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<br /> ��14�7751
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<br /> �Con.��nu�d} Pa�� �
<br /> Attorn�ys' Fee�; Ex�enses. if Le�der institut�s any suit or activn to �nforoe any ❑f the te�ms vf fhis De�d o�
<br /> Trust, Lender shafl be entitled to re�o�rer�u�h�um as the court may adju�ge reasonable as attvrneys' fees at frial
<br /> and up�n any appeal. Wh�ther ❑r not any �ourt activn is in�ol�ed, arrd to �he exten� n�t prahibi�ed �y faw�, al!
<br /> reasona��e ex�enses Lender incurs that in Lender's apinion are ne�essary at any �ime for the �rotec#ion a� its
<br /> inte�es�or the en�c�rrement af its rights shall becflme a part o�the Indebtedness payalale an demand and shall k�ear
<br /> interest at th�Note rate firom the date of the expenditure u nti l repaid. Expenses co�ered by th�s pacagraph i ncl ud�,
<br /> without limi�ation, h�we�er subje�t to �ny�imits und�r applicable[av►r, Lender's attorn�ys' fees and L�nd�r�s legal
<br /> expenses, wh�ther or nv� there i� a la►�vs�it, in�luding attvrneys' fees and expenses �vr bankruptcy p��ceedings
<br /> �includin��e�Forts tv mvdi�or�ac,a�e any automatic s�ay vr in�unct�on}, app�als, and any anticipated post judgment
<br /> col�ect�on servic�s, the cost�f�ear�h�ng r�cords, �btair�ing title reports�including fore�fosure reporks}, surveyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisa� f�s, title insurance, and fe�s for the Trustee, to the �xtenfi permitt�d �� ap�licable lauv.
<br /> Trustor also�ill pay�ny cvurt casts, in addition tv all ather sums pro�idedf by law.
<br /> Right�of Trustee. Trustee shall ha��e alE of the rights and du�ie�of Lender as se#forth in this�ectian.
<br /> P�1IVERS AND �BL��ATIC3N5[3F TRllSTEE. The tollowin� �provisivns relating to th� pov+rers and vbfigation$�f Trus#ee
<br /> are�a rt of th is Deed af Trust;
<br /> Pouvers of Trus#ee. in ad�ition tfl a�l po�rers of Trustee arising as a matter of fa►�v, Truste�shall have the p�we��a
<br /> take the follawing actions with respe�t to the Prap�rty upvn the writ#en request af Lender and Trustor: (�}join �n
<br /> preparing and filing a ma� a� plat af the Reaf Prvperty, ��cluding the dedica#ion of streets or other righ#s to the
<br /> pu�li�; tb} join in granting any easement or �reating any res�rictivn on #he Rea� Properfy; and {c} jv�n in any
<br /> subordinati�n�r other agr�emsnt affecting this D�ed a�Trust or#he interest o�Lender under this D�ed a�Trust.
<br /> Trust�e. T�ustee shall meet all qualif�atior�s required for ��uste� under applicable law. In additivn to th� rights
<br /> and reme�ies sef forth abov�, vvith respect to ail or any part ��the F�roperky, the T�ustee �hall hav� th� right to
<br /> �oreclase by notice and sa�e, and Lender will ha�e the right to forec�ose by judi��al fvreclosure, in eithEr �ase ir�
<br /> accordance with and to the€ul���ctent pro�ided by applic�ble lauv.
<br /> �uccessor Trustee. L�nder, �t Lender's option, may�ram time to time appoint a successor Truste�t� any Trustee
<br /> appointed under this C]eed �f Trust by an �nstrumen# executed and acknowledged by Lender and r�corded in #he
<br /> offic� of ths recvrder of Hall County, 5tate of Nebra�k�. The instrumer�t shail con�ain, in addit�an to all other
<br /> matters �equired hy state la►�, the names of the original Lender, Trus#ee, and T�ustor, the baok and page �or
<br /> computer sy�stem �e�erence� where th�s Deed of Trus� is r�corded, and the name and addre�s of �he su�cessor
<br /> trus�ee, and the instrument s�hall be execuTetl and acknowledged by a11 the beneficiaries under#his Deed o�Trust or
<br /> their successors in inter�s#. The succ�ssor truste�, �vithout conv�yance of the Prope�ty, shail �ucceed t� all the
<br /> titl+e, p�owe�, and duties can�erred upon#h�Trustee ir�this D�ed of Trust an� �y applicahle law. This pr�Gedure for
<br /> subs#itut�on of Trustee shall ga�em t4 the exclusion of all vther prov�isions for suhstitutivn.
<br /> NOT�CES. Any notic� required ta be gi�en �ander this Deed af Trus#, including uvi#hou� iim��ativn any notic� of de�ault
<br /> and a�y nati�e of sal�shal� be gi�en in writing, and shali be�f#ec#ive when aG�ually delivered, when actualiy rec�ived
<br /> by�elefacsimile�unl�ss otherwise required b� la�uv},when depasited with a nation���y recogni�ed v�ernight c�urier, vr, if
<br /> rnailed,wh�n deposited�n the United States mail, as first class, ce�tified or registered rnail pas#age prepaid,direc�ed ta
<br /> t�e addresses�hown near the be�ginning vf this �eed af Trust. All cvpies vt natices o�fvreclosure fr�m the hvlder vf
<br /> any fien which has privrity aver this Deed ofi Trust shall be�en#to L�nder's address, as shvwn near th� beginning of
<br /> thi� Deed �f Tru�t. Any person may �hange his or he�address far nvtices un�der#his Deed af Trust by giving �ormal
<br /> v�+rit#en na�ice �o the v�her pe�son or p�rsvns, specifyir�g that the purp�s�e vf fhe nv�ice is #o �hange the person's
<br /> add�es�. �vr natice Rurposes,Trustvr agrses#� keep Lender�inf�rmed at all times of Trus�vr`s current�ddress. Unless
<br /> v#herwis� prvv�ded ar required by law, i�there is mvre than one Trustor, any notice gi�en by L�nder t� any Trustvr is
<br /> deem�d to be notice given to all Trustvrs. it wi�l be T�rustor's respon�ibility t�tell th�vthers of the no�ice�rom Lender.
<br /> ����L►�►�:��31��Pl��ViSItJI��R The fo�lowing misceliar�eaus prvvisi�ns�r�a part af thEs Deed of Trust:
<br /> Arr�endmen�s. Wha� is vvrit�en in this �]�ed vf Trust and in the Relat�d �3ocuments is�rustor's entire agre�ment
<br /> with Lender concerning the ma#ters covered by this aeed of Trust. To b�e'ffe�tive, an}�change fl�ame�dmen##v
<br /> this Deed of Tru�t must be �n v�riting and must be sign�ed by whoever wil[ be bound ar vbliga#ed by the change vr
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Captifln Headings. �ap#ion headir�gs in t�is Deed of Tru�t are �vr con�eni�nc� purposes only and are not �o be
<br /> used to interp�ef Qr define the pro�isions o�this Deed of T�ust.
<br /> ��rger. There shall be na merger of the interest vr estate created by thi� Deed a#Trust with any�ther interest or
<br /> es#ate in the Pr�perfy at any time hel�d t�y or far the h�nefit of Lend�r in any capacity, without the writ�en �ons�nt
<br /> vf Lender.
<br /> Caverning Law. This Deed vf Trust will he governed by federal law appficable to Lender and, �a #he ext�nt nvt
<br /> preempted by federa� law,t�e Iaws�f the State af 1Ns�raska�vithvut regard ta i�s�anfli�ts of lav�►provis��ns. Thi�
<br /> ��ed vf T'rust has h�en accepted b�1 Lender in the State of Nehraska.
<br /> Joint and Sever�� Liability. A�I obliga�ions of Trustar unde�this Deed o�Trus� shal� be joint and se�eral, and alf
<br /> refer�nce� tv Trustor shall rr�an each and every Trus#ar. This means that �a�h Trustvr signing belo� is
<br /> respansible for all a��igafiions in thi�Deed of T�ust.
<br /> !Va�.�iver by Lender. Trustor understan�s Lender will no#give up any of Lender's rights under this �e�d of Trust
<br /> unless L�nder does s❑ in writing. The fact �hat Lender del�ys ar o�rrti#s tv exercise �ny� right wi�1 not mean that
<br /> Lender has given up that right. i� Lender do�s agree in v►�riting to g�v� up one �� Lender's righ�s, that daes n�t
<br /> rnean Trustvr wi�l nat ha�e ta comply v�i�h th� ather prnwisi�ns a�this Deed of Tru�t. Trustor also unders�ands
<br /> �hat if Lender d�es c�ns�nt�►o � r�quest, #hat dves no� mean that Trustor will not have to get L�nde�'s cflns�n�
<br /> again if th�situativn happ�ns again. �rustor fur�her understands�hat�ust because Lend�r consents to one vr more
<br /> af Trust�r'� �equests, that d�es nat mear+ Lender wEll be requi�ed to con�ent to any af Trustvr's fu�ure r�ques#s.
<br /> Trustvr wai►res presentment,demand far paymen#, prates�;and nvtice of dishonoro
<br /> Severabi�ity. If a�aurt fncf� that any�r��isi�n of th6s Dee�d o�Trust is not�aiid or should not k��n�or�ed, that
<br /> �a�t by itsel��il! no�mean that�he rest v�this Deed o�Trust vvill not b�e�alid vr enfc�rced. Therefore, a court will
<br /> enfvroe the re�t of#he prc��isions of this C7eecf❑f Trust e�en if a pra�ision of�his C.Je�d vf Trust may be��und tv be
<br /> in�alid or unenforcea�l�.
<br /> 5uc�essors and A�s�gnse Subject ta a�y Iimitatians stat�d i�n thi� �eed of Trus� on t�a�s�er o�Trus#or's Enterest,
<br /> this �eed o�Trust �hal1 be bindin� up�on ar�d inur� to the �enefit of th� parties, th�ir s�ccesso�s and assigns. If
<br /> ownership Qf the Property be��r�es�este� in a pers�n oth�r than `�'rustor, Lender,witho�t notice to Trustor, may
<br /> deal with Trustvr°s successor�with refier�n�e tn this Deed of Trust and the lndebtedness by�►ay of�nr�earance or
<br /> e�ct�nsion►�vithvut r�le�asing Trustor from the vbligations of�his Dee�o�Trust ar fiability under the lndebtedne�s.
<br /> Time is af#h��ss��ced T'ir�e is of fhe essence ir�the pe�formance�f�his��ed af Trust.
<br /> ��I�e Jury� A!I parties to�his[3eed o�Trust hereby vvajve th� right to an�1 jury triat in any action, proc�eding, o�
<br /> counterclaim brc��ht by any par�y��ins�any other party.
<br /> ���er v� Flvme�tead E�empti�n. Trust�r hece�y releases and wai�es all rights and benefits of the hvmes�ead
<br /> ex�mption laws of the State af Nebra�ska as to all�ndebtedness secured by#his I]eed of Trus�.
<br />