�n of Payments. Un�ess Appl�cable Lavv pro�ides otherwise, all payments re�e�ved by Lender shall be
<br /> app�ied: f�rst, t� any prepayment charges due under�he�ote; sec�nd, �o interest due; �hird, ta principal due; and
<br /> �as�,�o any�a�e charges du�under th�Note.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Borrov�er shall pay all tax�s, assessments, charges, fnes and imposx�xons at�ribu�able �o the
<br /> Pr�perfiy wh�ch may at�a�n pr�arity o�er th�s Security �nstrum�nt, a.nd Ieasehold payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Bflrrav�er sha�l pay�hese obligations fln t�me and directly to �he person ow�d payment. A�the reques�of Lend�r,
<br /> Barrower sha�l promp�ly furn�sh�o Lender r�ceip�s ev�denc�ng the paym�n�s.
<br /> Borrnwer shall promptXy discharge any l�en vvhich has priority aver this Se�urity�nstrument un�ess Borrower: �a}
<br /> agrees �n wri�ing �o the payment of�he obliga��on secured by �he �ien in a manner a�cep�able tn Lender; ���
<br /> �ont�sts �n good fa��h �he lien by, ar defends agai.nst enfarcement of th� lien in, Iegal pr�ceedings wh��h �n the
<br /> Lender's flpi.nion operate to prevent �he enforcement of�he ��en; or tc� secures fronn �he holder of�he ��en an
<br /> agreemen�sa��sfactory to Lend�r subordina�rng the lien t�this S�curi�y �nstrument. �f Lender de�erm�nes�hat any
<br /> par�of�h� Proper�y is subj ec��fl a lien which may attain priority over this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, Lend�r may gr��
<br /> Borrov�er a notice identifying�he Iien. Borrflvver shal� satisfy the ���n or take one or more of�he ac�ians se�for�h
<br /> a�ove wi�hin 1 Q days of the giv�ng of notic�.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insuran�e. Barrawer sha�l keep�h� improvemen�s n�w ex�s�ing or hereafter�rected an the
<br /> Pr�per�y�nsured against loss by f re;hazards inc�uded within�he term"ex�ended cov�rage" and ar�y ath�r ha.2ards,
<br /> including fl�o�s flr flo�ding, far v�rh�ch Lender requ�res �nsura.nce. This insurance sha�1 be maintaxned in �he
<br /> amoun�s and for�h�periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing�he insurance shall be chasen by
<br /> Borrower sub�ect to Lend�r's approval wh��h shal� not �e unr�asonab�y wi�hh�Id. If Borrower fa�ls �o mai.ntain
<br /> co�erage des�ribed ahove, Lender may, at LenderTs optian, fl�tain co�erage to prote�t Lender�s righ�s �n the
<br /> Pr�perty in accordance wi�h sectifln t��Ied Pratecti�n of Lender�s R��gh�s in the Property.
<br /> All insuran�e pol�cies and ren��als shall be acceptable to Lender and shall in�lude a standard mortgage ��ause.
<br /> Lender shall have the r�gh�to hold the po�icies and renewals. �f Lend�r requires, Borrov�er shall prflmptly gi�e�o
<br /> Lender alI receip�s of paid premiums and renewal n���ces. �n the event of�ass, Borrower shal�g�ve prompt natice
<br /> �o the insuran�e carr�er and Lender.Lender may make pro�f of��ss if not made promp��y by Borrav��r.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rraw�r o�herwise agree in writing, insu.rance proceeds sha�� �be app�i�d �� r�storatian or
<br /> repair �f th� Prop�rty damaged, if, i.n Lender's sole discre�ion, �h� res�oratian or r�pax.r �s ec�nomi�a�Iy feasib�e
<br /> a.nd Len�er's secur��y �s no� lessened. �f, �n Lende�'s sole c�iscre�ion, the res�ora�ion or r�pazr �s n�t econom��a�Iy
<br /> feas�b�e or Lender's security wou�d be l�ssened,th�insurance p�oceeds sha�l be app�ied�o�he sums s�cured by thzs
<br /> Security Ins�rument, wheth�r or not then due, with any exc�ss pa�d ta Barrower. �f I3orrower a�and�ns the
<br /> ProperCy, or does no�answer within�he number of days pres�ribed by Applicable Lavv as set forth in a no�ice fr�m
<br /> Lender to Barrower�ha�the insurance carr�er has �ffered to set�le a claim,then Ler�der may�o�lect the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proc�eds t� repair�r res�ore �he Properry or to pay sums secured by�hxs Security
<br /> Instrument,tivh�ther or n�t th.en due.The period of time fflr Barrower ta answer as set forth in�he no�ic��il�bega.n
<br /> v�rhen�he notice is g�ven.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in vvr��ing, any applica�ion af pro�eeds�o principa� sha�l no�extend
<br /> or po�tpone th� due date of the payments referred to in �h� section �itled Paym�nt �f Principa� and Interest;
<br /> Prepayment and Late Charges ar change�he amount�f the paymen�s. If under�he section�itled Acceleration;
<br /> Rem�d�es, the Proper�y is acqu�red by Len�ier, B�rrower's right�o a�y insurance po�icies and prviceeds resu��ing
<br /> fram damage�o the Prapert�y prior to�he acquisition sha�l pass to Lender to�he exten�af the sums se�ured by�h�s
<br /> Secur�fiy�nstrument�mmedia�e�y priar�o�he acquisi��on.
<br /> Preser�a��on, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan App�ication; LeasehoZds.
<br /> Borrav�er shal�no�destroy, damag�or�mpair the Prop�r�y, allo�v the Proper�y�a deteriora�e, or cammit waste on
<br /> the Properry,Borrower shall�e�n default�f any farfeitur�act�on or proceed�ng,whe�her��vi�or�r�minal, is begun
<br /> that in Lender's good faith judgm�n� cauld resul� in farfeiture af the Property ar otherwise ma�eria��y rmpair�he
<br /> �ien created by �h�s Secur�ty Instrument or Lend�r's securi�y �nt�res�, Borr�vver may �ure suGh a defaul� and
<br /> reu�.state, as provided �n sec��an t�t�ed Borrower'S Right to Reinstate, by causing the ac�ron or proceed�ng�o be
<br /> dzsm�ssed w��h a ruling that, in Lender's good fa�th de�erm�na��an,precludes farfeiture of�he Borro�vver's�nter�st in
<br /> �he Proper�y or other ma�erial impa�rment of�he lien �rea�ed �by �h�s Securi�y �ns�rumen� or Lender's securi�y
<br /> �nteres�.Borrower shall a�so be�n defau�t�f Borrflw�r, during the�oan appl��ation process,gave materially false ar
<br /> inaccura�e informa�ion or statements to Lender �ar failed to �ro�ide Lender with any ma�erial �formation3 �n
<br /> connection wi�h �he �oan ev�denc�d by �he Note. If th�s Security �nstrum�nt is on a leaseh�ld, �orrower sha�l
<br /> comp�y w��h aII�he pro��sions of the �ease.If Borrower acqu�res f�e ti��e to�he Property,the�eas�hol�.and�he fee
<br /> t�tle sha�l not merge un�ess Lender agrees to the merger in writ�ng.
<br /> Protecti�n vf Lender's R�ght� in the Property. l�f B�rrower fa�ls �o erform �he cavenan�s and a
<br /> p greements
<br /> con�azned in�h�s Secur��y Instrumen�, or�here is a Iegal proceed�ng�hat may signifi�an�ly affe�t Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Property �su�h as a proceeding �n bankrup�cy, proba�e, for condemnat�on or forfe�ture or�fl enforce Iaws or
<br /> regu�ati�ns}, then Lender may do and pay for whate�er is necessary to pro�ect the �al�e flf the Propert�y and
<br /> Lender's righ�s�n the ProperCy. Lender's ac�ivns may include paying any sums secured by a Iien v`rhich has pri�r�
<br /> �Y
<br /> o�er this Security Instrument, appear�ng i�n cour�,paying reasa�able attorneys'fees and entering an the Praper�y�o
<br /> make repa�rs.Alth�ugh Lender may take act��n under this sec��on,Lender does not ha�e�o do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed �y Lender under �his section sha11 bec�me addi�ional debt of Borrower secured b this
<br /> Y
<br /> Security �nstrumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to ather terms of paymen�, these amounts shal� �bear
<br /> �2D44-2�I4 CampIiance Systems,�nc.4958-Og45-2013L2,3.1.8�3
<br /> Cansumer Real Esta�e-Sec�zr�ty Instrument DL2035 Pa�e 2 of 5 www,campiiancesys�ems.com
<br />