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��14�751� <br /> E. B�RR�I�IIER'S ��CUPANCY. Unfess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writin�, <br /> Section � concerning Borrower's occupancy af the P�Qperty is deleted. <br /> F. ASSI�NMENT �F LEASES. Upan Lender's r�quest after default, Bo��ower shall assign <br /> to Lender all leases of the P�operty and al� security d�posits made in cnnnectivn with IeaSes <br /> af the Praperty. Up�n the assignment, Lender shali have the right t� modify, extend or <br /> terminate the existing leases and to execute nevv leases, in Lender's sole discretion. As used <br /> in this paragraph G, the wo�d "lease" shali mean "sublease" if the S�curity Instrument is on a <br /> leasehald. <br /> �. ASSI�NMENT �F RENTS; APPQINTMENT OF RE�EIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSI�N. <br /> Borrawer abso#utely an�i unconditivnally assigns and transfers to Lender a!I the rents and <br /> re�enu�s �"Rents"j of the Property, �egardless of to whom the Rents a# the P�aperty are <br /> paya�le. B�rrnwer authori�es Lender ❑r Lender's agents to collect the Rents, and a�rees that <br /> each tenant of the Pr�perty shal� pay the Rents to Lender ar Lender's agents. Hawe�er, <br /> Borrower shal� recei�e the Rents unti�: 4�} Lend�r has gi�en Borrower natice o� defaul# <br /> pursuant to Section 22 of the Security Instrument, and �ii} L�nder has gi�en notice to the <br /> tenant�s� that the Rents are t4 be pa�d to Lender �r Lende�'s agent. This assignment of Rents <br /> cvnstitutes an abso�ute assignment and not an assignment fo� additiona� security only. <br /> if Lender g��es notice of default to Bor��wer: �iy al� Rents recei�ed by Borrower shali be <br /> held by Bar�o►rver as trustee for the benefit of Lender only, �4 be applied to the sums secure�l <br /> by the 5ecurity Instrument; �ii} Lender shall be entitled t� collect and receive a1! of the Rents <br /> ❑f the Property; 4iii� Borr�wer agrees that each tenant of the Property shal( pay a�l Rents due <br /> and unpaid to Lender a� Lend�r's agents up�n Lender's written demand to the tenant; �i�y <br /> unEess app��cable �aw pro�ides ntherwise, all R�nts coliect�d by Lender or Lender's agents <br /> sha�l be applied first to the casts of taking cnntrvl of and managing the Property and <br /> c�llecting the R�nts, inc�uding, but nvt I�mited to, attarney�5 fees, recei�er's fees, premiums <br /> �il ��CBIVe��S bands, repai� and maintenance Gosts� IT15L1�'�l1CB premiums� tax�5, assessments <br /> �nd other charges an the Property, and then t� the sums secured by the Secu�ity Instrument; <br /> ��� Lender, Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receiver shall he �iab�e to account #or <br /> oniy those Rents actually recef�ed; and �Wi} Lender shall be entitled t� ha�e a re�ei�e� <br /> appointed to take possession o# and manage the Property and callect the Rents and p�ofits <br /> deri�ed from the Prop�rty without any showing as to the inadequacy of the Property as <br /> secu�ity. <br /> !f the Rents of the Property a�e nvt su#ficEent to cove� the costs of taking control Qf and <br /> managing the P�operty and of collect�ng the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such <br /> purposes shall �e�ame indebtedness vf Borrv�er t� Lender secu�ed by the 5ecurity <br /> Instrument pursuant tv Sectinn 9, <br /> Bvrrov►rer represents and warrants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignmen# <br /> of the Rents and has no# performed, and wili not perform, any act that would preWent Lender <br /> from exercFsing its rights under this paragraph. <br /> Len�er, vr Lende�'s agents ar a judicially appointed receiver, shal� not be required to enter <br /> upvn, take cont�a! of ar maintain the Property before �r after gi�ing notice vf default to <br /> Borrower. Howev�r, Lende�, or Lende�'s agents �r a jud�c�al�y appainted receiWer, may do so <br /> at any time when a default occurs. Any application af Rents sha�l no# cure or wai�e any <br /> de#ault or in�alidate any other right or remedy of Lender. This assignment o# Rents of the <br /> Property shall terminate when al! the sums secured by the Security Instrument are paid in full. <br /> H. CF��SS-DEF►4ULT PRC]VISI[]N. Borrower's default �r breach under any nate ar <br /> ag�eement in which Lender has an interest shali be a breach under the Secur�ty #ns�rument <br /> and Lender may in�vlce any ❑f the remedies permitted by the Security Instrument. <br /> 4a9�714 409�714 <br /> MULTiSTATE '! -4 FAMILY �IDER - Fanni� I�JiiaelFreddie Mac UNIFOR�111 �N Tl�tJMENT <br /> �-57RA ��811 y Page � vf 3 I nitials� Form 3'I 7D 'I!�1 <br /> � <br />