<br />ma ma._.. __. wt. .••••• ..
<br />Lieael8 county can't
<br />IPape 6 oft)
<br />•
<br />A tract of land beginning at the Southeaet(es) corner of Lot ors 41),
<br />I.eville•s Subdivision ol'part of $nations Thirty-four (34) and Tenty -ems
<br />• (27), Township Tourtesn (14) Muth, Stange Thirty (30) Went of tls'dtb4Jr.. , .
<br />• th.sxoa ueaaieq Peet along the North line:of binteairth I 0tseet•• (as platted)
<br />dietaace of eighty- alpbt, (•3s) feet, theme Borth One bsxlred 1o►w$teep (1.1
<br />toot,• thares Zest, eighty -eight (6d) .last, tlIdaai Sootb 210s5: tlra.saa ial of
<br />Lot 0ss (1), one nundr d Sevent:.en • (117) lest •to the ysl unr of beginpi ag. .,' .
<br />A parcal of lead Teas (10) feet mare Lathe northwest corner of tot 114e ,(2), `
<br />Nook One (3) o! 11oDoesl4 '!lean, .Mortis Platte derosibed as follewr : 7
<br />0o mincing of the northwest corner of Lot Maio (P), !lock one (14 $onooc }d .
<br />Plan, north Platte, Nebraska, thence south along the west line 0 ..s14 Zqt a
<br />distance of Ten (10) feet, thence esst'parallel with the north line of sita
<br />• a distance of Ten (10) feet, therm. north parallel with the toot lase of said
<br />lot a distance of ten (l0) fame to the north line of .aid lot. thanes wait,
<br />l a g the north lime of said lot a distance of ten (10) test to the pl.en
<br />'s of.
<br />A parcel of land Twelve (li) test square eitdated in the eootbwet oozasrc et
<br />Lot Two (2), Block Fes (6), rlynnes addition to Portb Platte, M.brisiys, toss
<br />partioulasiy described ns followsi ooascnci g at tbi••soutlwent ,corces of, said
<br />Lot Two (3), Bloch Sex (6), tly0n•. Addition to 'North Platte, Nebraska, Wince
<br />east al the south line of said Lot a disttance of Twelve (12) feet, theiies
<br />north parallel with the west lin. of said cot 4 4iitanoe of twelve,412) fati
<br />thee= west parallel with the earth line of maid Lot, a'dietemoe.gf;> (12)
<br />teati thence south along the west liars of said Lot a distance of Tws1v. x (32)
<br />feet to the place of beginning. ' • •zs :.o •
<br />•
<br />• eti : p•.7
<br />. A, parcel of lard T0* (10) feet equate aituatsd .iI the eouthweat., cgiccr Lot
<br />Tour, (4). aleck Five (6) et Penieton'e additia.s tot th'rlatte,sliglirnlIT
<br />desasib.d as follows Cpnaanaia%g at the ioutbeeit eorner•of•.tid = ,.(4),
<br />'Slack five (5) of Peai•ton•e Addition, thence salt along the..oetli of said
<br />diatom* • diata. of Ter► (30) feet, thence north parallel with the wool: lici
<br />said Lot a distance of Ten (]0) feet; thanes west parallel with the nwutk list
<br />of said Lot a distance of Ten (10) feet to the west line of said Lott thence
<br />south along the west line of eai4 Lot a di.tsnos of Ten (10) toot to the place.
<br />of beginning. •
<br />A tract of land twelve feat • equase situated in the northwest corner of Lot Sin
<br />(6), Block One kusdr.d forty - , oa. (141), Original Town of Meth stette,
<br />uobrasha, described se follows. Coasi.noing at the northwest Cornet o! laid Lot
<br />Six (6), thanes south along the wet litre of said Lot o distance of 12 feet•
<br />thence east parallel with the north line a distance of 12 feat, tbenoa north
<br />parallel with kbo ve.t line of srid Lot a distems of 12 toot to the north line
<br />thereof, thence welt along "the north lino 68 said Let i distance of 12 test to
<br />the place of beginning.
<br />