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��14�75�� <br /> �ont�nu�to pa�r�� L.,�nder�he amount of the separateiy designa�ed pa}�ments tha�were due when the <br /> insu�rance�overage�eased�o�e�n effeG�. Lender will accep�, use and retain�hese paymen�s as a <br /> nan-�efundabl�loss reser�e�n l�eu of Mortgage Insurance. Such�oss reserv�shall be n�n-refundable, <br /> notwi�hstanding��.e fact�hat the L.oan is ult�ma�eiy paid in full, and Lender shali no�he requir�d to pay <br /> Borrower any interest or earnings fln such I�ss res�rve. Lender can no l�nger require loss reserve pa�m�nts <br /> if Mor�gage Insurance ca�erage�in�he amount and f�r the period�hat Lender r��u�res}provided by an <br /> insurer sele�ted by Lender again becomes a�ra��ab�e, �s �b�ained, and Lender requires separa�ely designa�ed <br /> pay�men�s taward the premiums far M�rtgage�nsurance. �f Lender r�quired N�artgage�nsurance as a <br /> �ondi�ion of making�he Laan.and Borr�w�r was required�a make separately designated payments�oward�he <br /> premiums far Mortgag��nsurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to main�ain N�or�gage <br /> �nsurance�n effect, �r to provide a non-r�fundab�e�nss reser�e, until Lender's requirement for Mortgage <br /> �nsurance ends xn accordance with any written agre�men�be�vveen B�rrower and I.,�nd�r pr��iding for such <br /> termina�ian or unt�l �ermina�inn is required by App�icab�e Lav�r. Noth�ng in th�s Se�t�on ��affe�ts <br /> Borrawer's abl�gat�on to pa� in��r�st at�he rate provided in�he Note. <br /> Martgag��nsurance reimburses Lender�or any entity that purchases�he Note} for cer�ain losses it may ineur <br /> if B�rrawer does no�repay�he Loan as agre�d. Borro�er is not a par�y t�th�Martgage�nsuran�e. <br /> Mor�gage�nsurers e�aluate�heir tota� r�sk on a�l suc� insurance�rz force from time to t�me, and may enter <br /> �nto agreements with other pa�ies that share or nn.od�f�the�r r�sk, or reduce��sses. These agreements ar�on <br /> terms and condi��ons�hat are satisfact�ry to the mor�gage�nsurer and the o�her party �or par��es} to�hese <br /> agreemen�s. These ag�-e�men�s may require the mor�gage�nsurer to mak�paymen�s us�ng any source of funds <br /> tha��he mor�gage insurer ma�ha�ve ava��ab�e�which may include funds��taine�fr�m Mortgage�nsurance <br /> prern�.u�ns�. <br /> As a resu��of�hese agr�ements, Lender, any pur�haser�f��.e Not�, ano�her insur�r, any re�nsur�r, any�ther <br /> en�ity, or any affi�iate of an�r of the for�go�ng, may rece�ve�direc��y or�ndirectly� a�naunts tha�der�v�fr�m <br /> �or migh�b��harac�erized as} a por��on of B�rro�ver's paymen�s for Martgage Insurance, in exchange far <br /> shar�ng or mod�fy�ng�he mortgage insurer's risk, or reduc�ng iosse5. �f such a�reenzent pr��ides�ha�an <br /> affilia��of I.�nder�akes a share af the insurer's risk �n exchange for a share of�he prem.�ums pa�d to the <br /> insurer, th�arrangemen�is often�er�med "capti�e reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any 5uch agreements wi��not affec�the amounts that B�rrovver ha�agreed to pay for�Vlortgage <br /> Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such agreements v�il�nat increase the amount <br /> Borrower will owe for Nlortgage Insurance, and they w�i��not en�it�e Borrawer to any refur�d. <br /> �h� Any�uch agreements �vi�� not affec�the right�Barrower has�if any-w�th resp�ct ta the <br /> M�r�gage Insurance under the Homeowners Pro�ectivn Act of 199�or any other law. �he�se rights <br /> may include�he r�gh�to recei�e certain disclo�ures, to request and ob�ain cance��at�on of�he <br /> Mar�gage Insurance, ta ha�e the Mar�gage Insurance tern��nated autarnatica��y, andlor�o r�ce��e <br /> a refund af any Mortgage Insurance prern�u�ms�hat vvere unearnQd at the time of such <br /> cancel�at�on ar term�natian, <br /> �'1. Ass�gnment of Miscellaneous Praceeds; Fo�feiture. A�� Misce�ianeous Proceeds ar�hereby assigned to <br /> and shall be paid�o Ler�der. <br /> If th�Praper�y is damaged, such M�s�ei�ane�us Proceeds shall be appl�ed�o restoration or repa�r of the <br /> Pr�pert�, if the restora�ion ar repair is economica��y feasible and Lender's securi�y is no�iessened. During <br /> su�h repair and restora�ian period, L.ender sha�l ha�re�he r�ght to hold�uch N��sce��aneous Proce�ds until <br /> Lender has had an oppor�un��y�o insp�c�such Property ta ensure�he work has be�n completed to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UN1�4RM fNSTRUM�NT Fvrrn 3428�IQ1 <br /> VMP� VMPStN�;{13fl2) <br /> Watters Kluwer F�nar�cial Ser�ices Page 9 of i 7 <br />