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��14�7513 <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS tha�Bo�rower is Iawful�y seised of the es�ate hereby car�veyed and has the rxght t� <br /> grant and convey the Prap�r�y ar�d�ha.t th�Proper�y�s une�cumber-ed., except far enc�.mb�a�ces of re�ord. <br /> Borrower�va�rx-an�s and�ril.�.defend generally t�e tztle�o�he Property aga�n�t a1I cla�ms ax�d c�em.ands, subj eGt tfl <br /> any encumbrances of record�. <br /> THIS SECURI`TY INSTRUMENT uruf�rm covenan�s far natzor�a�use and non-ux�iform covenants�w�th <br /> Izm�ted varia�i�ns by jurisd�.c�ion��canstitute a uni.form seeur�ty�xa.s�rument caver�ng real pr�perty. <br /> U ni�ort� CoW�r�ant�, Borrovrer and Lender c�venant a�d agree a;s fallows: <br /> 'I. Pa�rne�t �f Princip�i� �nter�st, Escro►rtr �te�ms, Pr�pa�lm�nt Charg�s, and��La.te �harges: Barrawer <br /> �. <br /> shall pay w�ien due the prin��:pa1_af, and inte�est an, �he d�bt evidenced�li�r the N�te axi;d a�y�repaymer�t <br /> c�.arges and Xate c�iarges due un.der�he Note. B�rrower sh�11 a1s�pay funcls f°ar�scrovcr Items pursuant to <br /> Sec���n 3. Payment�d.ue under th�Nate and�s Security Instrum�nt sha��.be�:ade��i�i�.S. currency. <br /> H�wever, i.f any checl�or other ins�rument received by Lender as payment under the N��e or�his Security <br /> Instr�:xnent is returned�o Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�re that any or a��subsequent paym��.�s due u�der <br /> the Note and th�� Security Ix�stru_m�n�be made in o�e or m.ore of�he following for�.s, as sel,ected by Lend.�r: <br /> �a} cash; �b}money order; �c� certifie�.check, �ank check, treasurer's ch�ck or cash�er`s check, prov�.ded a�a:�r <br /> such check�s dravv�..upon an insti�tuti.on whos�depasits are ir�sured by a federa�agency, instrurnentality, ar <br /> entzty; �r[d�E�ec�r�riic Funds Trara.sfer. <br /> Payments d�emed received by Lender whe�received at�h�I.�cation designated in the Note or at such <br /> �ther 1�aca�ior�as may be des�gnated by Lender i-�.accordance wi�h�he not�ce provzs�:ons i:ri Sectxon 15. <br /> Lender may retu.rr�any payment ar par��a1 pay�r�ent zf�he payment or partia.l paymen�s are�nsu£fxcier�t to <br /> bri��the Laax�.current. Lender may accept a�y pa.yrnent or par�xal payment�nsuffic�e�t�a bri�g the Loan <br /> current, wzthout w�.�ver�f any ri�h.�s hereux�.der or p�e�ud�ce to i�s righ�s�o refuse such paym�nt or part�al <br /> �ayments�.n fhe future, bu�Lender is not obligated to app�y such payments at�h�t�me such pa�mer�ts are <br /> accep�ed. If�ach Periodic Payment is app��ed a.�of x�s schedu.l.ed due date, �hen Len�er�eed�.of pay interes� <br /> on.unapp��ed funds. Lender may hoXd such unapp�.z�d.funds unti�,Borrower makes payments to bri-�g th.e <br /> Loan�urrent. If Borrflwer does nat dfl so ur�thin a reasonab�e period of�ime, Lender sha1�ei�her appJ.y such <br /> funds or returrl them to Borrower. If�at ap�p��ed ear�ier, such funds vri.Xl be applied to the outs�aa�.ding <br /> pr�rn��pa1 ba�a.nce-under the No�e immediately pr�or�a forec�asure. No Offset ar c�a�m uThich Borrower n�ight <br /> have novtr or in.the fi�tu:re agair�.st Lend�r sha1�.r�lieve Borrower fram ma.k�ng paymer�ts d.ue u�der�he Nv�e <br /> and�us Security Inst�u.ment�r perfor��t�.ie c�venants and agreemen�s this S�curity <br /> Ins�rume�t. <br /> �. t4p�licatinn of Paym�nts �r �race�ds. Except a.�oth�rwise described�:n t.�is Sectz�n 2, a.�l payments <br /> accepted ax�:d applzed by Lend�r shall be appl.ied in�he fol�awing order ar priorxty: �a}interest due under�.he <br /> Note; �b}pr�ncipa�due un�.er the No�e; �c)amoun�s due u�der Section 3. Sueh payr�a.en�s shall be appliec��o <br /> each Periadxc Payment�n�he order in which�.t beca�n.e due. Any remaini�.g amounts sha��be appl�ed first ta <br /> I.ate�harges, second to any other amounts due ur�der�us Secur��y Instrument, ar�.d�hen ta redu.ce�he <br /> pri�cxpal balance af�he Note. <br /> I�Lender reee�:ves a payment from Borraw�r for a delinque�t Periadic Paym�nt which incl.udes a suff ci.ent <br /> amQt�nt to pay any�a�e charg�due, �1ie pay�ne�.t may be applied ta�he delinque�t pay�rient and�he�a�e <br /> charge. If more�han one l�er�odic Paym.ent is outsta�ding, Lender rnay apply any payrr�ent received from <br /> Borrower�o the repayme��af�he Period�c Payments i� and to�he extent�hat, each payment can be pa�c�in. <br /> fu�. To the��tent�hat any�excess e�ists after the pa�.;ent is applied�o�he fix�l paymer�t of�ne or more <br /> Per�od��Payments, such excess may be applied to ariy�ate charges due. Volun.tary pre�ayments sha�.�.be <br /> applied.first to any prepay�ment charges and�hen as descri:bed�n the Note. <br /> 24��7�41 <br /> NEBRASKA-S�r�g[e Famify-FanniE N1 aelFreddie M ac UNIFQRM [NSTRL]M ENT Fvrm 3028�1�1 <br /> VM P Q VM PG�NE}{�3�2} <br /> VIlalters KLr�w er Fnancia[S�c�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />