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��14�751� <br /> 15. �orrvwer's C�py. Borrawer shali l�c giWen onc conformcd cop�r of the Nate and of this Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> 'I S. Ha�ardaus Suhstanees. Barrower shall nat cause ar permit the pr�senGe,use, dispusal, starage, ar rel�ase <br /> af any Hazardous 5ubstances an or in�he Prvperty. �vrro�er shall not do, nor a�low anyone else tv da, <br /> anything affecting the Praperty� is in vivlat�on of any�n��ronmental Law. Th�pr�cec�ing two sentenc�s <br /> shall nat apply to the presence,use, ar�torage an th�Proper��of small quantitieS of Ha�ardous Substanc�s � <br /> that are general�y recogni�ed to be appropriate to normal r�sidential us�s and to maint�nance of the Property. <br /> Borrawer shall promptly give Lender written not��e�f any in�restigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any go��rnmental or regulatory agency or pri�ate party in�a�Wing the Prvper#.y and an�Ha,�ardous <br /> Substance or En��ronrnental Law of which Borrowcr has actual knowl�dge. If Borrower learns, or is notified <br /> by any go�ernmental or regulator�r authority, that any rema�al or other remedia��on of an�Ha2ardaus <br /> Substances affect�ng the Propert�is necessary, Borrower sha�l promptly take all necessary r�m�dial actians <br /> in accardanc�vvi#�h En�ironmenial Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 1�,"Ha�ardous Substan�es"are thase suhstanc�s defined as�oxic or hazardous <br /> subs�ances�y Environment�Law and�he foll�wing substances:gasvline,l�erosene,o�her flarnmable ar toxic <br /> petro�eum graduCts,�oxic pes�icid�s and herhicides,vo�atiie salvents,materials containing asbestos ar <br /> farmaldehyde,and radiaactive materials.As used in this paragraph I6,"En�ironmental Law"mearas federal <br /> Iaws and laws of t,h�jurisdi�t�on where the Property is lacated that relate ta health,safety or environm�n� <br /> pro�ectian. <br /> N�n-U n if a rm �a�enants. Barravver and Lender further cvvenant and agree as follow s: <br /> '17. Assignm�nt af Rents. Barrower uncundition;ai�y assigns anci transfers 1.�Len�i�r all l�ie rents an�re��nues <br /> af the Praperty. Borrow�r authorizes I1end�r ar I�ender'�agents�o cal�ect the rents and revenues and herehy <br /> directs ea�h tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender ar Lender's agents. However,prior�o Lender's <br /> notice to Barrower af Barrow�r's hr�ach of an�r ca�en�ant or agreement in the Security Instrument, Bonower <br /> shall cal�ect and receive a�1 rents and re�renues of the Property as trus�ee far the hen�fit of L�nder and <br /> �orr�wer. This assignment of rents constitutcs an abso�u�e assignment and not an assignment far additional <br /> �ecurity only. <br /> If Lender g��es natice af hreach to Barrower: �a}ali rents recei�ed by Borrower shall be heid by Borrower <br /> as trustee f�r benefit vf Lend�r�vnl�, to�e applied to the sunas�ecur�d hy the 5ecurity Instrument; {h} <br /> L�nd�r sha�i he ent�tled ta collect and re�ive all af t�he r�n�s of#�h�Property; anci�c}each tenant af the <br /> Property shall pa�a�l rents due and unpaid to I�ender or Lender's agent on Lender's written dernand to th� <br /> tenant. <br /> Barrower has nat executed any prior assignment of the rents and has nnt and will not perform any act that <br /> would prevent Lender fram exercising its rig�its under this paragraph 17. <br /> Lender sha11 n�t be required tv�nt�r upon, tak�contral of or maintain tlie Prop�rt�hefore or after gi�ing <br /> notic�af hreach to Bvrrower. Hovve�er, Lender�r a judicially appainted recei�er may do so at any time <br /> ther�is a hreach. An�application of rents shal�n�t cure or waiWe an�default or in�a�idate any other right ar <br /> rem�dy of L�nder. This assignment�f r�nts of the Property shall termina�e when the deb�secured by the <br /> Security Instrumen�is paid in full. <br /> �$, Fnreclosure Procedure. If Lender requir�s immecliate payment in full und�r paragraph 9, Lender <br /> may invoke the pawer of sale and any othQr remedi�s permi���d by applicable�aw.Lender shal�be <br /> entitled to collect all�xpenses incurred in pursuing the remedxes under this paragraph 18,including, <br /> but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees and costs oF titl�evidence. <br /> 4�92714 4Q92714 <br /> �HA Martgage WITH MERS-N� Re�ised 419fi <br /> VMP g VM�4N�NE)[13a2) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 7 vf 1 Q <br /> 6�2962 4U9Z714 <br /> I <br /> I <br /> i <br />