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��14�75�5 <br /> B�RR��V�R��VENANT�that Borrower is �awfu��y sezsed flf�he esta�e hereby conveyed and has the right ta <br /> grant and convey th�Property and tha��he Proper�� �s unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> B�rr�wer warrants and�vill d�fend g�n�rall�the ti��e to the Proper�y against a11�laims and demar�ds, subject ta <br /> any encumbrances of recnrd. <br /> TH�S SE�URITY�NSTRUMENT comb�nes un�form co�enants f�r na���nal use and n�n-un�form�ovenants wzth <br /> limi��d�ariations by�ur�sd�ct�on to�ansti�u�e a uniform securit� �nstrument covering real proper�y. <br /> Unifvrm Co�enants. Borrawer and Lender covenant and agree as fo�lows: <br /> �. Payment vf Principal, lnterest, Escrvw �t�ms, Prepayment �ha�ges, and Late Charges. Barrovver <br /> shall pay when due the pr�ncipal of, ar�d in��rest on, the deb�ev�denced by the Note and an�prepayment <br /> charges and late�harges due und�r�he Na�e. Borrawer shall a�s�pa�r funds for Escrov� ��ems pursuan�to <br /> Sect��n 3. Payments due under the N��e and�h�s Security Ins�rum�nt shal l b�made in U.S. currency. <br /> Howe�er, zf any ch�ck or a�her instrument received b�r Lend�r a�payment und�r the No��or this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rument is returned t� Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�r�that any ar a�� subsequent paym�n�s du�under <br /> th�Note and�his S�cur�ty �nstrumen��e made in on��r more af the f�llawing forms, as�e�e�t�d by Lend�r: <br /> �a} cash; �b} man�y order; �c} cer���ed check, bank check, tr�asurer's check or cash�er's check, provzded an� <br /> such check�s drav�►�n upon an insti�u�ian whose dep�sits ar� insured by a federal agency, instrumen�a��ty, ar <br /> en�it�; or�d} ��ectron��Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�r�ts are d�emed rece��ed b�Lender when recei�ed a�the l�cati�n designa�ed in the Note or at su�h <br /> o�her la�ation as may be designa�ed by Lender in accordanc�with the notice pro�isions in Sectian 15. <br /> Lender may return any pa�ment ar par�ia�payment if the payment or par�ia�payments are insuff�cient�o <br /> bring�he Loan current. Lender may accept an�r paymen�or partial paymen� insuff�cient ta bring the Loan <br /> current, w�thout wazver of an�r�ghts h�reun�er or prejud�ce ta ��s r�ghts to refuse suc�payment�r par�ia� <br /> paymen�s in the fu�ure, but Lender�s not��ligated to appiy such payments at the time such paymen�s are <br /> acc�pted. If each Periodic Paym�ent is app��ed as of its schedu�e�due da�e, �hen L�nder need no�pay �nter�s� <br /> on unappl�ed funds, Lender may hold such unapp�xed funds unti� Borro�rer mak�s payments to bring�he <br /> Loan current. �f Borrower does not da s��vi�h�n a r�a�onab��p�rz�d of time, L�nder shall ei�her apply such <br /> funds or return�hem to B�rro�er. If not app�ied ear�ier, such funds w��� be app��ed to the�ut�tanding <br /> principal ha�ance under the Na�e zmmedia�ely pri�r ta f�rec�osure. N�affset�r claim which B�rro�ver nzight <br /> �a�e naw �r�n th�future against L�ender sha�I r�lieve Borrawer fram making payments du�under the Nn�e <br /> and th�s Security Instrument ar the cov�nants and agreements s�cured�y this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument. <br /> �. Appl�cat�vn of Payments or Pr�ceeds. Except as otherwis�described in�his�ect��n 2, a��paym�n�s <br /> aCCepted and app��ed by Lender shall be applied�n the fallow�ng arder of priari�y: �a} interes�due under the <br /> N��e; �b}prin�ipal due under the Note; �c} am�unts due under Se�tion 3. Su�h payment� shal�be appl�ed to <br /> each P�r��d��Paym�nt in the order in wh�ch�t beGam�due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied f�rst ta <br /> late charges, second to any oth�r amounts due under�his Securi�y�nstrument, and�hen to reduce the <br /> prinGipal baiance af�he Nat�. <br /> �f Lend�r receives a paymen�from B�rrawer for a�ielinquent Periadic Pa�ment vvhich includes a suf�cient <br /> amount t�pa� any lat��harge du�, the pa�ment ma��e applied���he de�inquent pa�ment and the late <br /> charge. If more�han one Peri�dic Payment is au�s�anding, Lender may app�y any payment received from <br /> Borr�wer�o the repaym�.ent of�he P�r�odic Payments if, and to the exten��hat, each paymen�can be paid �n <br /> fu11. To�he exten�that any exeess ex�sts after the payment �s app�ied�a�he full payment of one or more <br /> Per�od�c Payments, such excess rnay be appl�ed ta any late charges due. Voluntary prepayrnen�s shal�be <br /> app��ed first to any prepayment charges and�hen a�descr�be��n the Note. <br /> N�SRASKA-Single Family-�ar�nie Mael�reddie Mac UNi�QRM INSTRUMENT Farrn 3428 71�7 <br /> VMP� VMP6(N�}41302� <br /> Wolters K�uwer Finan�ial Ssr�ices Pag�4 af�7 <br />