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��14�75�5 <br /> ��. Bo�rower Nvt Re�eas�d; Forbearance By Lender tVvt a V11ai�e�. Ex�ension of�he time for paymen�ar <br /> mod��ica�i�n of amor�izat�on of�he sums secured by th�s Se�urit�Ins�rum�n�granted by Lender�a B�rrow�r <br /> or an� Successor in�nterest of Borrovver shai� n��operate��release the l�ab�lit�of Borrower or an}� <br /> 5uccessors in Interest of Borrow�r. Lender shal� no�be requ�red to commence pr�ceedings agains�an�r <br /> Succe�sor i� Inter�st of Borrower or�o refuse to ex�end time for pa�ment or❑�herwise mad�fy amor�iza�i�n <br /> of�he sums secured b�this Securit��nstrument by reason of any demand mad�b� �he original Borrawer or <br /> any Su�cessors �n In�erest of Borrawer, An� forbearanc�by Lender in exercis�ng an� righ��r remedy <br /> including, wi�hout�imitat�on, Lender's acceptanc�of paym�nts from th�rd persons, �n����es or Suc�essors in <br /> Interest of Barrow�r�r in anloun�s �ess�.han�he amoun�then due, shall nat�e a waiv�r�f ar prec�ud�th� <br /> exercise�f any righ��r rem�dy. <br /> �3. Jo�nt and Se�eral Lia�ility; �v-signers; Successo�� and Assigns B�und. Borrawer�o�renants and <br /> agrees�hat Borrower's ab�igat�ons and�iabiii�y sha�l b��oint and se�eral, Howe�er, an�Borrow�r who <br /> co�signs this Security Instrum�nt bu�does not exe�ute the Nate�a "��-s�gner"}: �a} is ca-signing this <br /> Security �ns�rument only�o mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's �n�erest in�he Proper�y under the <br /> terms of this 5ecuri�� �ns�rument; �b} is not p�rsnnal�y ob�igated�o pay�he sums se�ured by this Secur�t�r <br /> Instrument; and �c3 agr��s that Lender ax�d any o�her Borrower can agree�o e�tend, modify, forbear or make <br /> any accammadations wi�h regard ta�he terms of�his 5e�ur�ty �nstrumen��r�he Note v�ith�ut the co�signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Sub�ect�o �he pro�is��ns�f Section �8, any Successor in Interes�of Borrower vvho assumes Borrow�r's <br /> �bliga�i�ns under�his Secur��y Ins�rument in wri��ng, and �s approved by Lender, sha11 o�tain a11 of <br /> Borrawer's rights and benefi�s under this Securit� Instrument. Barrower sha��no�be released fr�m <br /> Barrower's oh�igations and��abzlx��under th�s Se�urity Instrument un��ss Lender agrees tfl such release in <br /> wr�ting. The�a�enan�s and agreements of this 5ecuri�.y Instrument sha�i bind �except as pro�ided�n Sec�ion <br /> Z�} and benefit the su�cessors and a�s�gns of Lender. <br /> 't�. L�an Charges. L�nd�r may charge B�rrower fe�s for ser�ices perform�d �n�onnect��n v�ith�orrower's <br /> defaul�, for the purpose�f protect�ng Lender's �n�erest in the Proper��r and rights under this S�cur��y <br /> Instrumen�, including, bu�not limited to, attorneys' fees, praperty �nspection and valuat�on fees. In regar�i�� <br /> any other fees, the a�sence�f expr�ss author�t� in this Secur�ty �nstrument to�harge a specific fee�o <br /> Barrovver shal�n��be construed as a proh�bi�ian on the charging of such fee. Lender ma�not charg�fees <br /> �hat ar��xpress�y prohib��ed b�t��s Secur�ty �nstrumen�ar by Applicable Lav�r. <br /> If the L.�an is subje���a a�aw which sets maximum�oan charges, and that law �s finaily in�erpre��d�a that <br /> the in�erest or o�her�oan charges c��lected or to b�collec�ed in connect�on w�th the L�an exceed�he <br /> permi�ted��muts, then: ta} an�r su�h loan charge sha11 b�redUced by��e amoun�n�cessary�a reduce the <br /> charge�o�he p��tted�im��; and �b� any sums a�ready collected from Borrower which ex�eeded permit�ed <br /> ��mits wi�� be refunded to Borrower. Lender may chflose�o make this refund��reducing�he principal owed <br /> under the N�te or by mak�ng a direct pa�ment to Borrower. If a refund reduc�s principa�, �he reduction wil� <br /> be trea�ed as a par�iai prepa�ment w�thou�an�prepayment charg��whe�her or not a prepaynra�n�charge�s <br /> prov�ded for under the Note}. Barrower's a�ceptane�of any such refund made��direc�payment to <br /> Borr�wer ul�ll const��ute a waiver�f an� right of ac�ion Borrower migh�have ar�sing out��such o�ercharge. <br /> �5. Notices. All n�tices gi�en b� Barrower flr L�nder in c�nnection with this Security�nstrum�nt must be�n <br /> writ�ng. Any not�ce ta Borr�vver�n connec�ian v�r��h�h�s Secur��� Instrumen�sha��be deemed�o ha��been <br /> given�o B�rrower v�hen mai�ed by f�rst c�ass ma�l or when ac�ually de���ered to�3orrflwer's not��e address �f <br /> sen�by ather means. Not�ce to an�one Borrawer sha��const��u�e notic��a a��Borrawers un�ess App���ab�e <br /> Law e�pressly requires ather�vi�e. The notice address sha��be the Proper�y Address unless Borrow�r�as <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl��amify-Fartnie MaelFreddie Mac IJNI��RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�28'I!�� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{NE;�13D2) <br /> Wolters Kiuwer Finar�cial Ser�ices Page 1"I af 17 <br />