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��14�79�4 <br /> �]EE� �� TR�J�T <br /> Loan Na: 7���57 7��, <br /> ����ti�u�d� P�ge a <br /> that i�r Lender does cansent to a request, that dves not mean �hat Trustor wiI[ not ha�e �v gefi Lende�-'s cvnsent <br /> again if�he situation happens again. Trustor�urther understands that jus�because Lender consents to ane vr more <br /> a�Trustar's requests, that dves nvt mean Lender ►nrii� be required to c�nsent to any of Trustor`s �Fu�ture reques�s. <br /> Trustor wai�es presentment, demand f�r payment. pro�es�t. and notice vfi dishonar. <br /> 5everab���ty. I�a court ��nds that any prvvisian �f�his ❑eed o�Trust is not valid or should nvt be enfvrced, �hat <br /> fact by itsei�wil� not mean that�he rest of this Deed ��Trust will not be vafid or enforced. Ther��ore, a caurt will <br /> enforce the res�of�he pravisions of this Deed of Trust e�en if a provision v�F this Deed of Trust rnay t�e fvun�to be <br /> in�alid or unenfvreeable. <br /> Successors and Assigns. 5uhjec�to any limita�ions stated in �his Deed ofi Trust on transf�r flf Trusto�-'s interes�, <br /> this Deed of Trust shaif be bEnding upon and inure to the benefi�t ��the parties, their successors a-nd assigns. I� <br /> ownership o�the Praperty becvmes vested in a person ather than Trus�or. Lender, v►rithout notice tv Trus�or, may <br /> d�a� wifih Trus�or`s successors wi�h reference to�his Deed vf Trus�and the Indeb�edness by way of forbearan�e vr <br /> extension withou�releasing Trus�or�rvm the otaiigations o�this Deed of Trust or liabiiity under the Indebtedness. <br /> Tirr�e is af the Essence. Time is of th�essence in�he performance of this Deed of Trust, <br /> VSlair►e Jury. Ail pa�t�es tv#his i7eed o�Trust hereby wai�e th� r6ght to any ju��tria� in any�cf�on, pro��ed�r�g. or <br /> count�rc[ai�n brvught by any par�y a�ainst any o#her pa�rty. <br /> 1lVa��er �f Hor��stead Exe.mption. Trustor he�-eby releases and wai�es al! rights and benef��s af fihe homestead <br /> exemption�aws of the 5tate of N�braska as to a!I Indebtedness s�cured by this De.ed v�Trust. <br /> DEF1N1Tl�N5. The�o-IIowing wvrds shaC[ ha�e the follav►ring meanings when us�d in this aeed vf Trus�; <br /> Benefi�iar�. The word "Bene��ciary" means Equitable Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> Barrower. The word "Bor�ower" m�ans Eddie L� Dimmitt Jr and Kath�een J Dimmitt and �nc�udes all Go-signers and <br /> co--makers s�gnin�the No��and a!i thei�successors and assigns. <br /> Deed vf `��ust. The words "Deed o�r Trus�" mean this Deed of Trus� among Trustor. Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> incIudes w��hvut iimifiation al[ assignment and security interest pro�is�ons refating to �he Personal P�operty and <br /> Rents. <br /> Environa�-�enta� L�wsa Th� w�rds "En�ironment�! Laws" mean any and a!I state, �federaf and �ocal sta�ute�. <br /> reguIat�ons and vrdinances rela�ing to the prvtection of human heafth or the environment, including without <br /> lim�tation fihe Comprehensive En��ronmen�al Respanse, Compensatian, and Liabi[ity Acfi of 7 98�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.�. 5ectivn 9���, et s�q. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendmen�s and F�eauthvrizativn Act of �98�, Pub. L, <br /> NQ. 99-499 �"SAF�A"�,the Hazardous Materials Transpartatian Act.�-9 U.S.C.Sectior� 7 Sq�, et seq.,the Resource <br /> Conservation and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.�. Sectivn 59��. e� seq., or ofiher app�ica�ie state or fed�ral [aws, rufes. <br /> or r�gulativns adopt�d pursuant�hereta. <br /> Event of Defau�t. The wflrds "E�ent of De�au��t" m�an any of the e�ents vf defauft set fvrth in�this �eed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents of de�au�t section o�this Deed of Trust, <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaran�ty" means the guaran�y fram guarantar, endorser,surety, or accammodation pa�rty�o <br /> Lender,in�Euding w'rthaut limitatian a guaranty of a!!or part of the Nvte. <br /> Hazardous Substan��s. The words "Hazardous Substan�es" mean materials tha�, because ofi th,eir quantity, <br /> concentration or physi�a�. chemical or in�ectious �haracteristics, may caus� or pose a present vr pofiential hazard <br /> to human health vr the en�iranment wh�n improper�y us�d,�reated, stared, dispased of, generat�d, manu�Fac�ured, <br /> transported or atherwise handled. The wvrds "Hazardous Suhstan�es" are used in their very broadest sense and <br /> incIude without limitation any and all hazardous or �v�cic substances, ma�eriaEs or waste as de�ined by ar �isted <br /> under the Environmenta�Laws. The term "Hazardous Subs�tances" alsa includes. ►rvithout 1imi�tation, pefiro[eum and <br /> pe�roleum by-produc�s vr any fra�tivn thereof and asbestos. <br /> fr��rvvements. The ward "Impr��emen�s" means all existing and future improvements, buiIdings, structures, <br /> mobile homes a�fixed on the Real Proper�y, facilities, additions, �eplacements and other construction vn the F�eai <br /> Property. � <br /> [nde�tedness. The word "�ndebtedne�s" means a�! principal, int�rest, and a�ther amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payahie under the�Note �r_ReIated Do�uments, together wi�h a�! renev►rals of. extensivns ofi, mvdific�tions v�, <br /> consvIidations o�and substitutions�rvr the Nate or Related ❑ocuments and any amounts expended or advanced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustvr's vbligations or expenses incurred by Trustee ar Lender to enforce Trus�vr's <br /> obligations under this Deed of Trust.�ogether w��h interes�on such amounts as pro��d�d in this Deed vf Trust. <br /> Lender. The wvrd "L�nder" means Equitabie Bank, its successvrs and assigns. The words "su�cessors or <br /> assigns" mean any person or company that acquires any interes�t in�he Nv�e. <br /> Not�. The word "Note" means the promiss��-y no�e da�ed December C, 2�14, �� t�t� �rigina� prwn�ipal <br /> ���u�� �f $3��.���.��from Borrowe�to Lender,tvgether w��h a11 ren�►rvafs o�, ex�tensions v�, modi�i��tions <br /> of, refnancings of, consolidativns of, and substitu�ions for the promissory na�e vr ag�eem�nt. The maturifiy da�e af <br /> thEs Deed of Trust is Nv�ember 28, ���5. <br /> P�a�sonal Prape�ty. The words "Personal Pr�p�rty" mean a11 equipment, fixtures, and a�her articies o� pers�nal <br /> prope�ty nvtirv or he�eafter vwned by Trustvr. and now o� herea�er attached vr af��xed to the Rea! Pr�perty; <br /> togethe� wi�h ai� accessivns, parts, and additions tv, a1� replacements o�, and alI subs�itutions -�or, any of su�h <br /> p�vperty; and together with ai! proceeds �including withou� fimi�a�ion all insuran�e prviceeds and refunds of <br /> premiums} from any sal�or v�ther disposition ot the Praperty. <br /> Property. The word "Property" means coliectively the I�eal P�-vperty and the Persvnal Proper�y. <br /> F�ea� Prvperty. The words "F�eal Property" mean th� rea� property, in�erests and rights, as further described in this <br /> Deec�v�r Trust. <br /> Re�ated �ocurnents. Th� wvrds n F�elafied Documents" mean aIf pr�missor-y notes, credit agreernents, Ivan <br /> agreements, �n�irvnmen�aI agreements, guaranti�s, seeurity a�reemen�s, m�rtgages� deeds of trus�, security <br /> deeds, coIIaterai mortgages. and all ather instruments, agreements and documents, whether now vr hereafi�er <br /> ex�sting,exe�uted in connec�ion�nrith the �ndebtedn�ss. <br /> Rents. The v►rord "Rents" means afl present and �uture rents, re�enues, Encome, issues, rnya�ties, profits, and <br /> other b�nefits deri�ed fram�he Prvper�ty. <br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee" me�ns Fquitahle Bank ��maha Regian}, whose address is 10555 V1! Dvdge Rd, Ste <br /> �'i�, Dmaha, NE C8154 and any substitut�or successor trustees. <br /> Trustor, The wa�d "Trus�or" means Eddie ❑ Dimmit�AKA Eddie � Dimmifi JR and Ka�hteen J L7immitt. <br />