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��14�7753 <br /> D���3 �� �'�.LJ�� <br /> --�Co��II���+�� Pa9� � <br /> Environmental Laws. Trus�or authori�es L�nder and Ets agents to enter upon the Property to make �uch <br /> inspections and tests, at Trus�or's expense, a� Lender may d�em app�opr'rat� to dete�mine complia��ce of th� <br /> Property with this section o�the Qeed o�Trust. any inspections ar tests made hy L�nder shall be f�or Lender's <br /> purposes only and shafl not be cans�rued to c�ea�e any respansib�lity or liability on the part of Lender to TruStor or <br /> to an� other person. The rep�esentations and warranties contained herein are based on Trustar's �ue diligence in <br /> investigating th� Property fior Hazar�dous Substance�. Trustor hereby (�} �eleases and wai��s any futur� claims <br /> against Lend�r for �ndemr�it� ❑r cantribution in the �vent Trustor be�omes liable for �I�anup or �th�r�osts under <br /> any such laws; and t�} agrees to ind�mnify, defend, and hal�harmless L+ender agains�any and all claims, lass2s, <br /> liabilitie�, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lend�r may directly or i�idirectly sus�ain �r suffer resulting frvm <br /> a breach vf thi� sect�on of the aeed af Trust or as a conse�uenee of any use, generation, manufacture, storage, <br /> disp�sal, �elease�r thr�atened release occurring prior fiQ Trus�or's ownership or inter�st in the Prvper#y>whether or <br /> not #�e same was or should have be�n known to Tru�tor. The prQvisions of�his section of the Deed of Trust, <br /> including the ohligation ta indemnify and defend,shaEl survive�he payrr�ent of the Ind�b#edness and the�atis�action <br /> and reconueyan�e of the lien af this De�d ot Trust and shall not be affec�ed by Lend�r's ac�quisition of an�in�erest <br /> ir�the Pro�erty,whether by foreclpsure or othe�wise. <br /> Nuisance, �'aste. Trustor �hall n�t Cau��, cvnduct or permit any nuisance nor cvr�nmit, ��ermit, �r suffer any <br /> stripping o� or waste on or to the Prvp�rty or any partion �f the Property. Withaut limiting the generality vf the <br /> �oregaing, Trust�f will not r�emo�e, or granf to any other party�he right t❑ remo�e, any timber, minerals{including <br /> oil and gas}, coal,clay,scaria, svi1, �ravel or rack products witha�at Lender's pri�r written consent. <br /> �emovai of Cmprv�e�nen�s. �'rustar shall not demvlish or remv�e any Improvements frvm�h�Real Property withvut <br /> Ler�der°s prior wri#ten Gansen#. As �cvndi#ian tv the remv�a!❑f any Impro�emen#s, Lende�rnay require Trustvr t❑ <br /> make ar�ang��men�s satisfact�ry ta Lender tv replace such Imprv�emen#s with Impro�ements of at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lgnder's ����tt�o Enter, Lender and Len�er's agents and represen�ati�es may enter upan the ReaC Pro�erty at afii <br /> reasonable times t� attend to Lender's �nterests and to inspect th� Re�l Property far purposes of Trust��'s <br /> cvmpliance w�th the terms and�onditians of this ❑eed v�Trusf. <br /> Cvmpli�nc� with Governmental R�quirements. Trustor sha[I prarnpfly cvmply wi�h all laws, �r�inan�es, and <br /> regu�afii�n�, now vr hereaft�r in effe�t, of al1 governmental au#hori�ies ap�licable to the use or �Gcupancy �f��e <br /> Prop�rt�. Trus�o�may�ontest in good fai�h any such law, vrdinance,or regulatio�and►�vithhv[d compliance during <br /> any proce�ding, includin� apprQpriate appea�s, so lang as Trust�r has noti�ied Le�der in wri#ing privr to dving so <br /> and�a long as, in Lender's svle vpinian, Lender's in�erests in#he Pr��perty are not jeop�ardized. Lend�r rpay r�qu�re <br /> Tru�tar ta post adequate security or a sure�y bvnd, rea�anably sati�factory to Lender,tv pratect Lender's interest. <br /> �uty to P�����:t. Trustor agrees neither#o abandon ❑r ieav� unattend�d th� Prvperty. Trus#or shall do all other <br /> a�ts, in addi#ion to those acts set fvrth abvve in this sec�i�n,r►vhich �From the character and use�of the P�vperty are <br /> reasonabl�y necessary tv p�vtect and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE aIV SALE-���f�ENT SY LE���ER. Lender may, at L�nd�r's�ption,declare immediat�ly due and payab��all sums <br /> secured by�his Dee�d vf Trust upon the�ale�r trans�er, with�ut Lender's privr writt�n consent, of ail ar any part vf the <br /> F�eaf Property, or any interest in the Real Prap�rty. A "s��e or transfec" means the c�nveyan�� of Rea� Proper�y or any <br /> right, title or interest in the l�eaf Property; ►►�heth�r legal, �eneficial ❑r equita��e; v��h�th�r ►�vluntary or involuntary; <br /> wMether by outright sale, d�ed, ins�allm�nt sale cantract, iand �ontrac�, �ontra�t �or deed, leasehald interest with a <br /> term greater than three (3} years, ��ase-option cantract, �r hy sale, assi�nment, �r#ran�fer of any beneficial inte�est in <br /> ❑r to any land trust holding titfe ta the Real Prvperty, �r ay any other method of conveyan�e v�an interest in tt�e F�eal <br /> Prop�rty. H�v�ever, this aptian shall not b� �xer�i��d hy L�nder if such exer�ise is prahibited �� �ederal law or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> T►4XES AND L1EN5. The fallowing pro�isions relating to the tax�� and lien� �n the Property are part ofi this D�ed of <br /> �l"rust: <br /> Paym��t. Tr�stor�ha�l pay when du��and 1n a�l e��n�s pr�vr to d�linquenc�}all taxes,special ta�xes, assessments�, <br /> cha�ge� (including water and sewer}, fin�s�nd impasitivns feuied agains#ar�n accaunt of the Prope�#y, and shal� <br /> pay uvhen due all claims for work done on ar f�r servi�e� rend�red or rnaterial furnished to the Pr�per�y. Trustar <br /> shall rrti�intain the F�roperty free of alf liens ha�ing priarity over ar equal tv�he �nteres#of Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, ex�ept fv� the lien flf taxes and assessment� not due and except �s otherwise prvvid��d in t�is De�d of <br /> Tru�t. <br /> Right to�ontest. Tru��ar rnay withhold payment af any ta�c, assessm�nt, oc ciaim in cvnnection with a govd faith <br /> dispute o�er the obligati�n ta pay, so Iong as Lender's interest in#h�Properky is nv�jeopardized. If a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a result vf nonpayment, Trus�ar shalf wi�hin fifiteen ���} �days after the lien arises or, i� a lien �s filed, <br /> with in fi�fieen �15} d�ys after Trusto� has natice af the f ling, �ecurs the discharge vf the lien, v� i� requested k�y <br /> Lender,depvsit with L��der c�ash or a sufficient corpvrate su�e#y bond�r other se�uri�y satisfa�t�ry t��.ender in ar� <br /> amvun�sufficient�v dis�harge�h� lien plus an�costs and a�vrneys'fees, or vther�ha�ges tha#�ould accru�as a <br /> result of a fflrecl���re or�a�e under the lien. In any contesf, T�ustor shali defend itsel�and Lender and sha�i sa�is�y <br /> any ad�erse judgm�nt before enfor�ement against the Prvperty. Trustor�hali name Lender as an additional obligee <br /> under any sur�ty ban�furnished�n the cflntes#proceedings. <br /> E�iden�e of Paymen�. Trustar s�all �apvn demand furnish tv Lender satis�ac�ary evidence vf payment vf the taxes <br /> or assessrn�nts and shall authorize�he appr�priate go�ernment�l vffic�ai to del�ver to Lender at any tirrie a written <br /> st�tement vf the fiaxes and assessmen#s against the P`roperty. <br /> N�ti�ce �€�onsfruc�ian. �rusfivr sha�1 n��ify Lender at least fifteen �15} day� be�are any work is cvmmenced, a�� <br /> servir,e�are furnished, or any materials are�uppiied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, rr�aterialmen's lien, ar <br /> vth�r lien �vuld be ass�rted an ac�aunt vf the wark, services, �r materials. Tcus�ar will upvn �eques#v� Lender <br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance a�surar�ces sa#isfa�tary fv Lender that Trus#ar �an and will pay the �ast ❑f �u�h <br /> impro�emenfs. <br /> PF��PEF�TY L?A�AGE ��15URAN�E. The f�lf�w�ng prvvisivns relating to insur�ng the Prvpe�ty are a par#of#I�is �e�d of <br /> Trusf. <br /> ��s�n�enance vf Insurancee �"rustar shall procure and maintain poli�ies vf fire insuran� with standard ex#ended <br /> �vverage �r�darsements on a fair v�lue basis for �he full insurabi� va�ue cvverin� all �rriprvvements an the Real <br /> �rop�rky in an am�unt sufficient to avoid applica�ion �f any �o�nsu�ance clause, and vu ith a star�dard morfgagee <br /> �la�se in fa�vr 6f L�nde�,#�gethe�with such oth�r hazard and liabiiity insurance as Lender may��easonab�y requ�re. <br /> Polici�s shall be written in form, arr��un�s, �overages and basis reasv�nabfy acceptable t� Lender and issued by a <br /> campan� or cnmpani�s re�s�na�ly a�eeptabf�to Lender. Trustor, upvn requ�st of Lender, will de�iver t� Lender <br /> frvm tim�to tim�e#he p�iicies �r��r�ifi�a#es vf insurar�ce in form satis��ct�ry#v Lender, including stipu�ations�hat <br /> c�v�rages will not be can�elled�r diminished with�u� at�east�hirty�3�}days privr wri�ten notice t❑Le�der. Each <br /> insurance policy also shall include an endorsernent provtding that coverage in f�vvr of Lender will nat be i�paired <br /> �n any way by any act, vmission or default vf Trustvr car any other persvn. Shvuld the Real Property be located �n <br /> an area designated by the Adminis�rator v�the F'ederaE Emergency 1Vlanag�ment Agency as a special�lavd ha�a�d. <br /> area, Trustar agr�es� to vbtair� and maintain Federa� Flvvd lnsurance, if a�aiiable, for the �uli unpaid prin�ipal <br /> balar�ce❑f th�loan and any priar Iiens vn�he property securing�h�l�an, up#a the maximurn policy iimits sst under <br />