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RE-�IX�i:utU 2 0 0 9 9 11�5 3� <br /> �f�(� � �9 . <br /> Thle UeeJ nf Tn�el ehall eccure (n) Ihe paymeut uf Iho priucl�inl euu� n�id lutcrast avldancaQ by a prou�isaory u�le(s) or crodlt <br /> egreement(a) aa followa: • . <br /> Original <br /> Date of • Pcli►clpal Meturlty <br /> Nole(�) Meker(e) of Nute(e) Atnount(s) Date(s), <br /> 11-1-99 Duane Rieflin and Vada Rieflin $723,257.34 12-31-2019 <br /> and any and all modi[icalions, ezlensions and tenewals tliereof or tLereto and any and,all futuro advances and readvances lo ' <br /> Dorrower(ar any of U�em if more Wan one)lieceunder pursuant to one or more promiasory noles ot credlt agreements(1►ecein called <br /> "Note"� wi�eq�er one or mate); (b) tl�e payment of ollier aums advai�ced by Lender to ptotect Q�e aecurity of lhe Note; (c) the . <br /> pertormance of all covenants anJ agreements of Trustor set forQ�1►erelir and(J) all present and futura lndebtedness and obligatlons <br /> of Dorrower (or any of tl�em lf moro ttian one) to Lender whelher dlrect, iudirect, abaolule or contingent and wheUier arising by <br /> note, guaranty, overdraR or otlierwise, 7'lie Note, Uds Deed of Trust aud any and all otl�et docwnenW Il►at accuro tlie Note or <br /> otlurwlse eaecuted In connection therewith, (ucluding without Ilmitatiou guaranlees, securlty agreements and assigrunents of leases <br /> and renls, sl�ali be reCerced lo herein as U�e "Loau I��slrwnente". <br /> Truslor covenants and agree�w1Qi Lender as fullowa: <br /> 1. Payment o[1nJebtedneas. All indebtedness eecured Lereby sl�all ba patd when duo. � � � <br /> 2. 1'ille. Ttustor is Qie owner of Iho Propecry, Las tl�e tight and auU►orlty to eonvey Q►o Property� and wecrac�ts U►at U�a Ilen <br /> crea�ed horeby ls a Ilrst enJ prlor Ilen on the Pcoperty, eaeepl for Ilens and eneumbraneee'eet forth by Tcustor in wridng and , <br /> Jelivered lo Lender before execulion of Ihi4 UeeJ of'Cruat, ai�d ILa�aecullou and dellvery of Q�ls DeeJ of T[ust does not vtolate auy <br /> conlract or oiher obligatlon to which Truator ia subJect, ' - <br /> � 3. Taxee, Ae�esama�te. '1'u pay befure dcll�u�uaicy all lexes, epcclal asecsemeute aud all otlier chargee agalnst Uie Property �ww <br /> oc herealler Icvled. � � ' ' ' <br /> 4, laeurance. '1'o keep Ilie I'topc[ty liieuted agali�et damago by Ilre, l�azatde (���luded wltldn Ute lonit "oxlonded covcrego", <br /> anJ aucl� o�lier hazerd� as Louder iney royuire, lu aulouul9 and Willt co�npaides�accepleble to Londer, naming Lciider ea an � <br /> addi�lonal named IneurcJ, witli loaa payablo to Ilie Lcn�cr, In cneo of loea uudor eucl� policloe,�llio Let►dor (a sutl►orizoJ to a�juat, <br /> collect and comptomise� nli clalins tl�ereundcr and el�all liave U�o optloo uf applyliig all or patt of A�e (nauranco proceede (I) to any <br /> IndebteJneen necured liereby AnJ lu eucli nrder ae L.e��dcr uiny detenuliio, (il) lo tl►o 'I'ruelor to'bo ueed fnr tiro repalr or reslorallou <br /> of Oie 1'roretly or (III) for any ollior putpuse or obJecl antisfnctory lo Leiider wllhout sffectlug tl►o Ilen of U►le Deed of'I'ruet for tlie <br /> full arnount eccureJ liereby befote sucl� payment eveC took place, Any aprlicatlou of proceods to InJebtedncss el�all not eatend or <br /> pos�ponc Oro duc�ate of any peymeuls�uuder tLe Nota,or cura any default tl►eteuuJec or l�ereunder. :��';. ., �!;. • • ' <br /> 5. �acro�►. Upon wrilton demanJ by Lender, Trustdr al�all pay to Leuder, in such manner as Lender may designetc, sufticient ' <br /> sums to enable L.ender to pay as they become due m�e or mora of tl►e following: (i) all taxes,,assessments and oUier ctiarges agalnst -, . <br /> U�e Ptoperty, (ii) the pro�niums on U�o properly insureuce requlred hereuuder, aud (ili) tlie premlums,on any mortgage insurance <br />• required by Lender. • • • <br /> 6. Maintenance, Repalre and Compllauce wllL Lnws. Truslor al�all keep 11►e Pcoperty lu good condidon�and tepalr; shall <br /> ptomplly repair, or replace any improvement wldcli may be damaged or destroyed; sl�all not cotnmit or permlt any,waste or <br />. detetloralion of U�e Propetty; al�ail not romove, demollsl� or substautlally alter any of tl�e (mprovements on llto Property; ahall not <br /> commit, suffer or permit atry act to be done lit or upon tl�e Ptoperty i��vlolado�►of any law, ordinanee, or reguladon; and sliall pay., ' <br /> � and promptly dlscl�arge et Tcustor'e cost auJ expet�se all liens, encumbraticea and cl�argea levled, lmposed or assessed agalast U►e <br /> Prope[ty or any part tl�ereoF. , <br /> 7. Eminent llmneln. I.ender is I�ereby assigned all compensadon, awards, damages and other payments or celief(lierelnafter . <br /> "Proceeds") in connection with condemnallon or otl�er taking of the Property or part lliereof, or for conveyat►ce in Il�u af <br /> condemnalion. Lendec ahell be entiUeJ at its optton to commenee, appear In and prosecuta (n its own name any acdon or <br /> proceedinga, and shall also be entiUed to make any compromise or settlemei�t iu connecdon w1Ui suct► taking or da�nago. !n U�e <br /> event any pottion of tl�e Property Is so laken or damaged, Leuder sl�all have U►e oplion, ln Ils sola snJ abaolute discretion, to apply . <br /> all such Proceeds, atter deducting tlierefrom all costs and eapenses Incurred by lt ln connectio►t wltl��such Proceeds, upon any <br /> lndebtedness secured hereby and in sucl�ocder as Lender may determine, or to epply all aucli Proceeda, after such deductlons, to tl�e <br /> re�torelion af the Property upon euch conditions as Lender may determine. Any epplication of Proceeds to lndebtedneas al�all not <br /> eatend or postpone 11�e due date of any payments under tl�e Nota, ot cuce auy default U►ereut�der or hereunder. My unapplied funcls � <br /> al�all be pafd to Trustor. � • ' <br /> 8. Performance by Lender. Upon tl�e occurrettce of ait Event of DeCault l�ereunder, or If any act,is,taken or legal proceeding <br /> commenced wl�icli maleciall� effecla Lender'e Inletest in the Property, Leiider may in lts owi� Jlscredon; but wltliout obUgadon to <br /> do eo, end without nolice to or demend upou'1'ruetor an�l wltl►out releasl�ig '1'ruatur from auy oLligallon 4o ar►y act whicl►'1'cuetoc <br /> has agteed but falis to do anJ may also clo auy otlier act lt dee�i�s uecessary to'prolect Iho secur�ty Lereof: �Truatoc sl�all, . <br /> immedlalely upmt detnand ll�eret'or by l.ender, pay tu Leuder all cosls aud capeusea Incurted and ewns eapended by L.ettJec ln <br /> connec�ion witl� tlie caercise by Lender of iha foregoing righls, togetl�er witl► liderest thereon st Il�a defeult rato provlJed (i� tl�e <br /> Nolc, whlcl�ehall be added to U�e InJebledncas secured hcreby. Leuder sl�all uot lncur a�iy llablUty becauso of anyll►Ing It may do or <br /> omit lo do I►ereunder. <br /> 9. Ilazardou� Materlal�. Truetor ehall keep tl�o Properry In compliance willt ail appllceble Iswa, ocdineuces and ragulatlotw <br /> relaling lo induetrlal I�ygleno or eirvlronnrontal prolectlon (collecllvcly referred to Lerelu es!•"�nvlronnuntal Lawa"):�'Truator ehall . <br /> kecp Ilie Property froe front ail eubalancee deemed lo ba liazardoue or loxic under a�►y L�iivlronmenlal Lawa (collectively, <br /> liereln a� "Ilazardous Materlals"). Truator Lereby warrauts aud repreaeuls lo Londer U�at ll�ero aro no Ilazardoua Materlals on ac <br /> under U�c Property. Truator heroby agreee to Indemi�lfy and liold harmlcss l.endcr, (ts dlroctore,'oF[lcere, employeea anJ agent��; <br /> and any suocessora to l.ender'a (nterest, from and agal��at a��y and all clalu�s, damagea, loases end llsbilides arlsing ln coiu�ecdon <br /> witl� the preaence, use, dispasal or trensport of auy llazardou�Materials ou, uuder, from or sbout Uie Property, TNEi FOREQOIN�, <br /> WARRANTIES AND REPRL�SBNTATION5, AND TRUS'COR'S ODLICIA'1'IONS �PURSUANT =,TO�-TfiB 'FORBaO1Nd <br /> 1NU�MNITY�SIIALL SURVIVB RLCONVL�YANCB OP'1'i115 UL�L�D OP TRUST, j ; �, . ' . , � <br /> !0.Aeslgnment of Rents. Tnislor I�ereby asalgus to Lender, a��d grants Lender a aecurily lnlerest in, all present, ti�tuce and <br /> atter-arising rents, issues and protits of U�e Proparty; providcd U►at '1�[11810[ 8I18II, untll Qia accurreuca of an Bve��t of lle('ault <br /> lureunder, have the right to c�llecl anJ retaiu sucl�reiits, lesues aocl pro(lts as Iliey become dua ancl payabla:� Upon tlie occutrei�ce <br /> oF an L�vent of Default, Lender may, eitlier in person or Gy agent, wllli or wltLout brluglug any. action or proceediug, or by a ' <br /> � teceiver appolnted by a court and wlthout regard lo the adeyuacy of Ita securlty, enter upon anJ taka poasesaion of tha Propetty, or <br /> any part U�ereof, In lts own name or'in ihe namo of tiia 1'rustee, ancl do any acta wl�icii It deeme neceasary,or.desirable to pr�ecrvo. <br /> U�c value, matketabllitj� or rentabillty of Ilie Property, or ai�y part Iliereof or Inteccst tl►erel�i, br to li�creasd U�e lncome Werefrom or <br /> ptotect Uio eecurlty bereuf and, wlll� or Wllhoul laking poeaesslott oF tha 1'ropccly, aue for or oU�orwlso cnliect tLo rm�ta, Isauee end , <br /> profits thereof, including tliose past duo and unpald, by nodfying tcna��ts to ntake payments to I.ender, I.cnder may epply rents,` <br /> issues end pro(its, less cosla and eapenaes of operadon and cullectlon Includlo6 atlon�eye' fees, lo►debtedneas secured 1►ereby�� <br /> all in such order as Lender may_ detecm�na. Tha entering upou and laklug posseasion of tha Property; Uie collection of such rents, <br /> la�uee enJ pro(ila, enJ;"�I�(n��l��tidN O�eipoQ ae aforeeaiQ, ehall iwt cura or walve auy default or ttotico of defsult l�ereunder oc <br /> invelidaie any act dono In respunsa to euch default or pursuant to euch uotica of default a�iJ, t►olwltl►elanding tl►o conlluuanca in <br /> poese�sion of tlie Propetty or tho collectlon, tecelpt aud appUcatiou af rents, IBBU68 OC�IOI�I�� TIl18IC0 QIl(�I..Cp(ICI 8I16U LIB C(1lIlIC(J l0 <br /> exerciso every [ight provWed for in auy of Il�a Loan L�struiiic�►ts or by law upon occurreuca of any IIyent•of Defauit, tncluding� <br /> witliaut Iiml�alion Ilio rlghl to exerciso.lha power of eale, Furlhec, Lai�der'e rIgl�Is aud•remedlee uncler thle�paragrapl� el�all be <br /> ..cumulallvo wllh, aiid In na wey s Ilmllallc�n on, l.euder'e rlglits aud remecllos under eny aeslgnment of leaeea and teiita recordeJ <br /> agefiist'I►a I'raperry, Lendor,'I'ruetee and llio recelver ehnll bo llabla tu uccount only fur ll�oso roata actually recolved, <br /> N�cl�ffOtApkJ�.JD�aq�n.011N • • , � � ' , ,_ <br />