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��14�79�4 <br /> . DEED �F TRLJSI� <br /> L�an No: 773�5�7�� {���1tl�ued} Page 2 <br /> P�SSESSI�N AND MAlNTELVANGE �� THE PRaPERTY. gorrower and Trustor agree that Borrower's and Trustvrrs <br /> possession and use o�the Property sha[[be go�erned by the foflowing pro�isians: <br /> Possession and Use. Until the occurrence af an Event o� De�ault, Trustor may �'f 3 remain in possession and <br /> cvntrol of the Property; t2f use, operate or manag�the Property; and �3� collect the Rents from the Proper�y. <br /> Duty to Ma�n'�a�n. Trust�r shalf ma�ntain the Prvperty in govd cvndit�on and pramp�ly perfvrm a[[ repairs, <br /> �epiacements. and maintenance necessary to p�eser�e�ts�a[ue. <br /> Camp�i�nce With Envirvnmental Laws. Trus�or represen�s and warrants to Lend�r that: {1} During �he period o� <br /> Trus�orrs ownership o�the Propertyr there has been na use. generation, manufacture. sto�-ag�,treatment, dispvsal. <br /> re[ease or th�-eaten�d �elease �f any Hazardous Substance by any persan on, under, about or from the Praperty; <br /> {�} Trustar has no kn�wledge vf, or reason tv bef�e�e that there has been, exc�pt as pre�ious[y dis�Iosed ta and <br /> acknv�rv[edged by L�nder in wr�ting, taf any �reach vr viafation o� any En�iranmental Laws, {�� any use, <br /> generation, manu�acture, starage, treatmen�; disp�sa��, reEease or threa�ened release o� any Haza�r�ous Substance <br /> an, under, abou� or frorn �he Prop�rty by any prior awners or accupants vf the Property, or {�� any actual or <br /> threatened li�igation or ciaims o� any kind by any persan refa�ing ta such matters; and {3� Excepf as pre�ious�y <br /> dis�fosed ta and acknowledged hy Lender in writing, �a} nei�her Trustor nor any tenant, confiractor, a:gen�or other <br /> authvrized user o��he Praperty shafl us�, generate. manu�acture, store, fireat, dispose of or release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance on. under, about or fr�m the Pr-operty; a�nd {b} any such aeti�rty shali be conduc�ed in compEiance wi�h <br /> a�l app�icable fede�a[, state, and �ocal laws; regulations and ordinances, including without [imitation all <br /> En�iranmen�al Laws. Trustor authori�es Lender and its agents to en'�er upon �he Property to �rtake such <br /> inspe�tions and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem apprvpria�e to determine cvmpliance o� the <br /> Prop�rty with this secti�n of the D��d o�Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender sha�l be for Lender`s <br /> purpases only and shal� not b� cons�rued to create any responsibility vr�iabi�ity vn the part of Lender to Trustor or <br /> ta any other persan. The re,prese.nta�t��ns and war�an��es �on�ained herein ar� based on Trustor's due dilEgence in <br /> - �nvestiga'ting the Property �vr Hazardous 5ubs�anc�s. Trustor her�by �1} releases and waives any fu�ure c[aims <br /> agair�st Lender for indemnity or contribution in �he ��ent Trustar becvmes Iiable �or c�eanup or other costs under <br /> any suGh laws; and {�� agr�es to indemnify, defend, and hold harm[ess Lender agains�any and a![ claims, [osses, <br /> ' liabilities; damages, p�nalti�s, and expenses whi�h L�nd�r may directly or indirectly sus�ain ar su�ffer resu[ting from <br /> a breach of thas sectivn of the Deed of Trus� vr as a consequence o� any use, genera�tion, manufacture; storage, <br /> dispvsal, release�r threatened release occurring pri:vr to Trustvr`s ownersh.'rp or in�erest�n the P��per�y, whe�her or <br /> no� the same was vr shauld ha�e been kn�v+rn tv Trustor. The prv�isi�ns of tF��s sec�ion o€ the Deed o�r Trust, <br /> including�he��I'igation ta i.ndemnify and defend, shall sur�i�e the paymen�of the�nd�btedness and the satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyance o�the lien of this Deed of Trust and shail nvt be afFec�ed by Lender's acquis�tion nf any interest <br /> in the Property, whether by�oreclvsure vr o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste, Trust�r shall not cause, cvnduct or permi� any nuisance nv� commi�. permit, or suffer any <br /> - strippin� vf or waste an or to the Proper�y or any por�ion of the Proper�y:. 1Nithau� lirni�ing the gene�alifiy of the <br /> � fvregoing, T�ust�r will not remv�e, or grant tv any other par�ty the right to rema�e, any�imher, minerals �including <br /> � oiI and gas�, cval, clay, scoria, soi�; grave] or�ock prvducts without L�nder's privr written consen�. <br /> Rer�noval o�lmpro�ements. Trusfifl�shall no�demalish or remove any Irnpra�emen�s�rom the Rea[ Properry without <br /> = Lender's prior r�vr'rtten consent. As a condit�on to the remo�a� of any lmprouements, Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> make arrangements satisfactory fio L�nder �o replace such �mpro�emen�s, wi#h Impro�ements vf at least equa[ . <br /> . � �a1ue. . < <br /> , . <br /> � � � Lender's R�ght to Ente�. Lendsr and Lender's agents and r�presentati�es �ay ente�- upon the Rea[ Property a� alf <br /> , � reasonable �imes �a attend to tender's Enterests and to inspec� �he Real� Property for purpvses of Trustor=s <br /> compliance with the te�rms and conditions of�this Deed o�Trust.. � <br /> C�mpliance with Cvvernmental Requirenr�en�s. Trus�or shal� promptly cornply vsrith al� Iaws, ordinances, and <br /> regulatians, nvv►r or her�after i.n effe�t, o� aEl go�ernmen�a[ authorities applicable t� th� use or �ccupancy of th� <br /> Property. Trus�vr may contesfi in good fai�h any such law, ordinance, or regu[atian and withhvld compliance during <br /> any prv�eeding, including appropriate appea�s, s.o Iong as Trustor has no�i�ried Lender in w�iting prior to dving so <br /> and so long as, in Lender's so[e opini�n, Lender's in�eres'ts in the Pro°perty are not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> �rustor to post adequate securi�y or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory�o Lender,�o prv�ect Lender's interes�. <br /> Duty tv Pro�ec�. Trustor agrees neither t� abandan vr Eea�e una�ended the Property. Trus�or shaf! do a[I other <br /> acts. in addi�ivn�o those acts sert forth a:E�o�e in this se�tion.which firom th�character and use a�the Property are <br /> reasona.bly necessary to prvtect and pres�rve the Property. <br /> �onstru�#ivn Lo�n� 1�some ar all of�he proceeds ofi the loan creating�he ]nd�btedness are to be used to construct <br /> or complet�cvns�ruc�ion o�any lmpro�ements vn th� Property,the lmpro�ements shall be �c�mp[eted nv �afi�r than <br /> �he maturity date o��he Note �or such ear[ier date as Lend�r may�-easonah[y estab[ish� and Trustor sh�lf pay in�ull <br /> all costs and expenses in conne�tion with the wvrk. Lender v►rill disburse �van prviceeds under su�h terms and <br /> cvndi��ons as may deem reasvnabEy necessary�o insure that�he �nterest created by this ❑eed o�Trust shall <br /> ha�e pr�ority over ali possib[e Iier�s,,includ`ing those o�materia!suppliers and wo�kmen. Lender may require, among <br /> a�her things, that disbursement requests be supported by rec.eipted bills, expense affida�its, wai�ers of ii�ns. <br /> cons��uction progress reports, and such o�ther documer�tativn as Lender may�easonably requ�st. <br /> DUE QN SALE-CDN`SENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender`s vptian, decEare immedia#eiy due and pajlable ail sums <br /> secured by this �eed of Trust upvn�he sale o�transfer, v►ri�hout Lender's prior written cvnsent, �f all�r any park of the <br /> Re�al Property. or any in�erest in the Real Property. A "�sale or transfer" means the cvnveyance of Reaf Prvper�y�r any <br /> righ�, title or interest in the F�eal Property; wh�th�r legal, beneficia[ Qr equi�able; v�rhe�h�r �oluntary �� invo[untary; <br /> whether by outright sale, d�ed, installment sa[e ��n�ract, �and contract, con�ract �Fvr d�ed, [easehv[d interes� with a <br /> term greater than three �3} years, lease-option c�nt�act, or by sa1s, assignmen�, or�ransfer ofi any beneficia� interest in <br /> vr tv any Iand trust holding �itle t� th� Reai Property, vr by any vther me�had af conveyan�e o�an interest in the F�eal <br /> Property. Hov+►e�er, this optivn shal[ no� be exercised by Lender i� such e�e��cise is prohibited by ��deral Iaw ar by <br /> N�braska law. <br /> TAXES AND LtElVS. The following pro�isions relating to�t�e tax�s and �iens on the Property are par� of this �]eed af <br /> Trust. <br /> Payment. Trus�o�shall pay when due 4and �n all e�en�s prior ta del�nquency} al[taxes,special tax�s, assessrr�ents, <br /> charges �including water and sev►►er�, �ines and imp�sitions Ievied ag�inst�r on account o-�the Prvperky, and shall <br /> pay when due ail c[aims far ►rvvrk don� an or�for ser�ices rendered or materiaf #urnished to the Property. Trus�vr <br /> sha�l maintain the Property free o�all liens ha�ing priority o�er or equa!to�the�nteres�of Lender under this Deed v# <br /> Trust, e�cep� �vr the lien �� �axes and assessments not due and except as v�herwise pro�ided in this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> �ight�o Contest. Trustflr may withhold paymenfi vf any�ax, assessment, �r claim in connec�ion with a g�od �fai�h <br /> dispute o�er the obliga�lon�o pay, sa iong as Lender's interes��n the Property is not j�opardized. I-f a lien aris�s ar <br /> is �iled as a result o� nonpaymen�, Trus�or shall within fifteen {'l5} days after the lie.n a.rises or. i� a lien is filed, <br /> within fi#tee.n {15� days after Trustor has notice af the filing, secure the dis�harge of the lien, �r if requested hy <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient�orporate sure�y bond vr vther s�curity satis�acfivey to Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient to discharge�he lien plus any�osts and attorneys' fees, or other charges that could acCrue as a <br />