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��14�75�9 <br /> Applicable Law. As used �n this Security Instrum�n�, the term "Applicab�e Law" shall m�an aI� con�rolling <br /> applicable federal, state and �aca1 statutes, regulations, flrdinances and adminis�ra��ve ru�es and orders ��ha�have <br /> the effect af�aW)as v����as al�app�icab�e fzna�,nonwappea�able judicial flpinions. <br /> �harges; Liens. Borrov�er shail pay all taxes, assessments, charges, f nes and impositions a�tribu�ab�e to �he <br /> Property which may at�ain priority o��r this Security �nstrument, and Ieaseho�d pa�ments or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> At the reques�af Lender,Borrawer shall promptly furnish ta L�nder receip�s ev�dencing�he paym�n�s. <br /> Borrow�r sha�I promptly dxs�harge any�ien v�hich has priarity over this S�curity�nstrumen�unl�ss B�rrov�er: �a} <br /> agrees in writing �o �he paymen� of�he obliga�ion secur�d by the Iien in a mar�ner a�cep�ab�e �a Lender; �b} <br /> contests in good fa�th the 1�en by, flr defends agauas� enforcement of th� l�en �n, �ega� proceedings which in �he <br /> Lender's opinion operate �o prevent the enforcement of the Iien; or ��) secures from �he holder of the lien an <br /> agreemen�sa��sfactory to Lender subord�nating th� ��en�o�h�s Security�nstrumen�. �f Lender de�ermin�s tha�any <br /> par� of the Praperty is subject to a Iien wh�ch may at�ain priori�y over�his Securi�y Instrument, Lender rnay gi�e <br /> Borrower a noti�e identifying�he lien. Borrflwer shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of�he actions set far�h <br /> above within 14 days of the giving�f natic�. <br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borraw�r shali keep the �mpravem.en�s now e�ist�ng or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property�nsured against l�ss by f re,hazards inc�uded w��hin the�erm "extended cov�rage" and any�ther hazards, <br /> �nc�uding floods ar fl�ading, for which Lender requires insuran�e. Th�s insurance shall be maintained in the <br /> amaunts and for�he periods that Lender r�quxres. The insurance carr�er pra�rding�he insurance sha�l b�chosen by <br /> B�rrov�er subj e�� �o Lender's appro�al wh�ch shall not be unreasonabl� wi�hhe�d. �f Barrovver fails ta maintain <br /> coverage d�scribed above, L�nder may, at Lender's flption, ab�a�n co�erage �o pro�ect Lender's rrghts �n �he <br /> Proper�y in ac�ardanc�wi�h section titled Protection of Lender's Rights in the Prvperty. <br /> Ali insurance polici�s and ren�vva�s shall be accepta��e �o Lender and sha�l include a s�a�dard mar�gage �Iause. <br /> Lender shall have the righ�t�hold the pol�c�es and renevva�s. �f Lender requires, Borrflwer shall prflmptly g��re�o <br /> Lender aI�re�eipts of paid premiums and renewa�noti�es. �n�he even�of loss, Borro�ver sha�l give prompt notice <br /> �o the insuran�e�arrier and Lend�r.Lender may make praaf of Ioss if no�made promptly hy Borro,w�r. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrav�er otherw�se agree in wri�ing, insuran�e pro�eeds sha�� be applied �o res�ora��on nr <br /> r�pair �f�he Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sfl�e discretion, the res�ora�ion or repai.r is econamrcally f�asible <br /> and Lender's security is no� lessened. rf, �n Lender's so�e d�scre�ion, the restora��on or repa�r is no� econ�mically <br /> feasib�e nr Lend�r's secur�ty would be Iessened,the insurance proceeds sha��be applied�o the sums secured by th�s <br /> Se�ur��y �ns�rumen�, whe�her or not �hen due, wi�h any excess pa�d �o Sorrfl�er. �f Barrovver abandons �he <br /> Praperty, or does no�answer with�n the number af days prescrib�d by App�icable Lav�as set far�h in a n���ce from <br /> Lender ta Barr�vver�hat�he insurance carrier has offered to set�le a claim, th�n L�nder may�allect the insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the procee�.s to repair �r restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrumen�,whether or na��hen due.The period of time for Borrov�er to answer as s��far�h in�he no�ice vvi�l begiu� <br /> wh�n�he notice is g�ven. <br /> Ljnless Lender and SorroWer otherv�ise agr�e in wrx�ing, any applica�ion of proceeds t�principa� shaTl not extend <br /> or pastpone�he due dat�of�he payments due under the �ontra�t or change�he amount of�he payments. If under <br /> �he sect�on titled A�celeration; Remedies, the Froperry is acquired by Lender, Borrovver's righ��� any�nsurance <br /> polic�es and proceeds resu�ting from �amage �o the Pr�perty prior�o �he a�quisi�ion sha�l pass to Lender �o the <br /> ex�en�of�he sums se�ured�y�his Secur��y Instrument�rnediately pri�r to�he acquisition. <br /> Preservation, Maintenance and Protec��on af the Property; BorrowerTs Loan Application; Leaseholds. <br /> Borrower shall not des�roy, damage or�mpair the Proper�y, a��ow�he Proper�y ta deteriarate, or commi�waste an <br /> the Proper�y.B�rro�ver sha��be in defau�t�f any forfeiture action or proce�ding,v�hether civil or crimina�,�s begun <br /> �ha� in Lender's g�od fai�h judgmen� cou�d resu�t in farfe��ur� of�he Prflperty or o�herwise ma�er�a�ly impa�r�he <br /> ��en created by this 5ecurity �nstrument or Lender's secur��y �nteres�. Borrower may cure such a default and <br /> rei.n.sta�e, as provided in section titXed BorroVver's R�ght to Reinstate, by causing the ac��on ar proceeding�o be <br /> d�smissed w��h a ruling�ha�, �n Lender's good fa�th de�ermina�i�n,preclud�s forfeiture of�he Barrower's interes��n <br /> �he Pr�perty or �ther mat�rial impairmen� of�he lren crea�ed hy �h�s Securifiy Inst�rument or L�nder's security <br /> in��rest.Borrower shall also be rn default if Bvrro�ver,during�he Ioan appl�ca�ion process,ga��ma�erial�y false or <br /> inac�urat� informat�on or sta�emen�s to Lender �or failed to pro��de Lender w�th any materia� informa��on} in <br /> �onnection w�th�he Iaan e�i�.enced by�he �ontract. �f this Securi�y Instrumen� is an a leasehold, Borrower shall <br /> comply v�i�h aIl�he prov�sions of the��ase. If Borrower acquires fee�itle to the Pr�perty,the�easeh��d and the f�e <br /> �it�e shali n�t merg�un�ess Lend�r agrees ta the merger in vvr�t�ng. <br /> Protection �f Lender's R�ghts in the Property. If�3orro�er fa�is �o perform the ��venan�s and agreements <br /> �onta�ned in�his Securi�y�nstrument, or ther� zs a lega�proceeding that may sign�f cantly affect Lender's rights ix� <br /> �he Prflperfiy �such as a proceeding in banl�ruptcy, praba�e, far condemnat�on or farfeiture or to enforce Iavvs or <br /> regulat�ans}, then Lender may da and pay f�r whatever �s necessary �� protect the va�ue of�he Property and <br /> Lender's rights in the Praper�y. Lender's ac�ions may include paying any sums secured�y a lien which has prior�ty <br /> ov�r�h�s Securi�y�nstrument, app�aring in cour�,paying reas�nable at�orneys'fe�s and�n�ering an�he Prop�rty ta <br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may ta�e ac��on under�h�s section,Lender does not ha�e�a do so. <br /> Any amounts d�s�ursed by Lender under this sectian shall b�cnme addit�ana� deb� of Borrovver se�ured by th�s <br /> Securi�y Inst�umen�. Unless Borro�ver and Lender agree to ather terms of payment, �hese amounts sha�� bear <br /> interest from �he �.a�e of d�sbur�emen� at �he same ra�e assessed �n ad�ances under �he �ontrac� and shall be <br /> payable,with�nteres�,upan notice from Lend�r to Barrovver reques�ing payment. <br /> C�ZDq4-2014 CampIiance Systems,Inc.�958-EC2I]-24I3L2.3.1.8Q3 <br /> Cansurner Rea�Estate-Security Ir�strurnent DL2�36 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.compIiancesysteFns.cvm <br />