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��14�7513 <br /> '�2. BorroVver No� �eI�as�cd; Forb�arance By Lend�r IVot a�a��er. Ex�tensior�of�he��me for payment ar <br /> modif cat�on af amortizat�.nn of�he su�ns�his Security Ins�rument granted by Len�er to Borrower <br /> or any Successor�n Interest of Borrovver s�.a1�.not operate to r�Iease�h:e liabi.l��of Borro�rer or any <br /> Successars in Ir��erest of Borrower. Lender sha�.X not be required to com:men�e proceedings agaYnst any <br /> Successar i-�.Iriterest of F�rrawer or to refus�to exte�.d time far payment or mod.x.fy amort�zation <br /> of the surn.s secured by this Security I�a.��rume�t by reason of a�.y demand made by th��rig�r�:al]Bor�ower or <br /> any Successors in Interest of�orrower. Any forbearance by Lend�r in exerc�s�ng any r�ght or r�medy <br /> i�.cXu�.ing, �wi�hou��imita�on, Lender's accepta�.ce of payments frnm thzrd persons, erxt�t�es ar Successors ir�. , <br /> Ix�terest of Borrower ar�n amoun�s Iess�han�.he amou�t then due, shall na�be a wa�iver flf Qr prec�.ude the <br /> e�ercxse of any r�ght ar remedy. <br /> '�3� Jo�nt and 5evera! L�a�il�ty� Co-s�gners; Su�cessars and Assig�s �und. �3orrower covenants and <br /> agrees that Borr�-�rer°s�bligat�or.�s aald Iiabxlity sha.�.�.be j oir�t and several. �Iourever9 any B�x-�-ower who <br /> ca-sig�s t.�is SecurYty JCn.strumen�but does not exec�x�te t�e N�te�a"co--s�g�er'��: �a� is co-si.gning t�is <br /> Security In.s�ru�nent ax�I.y to mortgage, grant and canvey�he co-signer's�nteres�in�he Property un.der the <br /> �erm�of th�s Security I�.�s�rumen�; �b� is not persona��y obligated to pay�he Sums secured�by�hi� Secuxi.ty <br /> Instrument; a:�d[c�agrees tha�Lender and ariy a�her BQrrower can agree to extend., modify, forl�ear or make <br /> any accomm�dations�wx.t�i regard�a the terms of��Security Ir�stru.ment or the NQt�vUi�hout the c�-si.gnerT s <br /> c�nsent. <br /> Subj ect to�e pravisions of SeGtion I.8, any Successor�n.Ix�terest of Borrower�rho a�sumes Borrower's <br /> ob�iga��o�s unc�.e��his Security In�tx-uanent in-wri�ing, an�.rs appra�ed by Lende�, shall obta:in a1�of <br /> Barrower's rig�its and benef tS this Secu��ty I�.strume�.t. Borrower sha�l n�t be re�ea�ed from <br /> Borrawer's obligat�oxxs and��abil�:ty under�his Secur��Instrument�ess Lende�a.grees�a sucJh re�e�e in <br /> vUr�ti�a.g. �Che�ovenants anc�agreements of�his Se�urity Yustrument��ia�.�bina��excep�as pr�v�.d.ed�n Section <br /> 2��anc�.benef-xt the successar�and assigns of Lender. <br /> '�4= Lo�n �har�es. Lender may charge Borrower fees for servzces performed 7.n connec�zon u���h Borrower's <br /> d�fau�t, fa�the puxpa�e af pratec�ing Lexa.der's interest 7.n the l�roper�y and rights under�his Security � <br /> I-�.str�.�.ment; iricl.uding, bu�r�.ot l.imited to, a�torneys' fees, property�..spectior�ax�.d va�ua�.on fees. In regaxd to <br /> any other fees, the ahsen�e of expres�author�ty in th�.s Secur�ty Ins��at to cha�ge a specif�c fee to <br /> Borrawe�shall nof be c�nstrued as a proh�.]��tio�a�.�he charging of such fee. Lender may n��charge fees <br /> � are expres��y pro�bi.ted by this Seeurity Ixxs�rument or�y App�icable Law. <br /> If the I�oan is sub�ec��o a law�rvhi�h sets rm.aximuwr�l�ar�cha�ges, and�hat I.a�v�s f nally ix�.terp�eted so t�iat <br /> the vsterest or other�oan charges col.lected�r��be col�.ec�ed in cox�nectio�.w���he]Lnar��xceed the <br /> perxn�ttec�Iirmits, then: �a� a�n.y�uch Ioa�.charge shall�e reduced by�he amourit necessary to reduce the <br /> charge to t�ie perm�.�.ted limit; ar�d�b} any sums already collected from Barrower which exceeded per�rnitted <br /> Ixm.its tivi1�be refia.nded�a B�rrower. Lender ma:y�haose�o ma:�e this refund by reduc�ng the princi.pal owed <br /> under�he Note or by ma�ng a direc�paymen�to Barrawer. If a refur�d reduees�r�.�.c�pa1, the reductiox�urill <br /> be treated as a part�a.�.prepaym�n�w�thout a�.y prepaym.ent charg��whether or not a prepay�erit charge xs <br /> pravi�ded for under�h.e N�te�. Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by direct paym.ent�� <br /> Borrow�r will canstitute a�vax.�rer�f any r�:ght of ac�ion Borr�wer r�ght have ar�sin.g out Qf such overcharge. <br /> 7�� N v�i�esa Al�n�tice�given by Borra�xrer or Lender�.n co�ectzon uj�th�his Se�ur�.ty Instrument must b�ir� <br /> writ�g. �iy not�ce�o Borrower�n co�iection ur��h th�s Secur�.ty Instrument shall�ae e�eeme��o h�.ve been <br /> g�ven to FarrQvv�r wheri ma�:�ed by first c�.ass ma��a�v�r�ien actua�.�y delivered to�orraurer's natzce address if <br /> sent by means. Notxce to any o�e Borr�urer sh.a�.�eor�st��u�e not�ce to a�I Borrowers un�.:ess Applicab�e <br /> L.aur expressly requires otherv�se: The notice address shal.I.�e�.he Property Address un�ess Borrou�er has. <br /> ��a�7��� <br /> NEBRRSKA-Si�gle Family-Fannie M ae�Fred�ie MaG UNIFDF2�Ul [NSTR�M ENT Farm 3D28�I1�� <br /> v�P d VM P6�NE}(�34�} <br /> 1Nafte�s Ki�w er Fnancial Services Page 1� �f'I 7 <br />